Sounds very much like a file/folder permissions problem...
I know you earlier posts suggested that you installed SketchUp 'properly', but can we try doing all of the following steps, for the avoidance of doubt...
Login to Windows using your normal Windows user-account.
I doesn't matter if that user has some admin-powers, or not.
Do not login as a separate 'administrator' account.
Ensure that SketchUp [and Layout] are closed.
Find the SketchUp installer's exe file - probably in your Downloads folder ?
Select its icon, right-click > context-menu > "Run as administrator"
When prompted choose "Repair".
Never run an installer's exe file by double-clicking it to 'Run' it - even if your user has some admin-powers it is NOT the same as doing it properly... doing it wrong causes unpredictable, and often weird, file and folder permission issues...
Also check that the SketchUp.exe file in the Program Files subfolder does NOT have its Properties > Compatibility reset to "always run as administrator" - this can cause other issues
When it completes open SketchUp and try installing the required RBZs using the Extension-Manager > Install Extension red button...
Restart SketchUp after the installation to ensure any Libs etc get properly synced...
Any better
If it's still not working, then you could try these two things in turn...
Open the Window > Ruby Console
Use the menu items Extensions > SketchUcation > SketchUcation Archive Installer
Navigate to and choose the RBZ file already downloaded onto your PC, it should then install...
Any error messages in the Console ?
Restart SketchUp to see what happens...
Open the Window > Ruby Console
Use the menu items Extensions > SketchUcation > Extension Store OR the first red-button on the SketchUcation Toolbar [ExtensionStore³]
Ensure that the dialog width is sufficient to see all of the buttons on the right-side
Find the required extension, then choose the red-button to 'auto install' it.
Any error messages in the Console ?
Restart SketchUp to see what happens...