Just uploaded a new version, fingers crossed...
RE: Introducing Viz - parametric modeling for SketchUp
Introducing Viz - parametric modeling for SketchUp
We just released an early beta of Viz, our parametric modeling extension for SketchUp.
If you want to give it a try, you can download it here.
Please keep in mind it's an early beta, it might have bugs, and it supports only SketchUp 2013/2014/2015/2016 on Windows.
Any suggestion or feedback is welcomed.
RE: SketchFX visualization extension released
Pixero, yes you can run an animation with most of the effects on. Only the following operations are incompatible with animation: "Image from scene", "Image from scene transition" and "Style". The reason is that the first two manipulate the animation in order to get the effect. The "Style" effect could be updated to support animation.
RE: SketchFX visualization extension released
Thanks for the interest in our plugin.
Pixero: Lite version has some missing effects compared to Pro version (bloom, depth of field, fog and scene transition). We made it clearer on our website
JQL: at the moment what you can do is render separately with 3rd party softwares, save an image and use it inside SketchFX
SketchFX visualization extension released
We just released SketchFX visualization extension, you can try it out here.
SketchFX makes it possible to combine different SketchUp styles and scenes, filtering, and a variety of image based effects in one click. What was a time consuming task done in Photoshop can be scripted directly inside SketchUp.
Filters and effects include: Bloom, Water Color, Motion Blur, Depth of Field, and many others.
Slapi C SDK for 2015
I'm trying to find the SLAPI C SDK for SketchUp 2015 Mac/Windows. On the SketchUp website only the 2016 is available. Is there any mirror for the previous versions?
RE: AmbientOcclusion for SketchUp released
We were experiencing some server issues, it should be working now.
http://www.ambientocclusion-sketchup.com -
RE: AmbientOcclusion for SketchUp released
We just released a new version of AmbientOcclusion, you can get it here.
In this new version:
- Added support for SketchUp 2016
- Speed improvements and bug fixes
RE: Ambient occlusion
There is a new version of AmbientOcclusion that solves issue: http://www.ambientocclusion-sketchup.com
Using wxWidgets in extensions
We are using wxWidgets inside our extension called AmbientOcclusion (on Mac OS X). Every time we load our extension, Thea Render becomes unstable and crashes. It seems that Thea Render uses wxWidgets as well, and that the two extensions are conflicting because of it. Also, doesn't matter that we are linking statically or dynamically to wxWidgets, the problem persists.
Has anybody experienced a similar issue?
RE: AmbientOcclusion for SketchUp released
We just released AmbientOcclusion 1.5.4, you can get it here.
This version solves a lot of issues, in particular:
- Layer visibility
- Slowdowns
- Imprecise camera placement when rendering big models
- Group closing when changing view
RE: AmbientOcclusion for SketchUp released
We just released AmbientOcclusion 1.5.0, you can get it here.
In this version:- Added hard shadows
- Added opacity control for xray effect
Xrefs in SketchUp
We were thinking about developing an plugin that allows to reference external SketchUp files, but I would like to gather some feedback before spending time on it. Would that be something useful?
Here is the rough idea:
- You select the external SketchUp file to reference
- A SketchUp entity is created representing the preview of the external file in the form of a billboard or a bounding box
- You can then treat it as any regular SketchUp entity and for example, duplicate it around your scene
- To visualize the full resolution of your Xrefs, you click on the Xref tool
The main limitation is that you will see your Xrefs at full resolution only when the tool is selected. I'm not sure if that represents a big issue.
RE: AmbientOcclusion for SketchUp released
We just released a new version of AmbientOcclusion, adding support for SketchUp 2015 for Mac and fixing some bugs. You can get it here.
RE: AmbientOcclusion for SketchUp released
We just did a new release, fixing the Bugsplat that some users were experiencing. You can get it here
RE: AmbientOcclusion for SketchUp released
Thanks for pointing that out, we'll look into it for the upcoming release
RE: AmbientOcclusion for SketchUp released
The blur is a ray-traced depth of field done directly by the plugin (in the pro version)
RE: AmbientOcclusion for SketchUp released
Yes, unfortunately the SketchUp api doesn't allow to render directly into the standard viewport
RE: AmbientOcclusion for SketchUp released
Calling it a renderer would be a little too much... It does just one thing, real-time ambient occlusion in one click. No materials or lighting to tweak. It's just a simple tool for people that need a nice and quick visualization without having to learn (and spend for) a full rendering software.