This was a tricky issue for me that i could not find full documentation on so i am sharing here. Method 1 is particular to LUMION, Method 2 applies to SketchUp. Please feel free to comment with any other suggestions/links etc.
SketchUp - Paint faces of model with materials based on their layer & "Color By Layer" import to Lumion
You have a model (ie.Revit export) that has NO MATERIALS on any faces but has objects/faces separated by layers from CAD, Revit or other program.
You need to materialize or paint faces of model with materials and want to use the layer designations to assign the materials easily.
There are 2 methods that I have verified.
Method 1: IN LUMION -- Just import the model to Lumion “as is”.
- If you do not need to have materials assigned in SketchUp and just need to assign and manipulate materials in Lumion you can:
- Prepare your SketchUp model by changing the settings in LAYER dialogue to “COLOR BY LAYER”
- Save your SketchUp file and import into Lumion as normal
- Lumion v6.0.1 and above will assign materials in Lumion based on the “COLOR BY LAYER” settings of the SketchUp model.
Method 2: IN SKETCHUP -- Use a script to Paint faces of model with materials based on their layer.
- If you need to work with materials in SketchUp, then do the following to materialize faces based on layer designation:
- Download -- layers_materials.rb -- (Script By: Didier Bur) to paint faces with layer color:
Layers Materials: - IMPORTANT! After loading script, you must first run “CREATE MATERIALS FROM LAYERS”
- Download -- layers_materials.rb -- (Script By: Didier Bur) to paint faces with layer color:
Additional Information:
LUMION forum discussion:
From PeterM -- One of these might do what you are looking for (have not tested myself):
- Create Materials from Layer Names:
- Visit [Plugin] Convert DWG Layer Names to Materials: