No "function" is very serious about this.
But we are getting off topic here. Any news about SU 2019 yet?
No "function" is very serious about this.
But we are getting off topic here. Any news about SU 2019 yet?
Starting to get a little-bit nervous now. Any news about SU 2019 yet?
Should I renew my maintenance plan, just in order to continue with the same SU 2018?
Although it is not their money maker number 1, I think Trimble is making more bucks with SU nowadays than ever. Why did they stop renovating their product on a regular basis (i.e. every November). What´s the problem here?
I'm currently running SU 2015. Hopely when I upgrade to SU 2018, this problem will be something of the past.
@unknownuser said:
You don't see Styles as well?

I think that's the problem then:
When I click on the button that is displaying the little house, then the pull down menu only shows me the option: "In Model Styles".
When I am in layout and want to change the style within the "Sketchup Model" dialog. It only allows me to change "in model styles"
Is it possible to add styles that are not in the model?
@unknownuser said:
That would have taken us a long time to guess.
Yeah, I think so too .
However TIG put me on the right track somehow.
Thank you all for your help and being such a fine community!
I solved the issue.
I had the keyboard language set to "U.S. International - PC".
Changed it to "U.S.".... and that did the trick!
Thanks everybody!
Yes, sure. I followed your link and switched them off.
I can type 'cat' and "cat" with the text tool. No problem.
Thanks, good try!
I turned of 'smart-quotes', didn't solve the issue however...
Garry: I'm on a mac with version 2015 (the profile information must be outdated).
I start the line click where the line is to start and move the mouse in the direction that I want the line. Then I type 8', but in the corner I see only 8, without the 'sign. There is no way I can introduce the ' or ".
Thanks for helping me Jean.
I might not have expressed myself too well before. The problem is that while drawing the line I'm unable to introduce the ' or the " into the box at the right below the screen.
While drawing the line, I can introduce 102 for example. That will draw a line of 8'an 6".
If I want to introduce 8' 6", directly, during the drawing of the line, I can't, because I'm unable to tick 'or " into thecornerbox.
I first have to draw the line, press escape and fill in 8' 6" in the corner box afterwards.
Until now, I used SU with metric units.
However I have to draw something with feet and inches now.
However, while drawing a line, SU let me introduce the number, but not the feet ( ') or inches ( ") symbol.
I can only introduce these symbols, AFTER drawing the line.
Is this normal behaviour?