Hi folks.
Measuring from the center of a line to where ?
Measuring or dimensionning ?
Can you be more precise or post a model with some identification of the points you want to measure ?
See attached SU file for ideas.
Hi folks.
Measuring from the center of a line to where ?
Measuring or dimensionning ?
Can you be more precise or post a model with some identification of the points you want to measure ?
See attached SU file for ideas.
Hi folks.
Right click on a line and choose "Divide" in the contextual menu. You can control the number of divisions interactively by looking at the red dots that will appear on the line and the number of divisions that will appear in the VCB. Of course, you can override all that by ttyping the required number in the VCB and validate it by pressing ENTER or RETURN.
For a face, extrude to full heigth. Then, select one end face and Copy/Move it to the other end. Then, immediately type /X in the VCB where X is the number of intervals that you want between the faces. For example, typing 4 will yield 4 intervals and you will end up with the two end faces and three faces equaly spread in between.
Just ideas.
Hi Susan, hi folks.
SU 6 Pro Version 6.0.1099 for PC.
See the attached JPG files.
Just ideas.
Hi Andrew, hi folks.
If you have enabled Extensions with Menu Window --> Preferences --> Extensions (select all of them), you can simply right click on a circle or arc or polygon and then choose the last choice in the contextual menu that will appear "Point at center". In this case, there is no need to select the circle or arc or polygon prior to the right click.
Just ideas.
La plupart, sinon tous, les composants du type mobilier fournis avec SketchUp (SU) ont cette particularité de se coller au plancher ou au sol. Par conséquent, tout déplacement ne pourra se faire que sur le plan horizontal.
Si, par hasard, tu voulais les déplacer verticalement sur un autre plancher, tu n'a qu'à faire un clic droit et à choisir Unglue (en Anglais) ou Détacher (en Français).
Prend soin de cliquer sur l'extrémité qui touche le sol (bas d'une patte, par exemple) pour attraper un composant et place le sur le plancher requis. Une fois positionné verticalement, tu peux ensuite le déplacer selon les axes vert puis rouge ou vice versa pour le positionner horizontalement.
Jean Lemire
Richelieu, Québec, Canada.
Hi folks.
Since you already know that the foundation is slanted along the north/south direction or green axis, you can simply rotate it around the red axis untill any north/south edge becomes aligned with the green axis. This is valid if the foundation has been rotated as a whole. If it has been distorted by moving part of it downward, read the procedure 2 further down.
I would try the following Procedure 1, assuming that the rear of the building is lower than the front:
1 - Select all of it.
2 - Select the Rotate Tool
3 - Press the left mouse button (LMB) on any endpoint in the front of the building. Dont release the button.
4 - While the LMB is still depressed, slide the cursor along the front edge. The rotation protractor shall turn red indicating that you have selected the red axis as the axis of rotation.
5 - Release the LMB while the protractor is red.
6 - Click the LMB on any point on one side or the back of the foundation to grab it.
7 - Bring back the cursor on the protractor graduations and try to keep the cursor near the horizontal. You shall get a snap and a pop-up stating "on green axis".
8 - Click the LMB again to set the foundation. It shall now be horizontal.
Procedure 2 if the foundation has been distorted.
1 - Select the whole back face.
2 - Select the Move Tool.
3 - Grab the selected back face by one of the top corner.
4 - Move it up untill you get a snap with the equivalent top corner of the front face with a pop-up stating "Constrained on line from point". This indicates that the two corners are now level.
However, if you have distorted only one corner or also moved horizontally as well as vertically, you will need more steps to realign the foundation. It is doable but without a model it is difficult to help you more precisely.
If the model is too large, try to copy only the problematic part in a new SU file and post it here if possible. Purge the file before saving to get rid of as many textures and layers as possible. Better yet, strip the new SU file (containing only the foundation) of all textures and layers to make it as small as possible.
Just ideas.
Hi folks.
Te resize components like doors and windows, for example, you may need to use the Move Tool to avoid changing the frame size while changing the door or window size.
Just ideas.
Hi folks.
See attached SU file for ideas.
Note that this model is not drawn to any specific measurement but is given solely as an example.
Hi folks.
Dont forget that to edges, you must be able to select them. To be able to select them, you must be able to see them. To see them, make construction geometry visible with Menu View --> Hidden Geometry.
It is now possible to soften or unsoften all or selected edges.
After that, hide the geometry again to see the result.
Just ideas.
Hi folks.
Dont forget that one of SU strength is the possibility of orbiting, zooming, panning, changing scene while in the middle of an operation like drawing, scaling, moving, rotating, etc.
Try the following:
1 - With the standard Iso view, start a rectangle
by clicking to set the first corner.
The rectangle will have a tendency to be drawn
on the horizontal plane (red-green axis).
2 - While still in the drawing process, orbit so
the red-blue plane is mostly facing you.
3 - Complete the rectangle. You will see that it
is now drawn on the vertical red-blue plane.
Just ideas.
Hi Brad, hi folks.
To create a cylinder with the axis aligned to the red axis or the green axis, orbit untill the required axis is mostly facing you. The Circle Tool will align correctly. After drawing the circle, you just pull or push as usual to create the cylinder.
Another trick is where to place the small circle that shows after you select the Circle Tool. Try this in Iso view:
Select the Circle Tool.
Hover the cursor in the lower half of the model window. The circle will be blue, indicating that it want to be drawn horizontally on the red-green plane with its asix parallel to the blue axis, hence the circle color.
Hover the cursor near the top of the window. You will see that the circle will becomes green if you are to the right of the blue axis and will be red if you are to the left of the blue axis. These colors indicates that the circle wants to be drawn vertically on either one of the two vertical planes defined by the blue-red axis or the blue-green axis.
When the circle as assumed the color of your choice, press and hold the SHIFT key to lock the orientation of the circle and move down to whatever spot you want (the origin included) and start the circle. Once started, let go of the SHIFT key and complete the circle.
This trick also works with the Polygon Tool.
The trick even works with the Rectangle Tool but you cannot lock the orientation with the SHIFT key. Also, if some other geometry is nearby, the rectangle will tend to be drawn horizontally even if you are on top of the window. In this case, do not fight with SU. Simply orbit to present the proper plane to you and draw the rectangle.
And, most important of all tricks, you can orbit, pan, zoom, change rendering mode, change scenes, even in the middle of a drawing operation.
Experiment with this and you will begin to appreciate the real power and flexilbility of SU.
Just ideas.
Jean (Johnny) Lemire from Richelieu, Quebec, Canada.
I folks.
I use click-move-click nearly all the time for the same reasons that have been written by others (ability to pan, zoom, orbit, change scene, change rendering mode, etc, during the move).
Dont forget that you can also use press-drag-release even if the other method is enabled.
Just ideas.
Hi folks.
Keep in mind that 2x4 are actually 1 1/2" x 3 1/2" (at least here in Canada). The total wall thickness will be 4 1/2" if I add two 1/2" drywalls.
Just ideas.
Hi Eric, hi folks.
To load the attached file, simply click on the highlited file name
Sloped roof on elliptical building.skp
that is imbedded in my post.
Just ideas.