Hi All,
in Holland it is midnight right now so i really have to go to bed, but i am so happy that you enjoy working on this problem! This is really helping me a lot (and keeping all the wood from going into the fireplace
I will take a look at the new skp you have posted just now, but will insert mine also.
I am not that good in moving yet so the parts do not really touch everywhere, but i think you will understand what i was trying back then.
The first three layers are for making the fundamentals,
In layer 4 i used beam 4 and opposite of that i used beam 9.
In layer 5 i used beam 9 and 4 on one side and opposite of that i did the same.
In layer 6 i turned around what i did in layer 4 (beam 9 and 4)
in layer 7 i turned around what i did in layer 5 (beam 4 and 9)
and then i repeated layer 4, 5, 6, 7 several times.
(in this skp i did not move the parts, i sometimes copied them so the leftovers are not correct).
In this 'solution' i would have to cut some beams (for instance the pile of beams sticking out and the overlap between beam 4 and 9.
(i can't remember what exactly, but there was something wrong about this solution which made me stop back then but i'm too tired right now to see what it was).
Thanks again for your support!