@unknownuser said:
Do you know if exporting a project also includes your own uploades SVG icons?
( btw don't know if it's off topic since the discussion is regarding glyphs )
Yes that's the whole reason I use it. In spite of the pros and cons of Icon-fonts I found this to be best solution for me since having many Icons that need to be updated irregulary.
Updating PNG-sprites is a pain in the a$ in the longrun..
Project is contained in a JSON file that you upload that will contain Icon-information with current unicodes and woff's, oet's etc. Then from there you save a new file.
These files have to be reloaded in your Project after an update off course.
I can't remember if there where any updates that had to be made in the CSS afterwards. Not many anyway..
It's been a while since I delt with this, but I can give you an idea of the workflow, if you want to try it out. And in that case can find further information at the Icomoon site.
Anyway here goes:
Well first off you have to create the art in Illustrator (or incscape whatever)
And save as SVG.
I further compress the SVG with:
Gives reductions between 20-60 %
Then upload the Icon to the Project and make adjustements in the Icomoon ap. (move, scale)
It takes some experimentation because Icons can get blurry if borders fall in an inbetween pixel value.
So in Illustrator i set up a grid with the actual target destination size (for ex 24px) and try to keep artwork snapped to those pixels, even if we are dealing with vector-art!
When Everything is setup. I can use the Icon as classes or as a inline data-Icon.
The data-Icon setup is not te be found on the Icomonsite if I remember correctly.
But if youre interested in it you can PM me.
The fontstyle can also be used inside textareas with normal text and icons.
The backside of this of course is that the icons are unicolored. There are some tricks to use multicolored font Icons, but I wouldent use them, because the contain to much information and can get blurry when resized because they use a hatching trick..
If you are just going to use a few Icons, then it hard to beat plain png-sprites and classes.