@remus said:
personally im a fan of the pencil just because its quick and more styilistic, but thats probably just because im not very good with SU.
Hi Remus,
I've been using SketchUp since V1 and I still like to grab my thick lead clutch pencil and get those initial free flowing doodles on paper before jumping into SketchUp.
I really think that the act of holding a pencil or even a stick and drawing in the sand is second nature to us! Hopefully in time computer input will move in this direction and allow us to use our hands / wrists more. This is happening with some new technologies and they look very inviting.
A Wacom tablet input could be the answer but the reaction times are just not there yet. Its annoying moving your hand at a rate that suits the tablet but I understand Wacom are to bring out much faster reacting tables in the coming year.
So we will have to wait and see, but for the time being for me also it has to be the pencil and paper for those initial doodles.