OMG! I posted those on the WRONG think. God...getting old sucks.
Oh well...I haven't got a clue now. Ok, well MERRY CHRISTMAS
OMG! I posted those on the WRONG think. God...getting old sucks.
Oh well...I haven't got a clue now. Ok, well MERRY CHRISTMAS
oops, forgot to post the pic! I can only link a .jpg from my OTHER computer...which is registered under "fitZ".'s a few pics.
Now you can see why I can't see the text in the window I am typing this. I guess I better see an Optomitrist.
BTW, every thing in this picture is modeled in Sketchup before I built it. And no, it's not finished. The acoustics are this.
And btw, I'm a long term PRO fabricater. Even with years of Detailing behind me, I couldn't fabricate some of the stuff that ISN"T shown in the pics, without Sketchup. Here is a few .jpgs of some Sketchup models within the studio. My last project was TOTALLY modeled in Sketchup prior to fabricating two computers, my computer enclosure, and console interconnects. I'm even modeling the entire cable/schematic(equipment connections) using the "good ole" LINE TO TUBE plugin VERY COOL! Anyway guys..I APPRECIATE all the help. The older I get...the faster I have to work in Sketchup cause I STILL have a lot of things to do and build. In fact, I have my entire home/property modeled in Sketchup. Just now getting around to Rendering. But that's another story.
Here is a sampleing so you understand where I'm coming from. Oh...did I mention..
I'll be back!
Hi Guys. Say, is there a folder or something that contains the list of recently opened files. When you click on FILES, the list is at the bottom left of the screen. I want to extend this list over a period of say a week or so. Any way to do this? Thanks for any information.
Hello. I'm using SketchupPro 8 and I have a problem precisely moving Toolbars from one location to another. When I select a Toolbar to move, an "outline" of the Toolbar appears on the horizontal bar above and to the left of the tool bar I've chosen. It moves with the tool bar when I drag the toolbar, but somehow, this "outline" determines where the toolbar ultimately comes to rest, which is never where I want to put it. Very frustrating. Does anyone know how to fix this bug? Thanks
@unknownuser said:
Immediately useWeld with the highlighted segments and it welds into one curve again...
Could someone explain where to find this "WELD" tool and how it differs from the common "Make a Group" command? Is it a Plugin? Thanks.
Hello Gaieus and thanks. I was under the impression that Skype was for mobile devices. So, you can use it on desktops too huh? Ok, well I'll check it out. Thanks again.
Hello everyone. I would like to tutor my daughter in the use of Sketchup. But I have a problem.
Here is my problem.
My daughter lives 500 miles from me. I would like to tutor my daughter in the use of Sketchup, using some kind of special software/hardware for
Remote viewing of each others Sketchup sessions in real time over the internet, while communicating via Yahoo Messager with live video cameras and audio in a separate window.
Also, my setup uses TWO desktop computers, The main Sketchup session computer has two monitors, while my secondary computer uses only one monitor.
Both are connected to the net. I would like to use my secondary computer as the Yahoo Messager video cam and audio computer and the main Sketchup computer as MY Sketchup session computer with the actual Sketchup file viewed on one monitor, and the other monitor as a Window of my daughters Sketchup sesson.
My daughter uses a Mac Laptop
What I'm looking for is some kind of App that will allow my daughter to view MY Sketchup session in a separate Window on her Mac Laptop while viewing another window with video from my camera while running her session of Sketchp in another window. Is this possible? If so, got any ideas on what to use? I initially started looking at Remote PC Access type programs, but I don't need to control her computer from mine, or vice versa. I just need remote viewing of each others Sketchup sessions in real time, while having Yahoo Messager and a Sketchup session running simultaneously. Any ideas appreciated.
Hi everyone. Got a problem when I go to the Warehouse. As soon as I try to look at a model in the warehouse I get a "Internet Explorer Script error" message. If I click either Yes or No to the "Do you want to keep running scripts on this page" question, it still comes back and I can't download the model. In reality, I'm using Firefox 6.3..not Internet Explorer. Got any ideas on how to stop this error message? Thanks for any info.
Hi guys. Thanks for the links Jim. I checked them out. Very cool. Gotta try some of this stuff as soon as someone links to a physics Ruby for MORE TIME
@unknownuser said:
What is the source of that animation that you show above?
Hey mitcorb. Sorry it took a while to get back here. Too many irons in the fire.But here ya go....
I did some more research though, and I'm curious about NURBS now. I recently purchased a new i7/975 computer and am in the process of researching GPU's for SLI as my motherboard is an EVGA 3xSLI Classified. I want to get into Rendering stuff, but lack of $$$$$ keeps getting in the way. In the meantime I'm researching which way to go for Sketchup/Rendering vs $$$$$ vs 2x or 3x GPU's vs overkill vs budget.
I'm actually holding off on downloading anymore plugs for Sketchup untill I get my new computer GPU upgraded and my apps loaded. Which may be a while. So, for now I just have to keep modeling simple stuff on my old P4. Well, enough babbling. Time to get to work. Thanks guys.
@unknownuser said:
These bevels may show to be Softened, Hidden and Smoothed.
Hi again. Sorry for the delay getting back to you. Thanks a mill for some more insight. I was wondering though. What's the difference between "softened" and "Smoothed"? Another thing, when I edit these groups, I can window the opening with a bevel, and a blue "highlight" DOTTED line appears as the outline of the bevel/opening. But I can't make it do But I'll experiment with these. Always good to know what to expect when doing these kind of things as far as workflow goes. I HATE having to do things two or three different ways to make something work.
Also, today I did some research on the difference between "surface" modeling and "solid" modeling. I came across this site that had an animated video, showing a surface that is being modified in a way that I've never seen. Take a look. I hope the animation works here.
Ok, if you can see the animation work, do you know what kind of program allows you to "stretch" a surface in the way this animation is doing, or even the name of an application that does this. I'm quite impressed with this tool. Kind of like when I found the Sketchup "Push/Pull" tool. That convinced me to use Sketchup. But this "tool" in the animation is a total mindblower. Is there any tool in Sketchup or maybe a plugin that does something similar? Thanks a mill.
@unknownuser said:
Even after these revelations, I and many others are still using this program.
Hey mitcorb, thanks a mill for the insights. Yea, regardless of the i compromises Sketchup uses, I still love the program and use it daily. I would like to know one more thing in regards to this latest "anomaly".
After punching these holes, to represent the "bend" in the metal when it's forged, I used the ruby for "beveling" the inside edge so I could simply add the component to it that looks like it is the face of the indentation. Well, when it performed the operation, I forgot that some of the holes need a reversed bevel as those have a raised element instead of an indentation. However, when I tried to erase those beveled edges, it appears that Sketchup somehow manipulates the "material" as an are NO geometry or lines that define those bevels. The "texture image" is somehow modified to create an illusion of a bevel. See the "texture" highlighted when I click on the surface of the metal? Now I can't erase these. Dang this gets complicated for such a stupid model. Anyway, how can I change these bevels after the fact, as I've done many other operations since I "beveled" those edges.
Another thing is copying a hole. When I place it on the surface, SOMETIMES, the hole automatically appears, but other times, I have to trace one of the lines, and then the outline of the cutout or hole appears as a surface, which I then have to erase BOTH cutouts on both surfaces. I can't figure out why sometimes it works, and other times it doesn't. Maybe something to do with groups as sometimes I have groups within groups. Anyway, thats my problem now.
ps..HMMMMMM, after making a jpg...the surface wasn't shown as highlighted. Oh well, just another anomaly to work around
Wow! that was fast!
DOH!! No wonder. What a dummy. I knew there was something I forgot. Dang, old age sucks.
Thanks a mill. I'm curious though, "what" is this "geometry" you speak of that causes these strange image anomalies? Are there "hidden" trianulation geometrys or something?
One other question. How do you make things like sheet metal "solids" instead of hollow entities?
BTW, here is the whole front panel of the case.
And here is the rest of the panels
Hello everyone. I hope this is the right forum to post this in. I'm not really sure if this is a bug or something that "I" am causing by lack of knowledge or incorrect modeling technique, but here is the problem.
I recently started using Sketchup8, and am not familiar with the "solids" tools yet. But I have a model of a computer case I've been working on and during a recent "move" operation, some very odd visual elements appeared in the material "image". Since I'm not familiar with the solid thing yet, I modeled the metal panels by "extruding" a "surface" 1/32", after makeing various cutouts and holes. One unusual aspect of the REAL case, is various "indentations" in the sheet metal, which I couldn't figure out how to make the model indentations appear correctly, so I simply made them another piece of sheetmetal offset 1/32", and then I tried to "soften" the edges, which was successful on those indentations which were "raised" above the top plane of the sheet metal, but those that were opposite(true indentations) would not soften, as I believe it was due to the edges being on the INSIDE of the element vs the outside edge.
After creating one of the "indentations" as a element, I tried to move the entire element, but all of a sudden, all kinds of triangle shaped "images" appeared in the material, with no visible lines at the edges. I rationalized this was due to some kind of math the program uses to identify hidden points in space but that is pure conjecture. However, I am curious what causes this, and how I can prevent this in the future.
Not only did I come across this anomaly, but some other unusual things have occurred as well. One is a doubling and offset of a surface such as one of the surfaces in the sheet metal. It appeared out of the blue, and at first, I thought maybe I had accidentally "copied" a surface, but after seeing the first one, I was very careful when copying cutouts in the model. I might add that I may not be doing things in the most correct way, and if someone sees a better way of doing things I am all ears.
I am working in very small units(1/32") and maybe this has something to do with it. But as a long term Pro detailer, I am very oriented at drawing things in real scale and as much detail as possible. Anyway, any one have any ideas on what could be causing these anomalies?
Here is some .jpgs of the computer component I am working on. This is the Hard drive cage.
This is on the underside of of the cage panel
And here is an example of the "surface copy" anomaly. What is really wierd is the copy is where the "real" surface is supposed to be(1/32"), and the real surface is not where it's supposed to be. I assume this because of the "corner edge" connects the two "real surfaces" and not the copy. Anyway, maybe someone can shed some light on this for me.
This is the cage "sectioned"
and this is a closeup of the section point.
Thanks for any insight.
Wow! NO WONDER! I downloaded the WRONG file! Man, I can be such a dunce! I didn't pay attention to the file name origninally. sheeez! What a moron.
Got it now! Works GREAT!!! FINALLT!!!!
@unknownuser said:
This Didier's plugin works perfectly!
1- where to put the file:
c:\Program Files\Google\Google SketchUp 7\Plugins\dim_angle.rb
2_ where to invoke the plugin (there is no icon for it)
Under menu [Tools] you can find: [Angular dimension]
Hello Simon and thank you. Sorry I didn't get back here sooner, but for some reason, I'm NEVER notified via email that someone has replied to any of my threads, or any I'm contributing to.
Ok, I just checked the Sketchup Plugin folder. There seems to be a discrepancy in the file that I have. You say the file is called..
Yet the file I have is called "angle_between.rb"
Have I downloaded the WRONG plugin or something?
Hello everyone. I have a question regarding "purging" a model of erased entities. When I try to "purge" a model of erased entities(under Window/Model Info/ "statistics"), at the top of the list of "entities", the "edges" quantity never changes. Why is that? I know I've erased lots of edges, groups and components but the quantity of edges stays the same even though the groups and components quantities change. Am I missing something? Thanks.
Hello everyone. Sometimes I feel like a dunce. I've been trying to find the edit tool that allows you to change the direction of a "material texture" such as "Light Wood flooring" once it has been assigned to a group. I find all kinds of editing tools to do various things, but nothing that simply changes the direction from green to red or vice versa. Any clues out there? Thanks
Hi guys. Sorry it took a while to get back here. Ok, so, there IS something wrong with the script?
I see it in the actual Plugin folder, but not when I click on the "Plugins" tool bar.
@unknownuser said:
It's under menu [Tools]-[Angular dimension].
Nope, not there. So, I guess I can't dimension angles. Seems to me that is a HUGE oversight on the Sketchup development teams part. Well, what can I say? Guess I'll have to draw them by hand for jpgs.
I'll keep checking back for any fixes to the file. Thanks for the info guys.
@unknownuser said:
Q: do you print out schematics for each nails location?
As a matter of fact, when it comes to shear walls, YES.
@unknownuser said:
- Hire a couple of real cabinet carpenterswho don't need step-by-step instructions on how to use a hammer and drive nails -- however, you have to pay them more than 12 bucks an hour! Shoot for the $30.00hr range and up, or cut them in on a percentage.
Generals and subs hire who they want. My job is to get them enough info to build to my spec. As to MY skills, does 13 years spent as a Union Architectural Mill journeyman(on the bench with 150 others) with Macys as the client get your stamp of approval or 10 years in the drafting department as a board/CAD detailer? I personally detailed over 300 floors of Store fixturing for Macys as well as their 3 flagship stores. So don't tell me about so called "REAL cabinet carpenters" fact, they are NOT cabinet makers...they are MILLWORKERS. Theres a difference. Thats where the $30hr comes in.
@unknownuser said:
Buy or write a good estimation software for your material take-offs. Looks like you spend more time modeling than actually building.
Used it all the time. Try a material take off on a Macys job. I've seen one flitch of Pearwood divided amongst 5 different companys around the nation where every single square inch had to be calculated to get your portion. And talk about materials? Their material/sample/color book on a typical job might contain 15 wood samples/20 or so fabric samples, 20 or 30 color samples, 5 or more metal samples/ not to mention glass, Laminates/ aluminum extrusions etc etc. Materials? you don't have a clue to what I'm used to. However, you seemed to misread something. I refered to "cutting bills", not take off.
@unknownuser said:
All you need "design wise" is to show your customer the end game. Sure, i am a firm believer in design phase, but too much and you've lost the client and wasted too much time -- time is money ya know!
I think you underestimate Recording Studio Clients. How would you "design" a control room "diffuser" rear wall built of custom made masonry unless you laid out the "patterns" in the first place to know it would work and how much space it takes..hmmm?
In this case, the "client"(developer of OpenSource)actually wrote software to "dictate" the exterior design, but had to interface with the SECOND LEAF(interior wall masonry).
Like I said. I think you underestimate the potential expectations of Recording Studio clients.
Maybe you don't understand something here. Not only do I design it, for some, I "detail" it too, which is an entirely different animal. I "detail" it so I know if works within the "design", which you may not be familiar with Recording studios. Left to "cabinet makers", and even journeyman carpenters, they don't have a clue UNLESS you show them EXACTLY what is required. That takes "detailing" When is the last time you delt with a "cabinet maker" in New Zealand from the States, hmmm?
Or when is the last time you met a "carpenter" that could translate a Quadratic Residue Sequence into practical cabinet making to build a diffuser with well depths defined by WAVELENGTHS with a roll off at 243hz and well widths and PERIODS defined by the finished interior dimension(after FIVE layers of drywall are applied on RSIC clips and hatchannel)between 12 degree angled sidewalls at a rear wall...hmmmmmm?
Or masons as shown above.
Or how bout letting a carpenter in the field decide what gap widths to assign between boards in a Slot resonator Wall...hmmmm? No sir, this is WHY DESIGN and DETAILING go hand in hand. You can't design these things unless you "detail" them first. Not always, but most of the time.
BTW, speaking of Crown Moulding, which method would you aspire to in calculating bevel/miter angle cuts for a Rake Crown on a circular soffit?
(hint..I use the tetrahedron kernal)
@unknownuser said:
A good carpenter does not need this much info. Sure If your "IKEA funiture" (giggle) and selling particle-board-boxed-furniture to joe public well i can understand such step-by-step details, but...?
Perhaps, It depends, but even in an architectural mill, with journeyman on the bench, DETAILING and cutting bills is the name of the game. Left to their own interpretation, the mill would be in chaos. Info IS the device of successful construction on a large scale. When is the last time you left the take off for the glass for 1000 or so different angled showcases to a shop cabinetmaker?
@unknownuser said:
Obliviously you are an ivy-league designer and have no real-world construction or construction management experience.
Excuse me? Obviously you don't have a clue to what I've done or where I've worked. Ivy league my butt. Now excuse me, I have a world class studio to design.
Sure would be nice to have a digital chop saw though.
BTW, the model above is NOT my work. Wish it was though.