@chris fullmer said:
Since he's a developer of the software.
I had that figured out.
I meant, has the 8 been there before, or is it a teaser for basecamp ...
@chris fullmer said:
Since he's a developer of the software.
I had that figured out.
I meant, has the 8 been there before, or is it a teaser for basecamp ...
Hey ! Guys look at John's signature !
SU Pro 8 !!!!
since when is it so ?
Hum ... No event after 4:30. But I understand that all meals are provided. So maybe we have a diner gathering then, no ?
Anyway I would indeed like to be part of that outgoing on day 1.
Does staying at Best Western involve taxi riding to the meetings ?
I will be going too.
One of the few from Quebec province, I Guess.
This will be my first 3D-basecamp.
As for the discussion on the organization of it, some say Β« The success of an event is also due to the attendees Β».
Feedback on 1.4d.
Yes! the web dialogs show properly now.
But ...
Make crowd stops short at "Calc __ polygons".
And for Fur, units have only one choice, Imperial, Input box and web dialog. normal ?
I'm so sorry to have to report the web dialogs still do not work on Mac here. Empty.
I have other plugins that use them, and they work just fine.
@frv said:
....., I love the idea of the crowedmaker.
But under OSX it does not work, the dialog panel is empty for the crowed option.
Yep, same here. No dialog under MacOX (10.6.3)
Great stuff !
Is there a way the dialog can remember it's position on the screen?
I always expect it to reopen where I put it the previous time.
Hum .... Although the title says V1.3b
the download still says v1.3a
Hey many, many thanks man ! impressive plugin.
After all, some still think art is easier on grass
@tig said:
If you made a curve along the front edge then the ribs could be angled to match the angle-bisector to each pair of edges at a node, or square at the ends ?
I just encountered a situation where I am asked for ribs that follow the curve, staying perpendicular to it (like radial).
@chris fullmer said:
LayOut has no ruby interface, so it is not possible through ruby. The Google team would have to implement that. And yes, they could if they thought enough people wanted it!
Ha, deception !
So what to do? Build a huge list of people wanting either ruby in LO or the feature in next version.
I do think it was mentionned quite a few times in the last LO wishlist survey.
Some friends of mine keep nagging me for my LayOut advocacy. Saying Revit has automatic page and reference bubble numbering.
Could this be possible to a certain degree in LO ?
Ah... one more thing, if I may.
Could the script be activated with right-click ?
updt: I managed to get it in the Tools menu.
updt: and the contextual also.
I'm learning a bit of Ruby just by looking at .rb files
Yes Sir, works pretty well now.
Thanks a lot.
impressive, what the combination of Ruby with an expert can do, and quickly.
Hey, Thanks for the quick answer TIG.
You really know your stuff.
One small bug thought.
Upon SU launch
*%(#0000BF)[Error Loading File text2compo.rb
/Users/xxxxxx/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 7/SketchUp/Plugins/text2compo.rb:13: parse error, unexpected kIF, expecting ']'
if defn
and Ruby console
%(#0000BF)[> text2compo
Error: #<NameError: undefined local variable or method `text2compo' for #Object:0x378f9e4>
I did make sure I had everything copied, twice.
Hi all,
Is there a .rb that can substitute a component for a text?
I mean can a text, let's say "A", be replaced by a component named "A".
That would be helpfull for me.
Or even better a selection of several texts replaced by the name-equivalent components.
One could also try FFD on the grouped slices. No ?
Well, for now, the ribs are perpendicular to a straight line averaging the direction of the pane. This line angles as needed and we treat the mesh in sections. I ajust the axis along the way. We have to do a footing plate showing where to stand the constructed rib.
Following your advice in an earlier post about using JPP, I looked at it again. I realized I was not using the settings adequately. Once the settings are right, it does the job pretty well.
All that's needed now is Slicer to follow the curve of the footing slicing at angles like you mentionned.