Ah, and I have not even told you guys about talking to Rich and Mike. They are hilarious!
Posts made by Gaieus
RE: Re: Some Funny Pics.
RE: Re: Some Funny Pics.
In 1992, I finished a course (translator and interpreter - English-Hungarian). During the course, we were "tortured" by the extreme people of different dialects; among them was a NZ (otherwise geologist) guy. I still know what subduction zones are for instance.
I still remember when he was saying "the wither is gitting bitter and bitter" (in Spring)
I can remember however that I (as a Hungarian) was "translating" between a guy from Northern England (around Manchaster) and another one from Arkansas, US. After a couple of drinks, they simply did not understand each other.
RE: SketchUp 2013
HĂĄt, az Ășj ikonok ĂzlĂ©s kĂ©rdĂ©se - nekem sem nagyon tetszettek eleinte, de mostanra mĂĄr megszoktam.
A vonalak mind vastagok vagy csak a "profil"? Ezt tudod ĂĄllĂtani a stĂlusokban (vagy akĂĄr teljesen ki is kapcsolni).
A kettĆs soron a vĂzszintes ikonokat Ă©rted?
RE: BĂștor. Asztalos. Faipar
@trikaa2000 said:
hogyan tudok passvordot vålltoztatni a belépéshez, rég nem voltam bent és a rendszertöl kértem frisitést, kiszeretném cserélni, lehet?
Itt tudsz cserĂ©lni (a lĂĄblĂ©cben az "Account settings" link egyenesen idevisz - lehet, hogy elĆb Ășjra be kell jelentkezned):
http://sketchucation.com/account-settings -
RE: SegĂtsĂ©g kĂ©rĂ©s...
Olyant, ami a teljes hengerre körĂŒlgörbĂti, nem. MĂ©g a shape bender sem, de igazĂĄbĂłl az lenne a legjobb erre az esetre. Csak megfelelĆen kell mĂ©retezni a hengert (vagy amit rĂĄvetĂtesz) szerintem.
RE: SegĂtsĂ©g kĂ©rĂ©s...
@zoltĂĄn said:
MĂ©g annyit kĂ©rdeznĂ©k. Nem lehetne tolmĂĄcsolni a fejleztĆk felĂ© azt az igĂ©nyt, hogy tized milimĂ©ter lĂ©ptĂ©kben is lehessen dolgozni a programmal?
HĂĄt lehet - csak ugye a "korlĂĄtok" (vagyis tĂșl kicsi vagy tĂșl nagy mĂ©retben a SU mindenfĂ©le hibĂĄkat mƱvel).
RE: SegĂtsĂ©g kĂ©rĂ©s...
Itt van egy rakĂĄs plugin: http://rhin.crai.archi.fr/rld/plugins_list_az.php
Keress rĂĄ a "grid" szĂłra.VĂ©gsĆ soron a sandbox-szal te is tudnĂĄl ilyet csinĂĄlni. Viszont azt javaslom, hogy nagyobb lĂ©ptĂ©kben dolgozz (pl. ĂĄllĂtsd cm-re vagy akĂĄr m-re a templĂĄtodat, de dolgozz Ășgy, mintha mm-ben dolgoznĂĄl) Ă©s a vĂ©gĂ©n kicsinyĂtsd le az egĂ©sz modellt. A SketchUpnak komoly gondjai vannak ilyen kis lĂ©ptĂ©kekkel (Ă©s a nagyokkal is)
RE: SketchUp designs for the web
That's been around for a while - but like with anything else, I guess it will be slow to introduce until each (at least major) browser will have full support.
RE: Sketchucation News
You are right - I also often try to check when a certain result I am looking for on the net was released. Here article types (news, tutorials etc.) can have global settings what data to show. It seems date is turned off globally (although it can always be individually set for each article to show or hide).
RE: SketchUp designs for the web
@krisidious said:
...Next you'll want to check you materials and make sure they are nice and optimized, even going so far as to use photoshop to optimize the images for web use...
I came across this app, "JPEGmini" the other day. Like what I can see so far.
RE: SketchUp designs for the web
Hi Aristos,
I am not sure what you are up to exactly. Do you mean you wish to have a picture on the website and by hovering over the picture, you can have "hot spots" and clickable areas?
RE: Google+ Authorship
Yes, interesting but then imagine a scenario when we allow html in signatures and some folks use it for authorship (while others do not care) and with a single comment like "hi, nice render" a person could gain authorship over a topic where another one posted lots of nice images above.