RE: Steampunk arcade machine
I love it, Solo! (although I'd have to agree about the vent)
RE: Mech Fish [Video] - UPDATED AGAIN!
Whoa! Got the caustics moving, eh?
Excellent work, Eric!
Indeed character animation and SU were not really "meant to be together." -
RE: Gothic Cathedral completed
@unknownuser said:
Is it the thin glass that gets so much more light into the building or is it the Gamma?
I almost always adjust Exposure/Gamma on interior images. (or exteriors for that matter) It's as natural as a normal camera adjusting exposure when inside a building.
In this case, I did some post-pro only to get the lights and darks looking how I wanted them. I have no idea how successful it is (with the image of the choir looking up) on your screen, or anyone's screen for that matter. I'm sure it looks completely different on every screen.
I only know it looks "good" to me on mine.
If you are interested, here's something about how to calibrate your monitor or screen. See also the basics of screen calibration here.
RE: Gothic Cathedral completed
Thanks for sharing the model, Klog,
A couple quick renders with Twilight Render.
The old cathedrals always felt to me to have high contrast dark and light areas something like this.
RE: 3d image maker-3d film maker
I doubt freeware exists to do 3D rendered animations. But then, I've never looked.
What I understand that you would need is:
- Render the 2 cameras of your animation with a 3D rendering engine (or I guess you could, as you say, use the software you mentioned above to convert the stereo pair of images into a 3D anaglyph image... seems like a lot of work.)
- a video editor that can piece the 2 cameras together into a single 3D video.
Kerkythea Website and Forum Upgrade and Kerkythea BOOST
Kerkythea is currently working on some critical updating/upgrading of their website and forum.
If you are finding difficulty accessing those sites, you may need to perhaps wait a day or two, or at least be sure you are using the new URL for the forum.
The Kerkythea forum now has a new URL location!
You can find the Kerkythea Forum here.
http://www.kerkythea.net/forum/index.phpMeanwhile, PC users can check out the public beta for Kerkythea Boost - latest release of Kerkythea with 33% faster rendering.
RE: Echo Boost ?
The wait is over - try the first public RC of KT Echo Boost here. Currently only 64bit Windows available.
RE: [Plugin] Sketchup Ivy
Thanks for sharing this plugin.
I have been waiting a while to see someone implement the ivy generator with SketchUp.
Is it supposed to work well with any units? If my units are inches, it seems to work ok. But if they are meters, not so much. -
RE: [Plugin] Compo Spray 1.4.2 Updated
Thanks for the update - looking forward to trying it out.
one tiny thing...
Searching the terms "component spray" and "compo spray"(without the quotes) on the Ruby Depot website via the link provided in the original post yeilds ZERO results.
"Your search - compo spray - did not match any documents. " (even if it claims to be a google search, I think the search is set up incorrectly somehow)Here's the link to the Compo Spray tool on the Ruby Depot website. (had to do a "real" google search specific to the site to find it.
http://modelisation.nancy.archi.fr/rld/plugin_details.php?id=76(I didn't see the tiny "Discover it HERE" under the "blog post" on the Ruby Depot at first - which has the correct link)
C'est la vie, n'est-ce pas? -
RE: [Tutorial] Revit To SketchUp - How To
Be careful importing SU to Revit - it looks like it's in Revit - but it can not be rendered, and is fairly useless (at least it was until 2 years ago. I haven't used Revit in 2 years. I can build a curvy sink in 3D in SketchUp in a few minutes from a couple photos... takes hours in Revit.
If I try to bring the sink into a "family" in Revit it may show up on screen, but they deliberately do not allow you to render it.
Why? Well, I could be wrong, but as near as I can tell, they simply don't want Revit users to be able to use all the great free 3D models out there, but rather to have to pay for new unique content specifically made for Revit.
They will argue that you can't "flex" a 3D model from the warehouse, etc. But I will argue - since when do I need to "flex" a sink? A sink is a sink, and millions of models are like that - no reason I should have to create them especially in Revit for this.
Also, you can not smooth geometry (as of 2 years ago) in Revit (at least I never discovered a way). Segmented curves in your renders. Joy.
RE: Shamrock - Happy St. Patricks Day!
Great line, Rich, I'll use that on my wife next time I'm late for our anniversary.
Shamrock - Happy St. Patricks Day!
Happy St. Patrick's Day - Here's a Shamrock for you!
(17,862 Shamrocks, to be exact)
(It's a day late - I know) It was posted in time on Twilight Render's forum!
For my friends in the States - it may help you nurse that hangover.These images were made with the help of the (Make Fur Plugin - Grass (fur) Generator for Sketchup) See original thread for all the details.
Here is the Original Shamrock Thread with High Res. version which includes the shamrock component free for all to use as well.
Smooth Draw 3
paint with your tablet.used by Khan for his (incredible and free) khanacademy.org teaching videos.
Really great work!
It looks like you made the most common mistake by beginners with SketchUp who eventually render their scenes.
You need to increase the segments used for circles to 48 (minimum) because the segmented circles are obvious in renderings. SU default is 12 segments per arc/circle. -
RE: Bang-for-the-buck laptop?
Why would Radeon not work with SU?
I've built and rendered massive projects on an old Dell Lattitude D620 with its TERRIBLE graphics card even in SU7 before it handled big scenes well.
http://us.toshiba.com/computers/laptops/satellite/A660/A665-S6094 (corei7 laptop for around $1000)
I have heard great things about Sony VAIO.