This sentence is not quit clear for me. What do you mean with
@alan fraser said:
Hi Lecra,
Then sample it and paint it onto a face (You need to have hidden geometry showing). Because you have sampled the image itself, not used the material browser, it will paint on in Projected mode and will probably look quite distorted...especially if you paint it onto one of the top faces which are at pretty much rt. angles to the sampled image. No worry, just r-click the face and go to Texture > Position and uncheck the Projected entry. The painted face will correct itself. Now sample that face and paint all the others right around the tyre.
Could you explain me (noobs) what you mean with 'sample'? I don't understand this technique.
Sorry to bother you Alan, but this kind of tires building is exactly that was I was searching for months!
Many thanks in advance for your support!