Thanks Bryan
Appreciate it !
@cotty said:
Nice! The original has a smooth surface, maybe it is more comfortable that way?
Yes, you're probably right. I may have gone a bit overboard with the joint pushpull.
I finally had some time to spare so I decided to dust off my sketchup-skills (if you could call them that ).
I saw a picture on Pinterest that attracted my attention a while ago.
(Apparently it's from the 'Giancarlo Zema Design Group' =>')
I thought it would be a great excercise. This is what I came up with ...
Original Pictures (Pinterest):
My attempt:
Rendered in Kerkythea:
It's not an exact match, but it's as close as I could get.
Any remarks/comments/suggestions ?
@electrodo said:
Muchas gracias por compartir este modelo de silla!!! estoy en el proyecto de hacer una para mi casa y no encontraba en ningun lados los planos.
Un saludos desde la patagonia Argentina.
Glad to be of help !
Have fun with it ...
It's been a while since my last post, but I' ve been watching the forum on a regular basis. I saw some amazing stuff last year.
Despite a chronic lack of spare time, I managed to sketch our new dining table.
The last couple of years we were looking for a new dining table but never found one we liked (and if we found one, we couldn't afford it.) So finally we decided to call in the help of a friend who is quite handy. To give him an idea, I drew the table in SU.
Here's the result. It's nothing complicated, but we 're very pleased with the result. It gives great satisfation to sketch out an idea and then see it come to life.
Hope this wasn't already posted ...
*A rather confident man walks into a bar and takes a seat next to a very attractive woman. He gives her a quick glance, then casually looks at his watch for a moment.
The woman notices this and asks, "Is your date running late?"
"No," he replies, "I just bought this state-of-the-art watch and I was just testing it."
The intrigued woman says, "A state-of-the-art watch? What's so special about it?"
"It uses alpha waves to telepathically talk to me," he explains.
"What's it telling you now?" she asked.
"Well, it says you're not wearing any panties." he said.
The woman giggles and replies, "Well it must be broken then because I am wearing panties!"
The man explains, "Damn thing is an hour fast."*
This one is maybe worth a try ...
@pugz1983 said:
Then the Diabolo will be a toy also not known to children nowadays. It's like yo-yo-ing but with sticks. Might be a good game to port to the Nintendo Wii
Are you kidding. My son (10 yr) and daughter (6yr) are crazy about their diablo's. They are doing tricks with that thing that amazes me every time I see them practising. (I can't even keep the damn thing rollin ...)
I bought these ( a few months ago. I don't know if they ship to the other side of the world though.