Ma Γ¨ in Italia???
Ben fatto, secondo me è meglio così che non "renderizzato".
Ma Γ¨ in Italia???
Ben fatto, secondo me è meglio così che non "renderizzato".
@remus said:
In blender: file->import->collada (.dae)
after i select import-collada 1.4, it says: "cannot find folder: please set path in file "".
so i don't know how to select the file...
@remus said:
You can do it in SU, if yu have th pro version. Just go file->export->3ds
If you havent got the pro version, i dont mind converting it for you (if the file isnt too big etc.), just PM me.
If your looking for something more long term i you can export your model as a google earth 4 file from SU, rename it to .zip and open it up to find a .dae file (in the models folder.) You can then open this up in blender (its free) and save it in a huge variety of formats, including 3ds.
remus, i'm trying to use this method, but blender doesn't open the dae file.
@rsw said:
And another...
[attachment=0:2yma9pga]<!-- ia0 -->car3small.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:2yma9pga]
Getting the hang of these now... Think thats all for today though!
this one rocks!
@kwistenbiebel said:
Looking good there Coen.
You seem to have good control on the render app (don't know which)you use.
Have you considered having a plain white background (just like you have now) but with the addition of some soft shadows on a white ground surface?
It would give some context to your vessile and will bring it more to life.
do you mean like this?
@unknownuser said:
Nice to see you contributing again in the Gallery in between maintaining SCF. Good stuff.
i agree with frederik, this one really looks like it could be actually build. and it would be a stunning building?
as orgelf said, maybe it should be bigger. i suggest that you add some more storeys.
they help at keeping the model size small.
i like that train! i suggest that you delete the line between the two halves.
my town need twenty meters to be a seaside resort, but 14 is good enough...
@coen said:
Today, Monday June 30th, is the last day before the nationwide smoking ban in public places.
we have this thing in italy yet. here smoking in public places was banned more than 3 yeras ago, the only good thing berlusconi did.
That car must have travelled a long way
Very nice indeed!
@cerevellum said:
Sweet, he has produced some very nice models! I've wondered what Pecs means? It looks similar to the Czech word 'pec' which means oven or furnace.
it's the name of the city.
did i do something wrong?
@frederik said:
Slightly different from how I project textures, but a very neat way of doing it...
and how do you porject them?
also, is it possible to make such stunning bump maps in KT, like the second image kwist posted?
Thanks a lot! very useful indeed!
wow! i wish i was as good as you!
the file size of your armoured car is huge! you should use components!
really good renders!
for some reason i cannot open the last one...