As mentioned by others, this really is an incredibly well thought out/well executed/all inclusive/well documented script. Thank you for your superb effort, Fredo
Curved Offset.
Yes, I was hoping there would be a way to use a combination of the existing JPP options to trick it into producing a "multi-facet"-offset.
There is a small typo. There is a right-parenthesis following "Thickening" in the Create Border Faces drop-down list.
"The editor makes full usage of the Sketchup inference mechanism so that you can
visually adjust the distance by reference to a particular point in your model, as in most
Sketchup tools. However, when you drag, you may want to skip some inferences. For
this, just keep the SHIFT key pressed down, while dragging faces."
For me, keeping the SHIFT key depressed doesn't appear to do anything. The black triangle at the cursor seems to be inferencing to other geometry. Perhaps I am misinterpreting its usage?