hmm my bad!
That's why I do call Sketchup a incompetent & incomplete software, which lacks basic functions like locking toolbars, workspace, tools and many more.
hmm my bad!
That's why I do call Sketchup a incompetent & incomplete software, which lacks basic functions like locking toolbars, workspace, tools and many more.
okay! Thanks..
But what about command alias editor?
Did you understood what I'm trying to convey?
I'm looking for real hot keys like Autocad where I've complete freedom to create my own command against SU restriction which insist using multiple keys like Ctrl/+Alt/+Shift with with allowed only one letter.
I want to use only alphabeticalmultiple letters instead of ctrl+alt+shift..
AutoCad /3DS Max vs Sketchup Vs Blender.
While Googling substitute for the Substance Designer, I came across Blender 2.8, an open source program.
I downloaded the file, size approx 150MB (one of the most light weight program). Installation was easy with single file, and on my i3 machine, it booted up just in 13-20 seconds as compare to Sketchup & Autocad's almost 1 minute!!!
It's user interface is is quite clean (unlike SU) & interesting as all the tools are invisible as well as easily accessible through its pull-down menus; along with hints of shortcuts for the tools! And amazing thing is its sexy Gizmo; I fell in love with it instantly; (as maintaining axis in SU is like riding bicycle on the hill. (Here i would like to thank Thomas for his SU-TT_axis plug-in).
The best of Blender 2.8 is that it has everything, from modeling, sculpting, UV mapping, to animation tools that means a complete bundle.
Though I'm not sure but this software seems amalgamation of Photoshop, Substance Designer (never used), SU.
I'd like to point it out that Autocad & 3DS Max are really tough to learn but once you are in flow, they become very easy to use as they are very competent and complete software and I never ever looked beyond its menu for any plugins except V-Ray.
And SU- it is very easy to learn because of push-pull and toggle measurement; but once you have leavened it, you realise its incompetence. The whole software is dependent upon third party plug-ins!! Trimble could have bought in plug-ins or plug-in writers.
I don't think Trimble is interested in developing or innovating any tool for SU as it has not done anything yet even after collaborating & gaining insight of great organic architect Frank O'Gehry's in-house 3d modeling software company. So it seems Trimble's only moto is to collect all the copyright innovations just like Microsoft did with Motorola.
So does the blender fits for architecture, interior, modeling with proper measurement system? Those who used it, can let me know what flaws, pros & cons does it still carry? And what possibilities has it for architecture & interior?
No, I downloaded the latest version of TT_Lib form Sketchucation (not from Extension Warehouse). I always download plugins from Sketchucation instead of warehouse.
but tried to install the .RBZ file
By cleaning/deleting all its files from C:App data/user...
I installed it by in built extension manager of SU. immediately it message appeared "failed to install"
I tried multiple times by deleting all the files.
I tried by putting it in plug-in folder itself.
I unzip it in plugin folder.
but none worked.
Sketchucation doesn't have any facility to edit post or reply to correct it??!!
anyway! Sorry for typos...
as far as..
SU insist (not visit)
Thanx for your reply bulbs far as I do know, SU shortcut doesn't allow more than one letter.
like as I said if I want RR or LL I can't have it. Instead SU visit to use CTRL/ALT/SHift +L and Thayer is the loss of overall motorized of having shortcut.
SU has by default toolbars; it automatically install with SU installation and appears on desktop. You can turn it on/off by VIEW Menu Toolbar (is on the top of your SU window besde File-Edit-View).
When you press View> Toolbar, the toolbar dialogue box would open up. here you can turn on or off any toolbar like classifier, edit, sandbox, dynamic components etc and can create your own toolbar too (Nicolas Bar).
rest I already have explained.
I already have done that multiple times spending 2 hours deleting scattered files (if any); downloading latest plugin (mentioned) and reinstalling it.
result is the same.
earlier version didn't have that issue.
Que:-What's the purpose of having keyboard shortcuts?
Ans: You don't Have to have wrist achieve by using mouse or finger achieve by using keys.
Philosophy: In shortcuts, you need to use only one or max 2 fingers, not the 4 fingers and 2 hands.
I am an AutoCad guy and very much used to my own keyboard Shortcuts like-
L for line, LL-Polyline, LLL-Spline.
M for Move, MM-Mirror, MMM-Multiline Text.
R for Rotate, RR-Regerate, RRR-Render,
But in SU shortcuts, you use Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Key thus whole purpose of shortcut is completely lost and thatis the biggest reason you see everybody's screen full of icons (obviously bothered by resetting other again & again).
So any Ruby Guru has any plan for SU command Alias plugin?
SU 2017.
Yes! I did installed SU by Right Click Context Menu (As Admin).
No! I downloaded plugins from Sketchucation (on my cell phone data) and installed offline as I don't have Wi-Fi or data plan png my PC.
Thanks Dave