@box said:
If you mean the one by Fredo6, download the latest version and it will work.
All Fredo's plugins work with 2015
That's the one.
@box said:
If you mean the one by Fredo6, download the latest version and it will work.
All Fredo's plugins work with 2015
That's the one.
@box said:
You need to be more specific, 'The Bezier Plugin' could be one of several.
The standard bezier curves certainly works.
It's the "BEZIER AND SPLINE CURVES: bezierspline.rb v1.2". I downloaded it into SU 2014 Make but the info sheet doesn't say it will work on SU 2015 Make.
I just downloaded SU 2015 and wanted to add the Bezier plug-in but the plug-in says it only goes to SU 2014. Does anyone know if it will work on SU 2015?
I did and then I made it a group and put the group on the base layer.
Once again, thank you gentlemen. I'm a Turbo CAD convert and layers is one of the differences I need to become familiar with. I made the base a component and the problem disappeared.
I get an error message when I try to create an object on layer 0 with no other layers visible.
I have purged Layers and clicked on show hidden geometry in the View menu.
The message reads "your recent operation has caused visible geometry to merge with existing geometry on a HIDDEN LAYER"
I have deleted some layers. Could that cause the problem?
My first question is: How do you "Hide" a layer. I know we can make a layer visible but that's not the same as hiding.
Secondly: How so I UNHIDE a layer?
I'm attaching the file:
Thank you so much. I've been fighting this thing for 2 days. Should have asked for help sooner.
This is an example of what I'm trying to do. I want to put a circle at the intersection of the guide lines.