I mainly purchase models from 3dsky. I render mainly interiors so a lot of bedding, sofas, and the occasional rug. Other than that, I am always on the hunt for nice wood materials.
RE: Where do you get your 3D assets from?
RE: Some tips about why my render looks poor?
Much better. I don't know what vray has for white balance, but that could help. I also use an all white color for a background image and that helps.
RE: Some tips about why my render looks poor?
It doesn't have the same materials though.
RE: Some tips about why my render looks poor?
I just quickly rebuilt this. Like others were saying, you need to start with a good model, radius or chamfer the edges. I also set back the dividers a smidge. That helps make things look more realistic. Keep your materials going the right way. I brought it closer to the ground and used an infinte plane with shadow catcher. I am using Thea by the way. I used a basic studio hdri and pressed play.
Updated website
Hey all, I finally got around to updating the imagery on my website. It had been over 4 yrs! Of course everything is modeled in Sketch Up and rendered with Thea! Feel free to check it out. C & C always welcome. http://www.breaultdesignstudio.com
RE: Components Library
I use dropbox to keep all my pcs with the same files.
RE: [Plugin] ClothWorks v1.8.0 - 28 Apr 2024
Looking forward to trying this out! Too much work going on for awhile is going to put a damper on this. Where's the examples of comforters?
Titan Z
I see that Titan z cards are now 1500. Seems like too good of a deal. Any thoughts on why they are trying to blow these out?
RE: MasteRBedroom
Looks great! Wrong furniture grain directions always standout to me. The material for the frame on the coffee table should be rotated 90. I guess if it was veneer it wouldn't matter.
RE: Interior Bedroom shots
@thegreek87 said:
Very nice render, Thea seems to be giving people some nice results. Think I may have to give it a try at some point.
Thea is great! GPU rendering has really made my work so much easier and most importantly more profitable.
RE: Interior Bedroom shots
Thanks for the kind words. Cotty, the rug is a model I found in the Thea forums. I am pretty sure it was a bath mat and I just copied and rotated/flipped a bunch of them and stuck them together. I just stuck them on a separate layer and rendered that region and added it post pro. I did model the bed, but it is clients design.
Interior Bedroom shots
Here are a couple of interior shots I completed recently. Rendered with Thea presto mc. Original size 3300 x 2550
RE: [Plugin] FloorGenerator ( Updated 6-Apr-2017)
Thank you very much! I can't wait to give this a go!
RE: 360 VR questions
I am also using pano2vr. Works great.
RE: Thea Presto mc Bedroom
I got the models for the rug and mattress at : http://www.sketchuptexture.com/
RE: Thea Presto mc Bedroom
Thanks everyone for the kind words. Dazza, the lighting is just a bunch of ies downlights and a hemispherical "studio" ibl.
Thea Presto mc Bedroom
Here is a bedroom scene I just finished for a local furniture manufacturer. This was the first chance I have had to really test out the presto engine in a setting, since most of the work I do is strictly hdri lit product shots. Everything worked great! Rendered at 3300 x 1980 using Presto mc for 1h20min with a gtx680 4gig card. C & C always welcome.