Lumion is great option…I have tried their objects animation tools and I am afraid it is quite limited. It works for basic stuff like moving cars for example.
My favorite plugin for animating objects inside SketchUp is “SimFonIA Animation Tools”. It provides a record video option that compiles all the individual frames to a video automatically and you decide the resolution which is good. There is more than one way to animate for example you can use key frames for recording multiple component and subcomponents positions which enables you to keep layering animations one on top of the other to achieve a more complex animation easily. Also you can record vertex’s positions for animation using the Deformation option inside the key frame editor to create more organic animations. For more options you can animate using the “Transformation Processor” which has lots of options in itself.
From the video you have posted correct me if I am wrong but it seems you have “LightUp” for rendering?
If so the “LightUp” can display the first component layer animation but sadly not the subcomponents animations but I have received feedback saying they are working directly with LightUp and Twightlight to have more compatibility with the plugin, fingers crossed.
Overall the tools inside “SimFonIA Animation Tools” will enable you to animate your Bridge very easy plus you can maybe add moving water, trees, clouds, birds and so on. The best part in my opinion is that somehow the animation stays with the object so you can share it with other people or reuse it in another SketchUp project, don’t know how that is possible but it is. The learning curve took me a couple of hours to figure out that in order to activate the animation input for the key frames you had to assign a name to the animation inside the transformation processor but after that it was all good.