Hi Samuel, are you using parallax mapping technique for this height displacement?

Latest posts made by filibis
RE: [Plugin] Physically-Based Rendering - v1.5.9 - 19 Apr. 2020
RE: [Plugin] Physically-Based Rendering - v1.5.9 - 19 Apr. 2020
@samuel_t said:
I don't understand. You want to rotate HDRi?
Yes. Rotating the HDRi 360° will change the lighting directions since HDRis gather light intensity from the brightness of pixel colours. Thus normal maps will behave accordingly.
Something like this:
Or simply to change background view:
RE: [Plugin] Physically-Based Rendering - v1.5.9 - 19 Apr. 2020
@samuel_t said:
- Plugin comes with a tiny PBR materials library. Donate to make it grow!
Take a look at these websites for free (CC0) textures: Pixel-Furnace, CC0Textures, freepbr. You can provide link to these sites maybe?
I think you should indicate that we need to open a collection to use PBR materials you provided. People may not find PBR folder you generated easily.
In addition to 'saving, opening and creating' a model, when we "apply all changes" in the PBR material editor, Chromium pops-up and updates the view as well.
HDR images working fine
Can we rotate them somehow? That would be cool
RE: Orgelf's works. second topic.
Hi Orgelf, marvelous art you're creating, please don't stop
Is there a particular reason you model in SketchUp and not in Blender (especially such complex objects)?
Also do you have a Sketchfab profile? Seeing and navigating around your models in 3D would be amazing.
RE: How to convert and set up car models from other formats.
Check Instant Meshes. It's a great tool to reduce polygon sizes and retopology with lots of features.
It only imports/exports .obj and .ply files but it's free!
Also check this tutorial for how to setup textures afterwards in combination with Blender software.
RE: UV mapping of reflection map in Sketchup?
Check this fresh plugin: Physically-Based Rendering
RE: Has SU improved handling High poly models?
Unfortunately I've always experienced this freeze issues with high-poly models in SketchUp and i didn't see any improvements to be honest. I can't even import some models (trees for example) without crashing SU to create their proxies for renders yet it's almost instant importing the same objects to Blender.
I don't know if this is a limitation of the Ruby programming itself or lazyness of SketchUp Team.
RE: Vray 3.6 GPU rendering black out issue
Can you post some screenshots?
Make sure those components doesn't have backfaces visible to camera. (Check in monochrome mode)
RE: Transparent material in preview, not transparent in render
I think it's because GPU rendering is fairly new technology comparing to CPU rendering, so i believe it's just a matter of time that will support every feature like in CPU.
RE: Transparent material in preview, not transparent in render
Can you share your texture and opacity map (transparency)?
Here is a working example:
Note that it might not work with GPU acceleration or interactive mode.
Check this for more information about Emissive Material.