I just thought "why not ask here", after on the trimble forum I got smacked for asking
Just where common sense tells they would most welcome that. 
My question, maybe someone here knows? (and doesn't smack):
What is the cheapest price to nowadays have layout, any discount/coupon/voucher for those (older-than-students) who just "play around" for now with make - until one day (hopefully) setting up a business where sketchup skill would be useful?
PS (for the curious only):
I consider myself a beginner, and always will (so powerful it is), despite have played with sketchup for a decade. My %$ยทยท$" government hasn't given me my rightful correct ID and so my life is still(!) being put on hold unnecessarily, and I still cannot build the business that I've been wanting to build for years (building certain types of homes). Hence why I cannot possibly spend on commercial licences, yet, and that's the only thing that trimble sells if you are 30ys PAST student age 
How daft. Microsoft know better, ha! Even &"%$ google do. Both nurture you to be loyal. And so you are. Few understand their business concept, hence why few have their success. 
Wondering why layout? 'Cause I bought Matt's archit. package but cannot access the layout templates, not even view them, and realized the purchase was pretty pointless without following along what he explains. Strange thing is, I remember to have had layout (still have it), but since trimble took over (with their more noob business concept) you need a licence to view your own old layout files. I WANT them to earn money, no doubt, and am "happy" to pay them ALSO, just not agreeing to be considered a commercial user, since ... I am NOT. This fact alone shows how noob trimble's business concept and marketing is. 
Now you know all my history, feelings, business background, and personal opinion, LOL, what's yours? All of it, please. 
(yeah, it's "bank holiday" here, hence why I can write all this today