@unknownuser said:
Free one
SU (Skp) -->DoubleCADXT--->(DXF 2003)---> Blender-->3DS
I use this method. Works fine.
@unknownuser said:
Free one
SU (Skp) -->DoubleCADXT--->(DXF 2003)---> Blender-->3DS
I use this method. Works fine.
Post deleted because I didn't read the OP's post carefully enough. Why would I want to tell an American about Apple Pie? Silly me...
I don't have Norton or McAffee either, but I do have AVG. Honestly, I have exactly the same software on my system and exactly the same hardware configuration as I did before the crash and I never had this problem. I'll try a couple of things and see if I can figure out what might be different.
Since my XP install crashed I had to wipe the hard drive and obviously re-install SU. The problem is that the SketchUp.exe process is not unloading when I close SU. I don't know what's causing this, any ideas?
Latest XP 32 bit with all updates for hardware.
Latest SU download.
You said it.
That looks insane; sort of like Pamplona Running of the Bulls, just asking to be injured. Glocestershire Running with the Cheese.
Here's my attempt. May add a different one later, I'm not entirely happy with how dark it is. Sketchup and Kerkythea with flames added in GIMP.
I don't know if anyone's put this on the wish list, but here's another one I'd like to have:
A generic "STOP" button for script/ruby plugins or tools.
As I try to make more and more complex models that use some of the great plugins here that folks have made, I think I probably push the calculative ability SU too far. I wind up staring at a screen that may do nothing for several minutes, or alt-tab over to Firefox and do some browsing, come back to SU and nothing has happened 15 minutes later. Yep, it's my fault for not keeping the poly count down, but it sure would be nice to have a "Stop" capability to tell SU to quit the calculation and "undo" or ignore any changes so that I could find some other way to accomplish what I want without having to kill the SU process and cause it to crash, along with the added annoyance of having to rearrange my toolbars for the 10th ^&*(%$# time that day ("Lock" or "Save toolbar config" is already on the wish list).
Anybody read "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man?"
I think that, even if it isn't the whole truth, it's probably too close to reality to be untrue.
@solo said:
Like I always said, The problems in Zimbabwe would never have gotten so dire if they had even a morsel of oil, as without oil America is not interested in helping.
Way, waytoo true.
I figure that Pbacot and Marian have summed it up pretty well, and I'm not trying to attack you. I'm quite happy to have a good discussion with you, and your opinions are welcome - so don't feel like I'm trying to shut you up. As with any internet discussion, any time you type something, there is almost 100% guarantee someone will disagree with you, and do so angrily. Luckily this message board is pretty civilized, even when there are disagreements.
You are correct about the US jumping in, often where they are not wanted. I don't claim to have any understanding of why we do, and I often don't agree with what my government does. I do wish we'd keep our noses, and soldiers, out of everyone else's business.
I hadn't thought that far ahead. I was just hoping a plugin existed like joint push pull that could be set with a distance/division modifier.
I suppose if it were a plugin request it would be pretty much like joint push pull, extrude along the normal or axis of choice with the ability to select distance and number of segments either by "X" distance divided "Y" segments, or, extrude "Y" segments "Z" number of times. What the heck, throw a selection of taper by % or numerical distance amount per segment too, and that would make a fine combination of joint push pull and a little bit of Greeble too.
Is there a plugin that can extrude multiple faces simultaneously and create segments during the extrusion?
For example, start with a cube or plane. Pick the face and divide it in half, both directions, so you now have a face with 4 equal faces on it. Select all 4 faces (and what I want the plugin to do) and extrude all faces sort of like "joint push pull" but be able to input distance and number of segments or divisions.
Does it exist?
Had some problems with Cooliris when browsing various forums. It seems to create too many "hits" when I load a forum, even if Cooliris isn't being used, and the forum locks me out. I had to disable the plugin.
Don't know if it's just me, Cooliris interacting with some of the other plugins I have, or Cooliris itself.
If I do any serious image searching, I enable it. It's way better than using a standard Google or Yahoo image search.
@ely862me said:
Had Nagasaki and Hiroshima done anything to be hated so greatly?
That's bad comparison.
It was a declared war against a nation, not a nebulous group that can hide amongst an otherwise innocent civilian population. It was also believed at the time that the cost of invading the Japanese homeland with troops would have caused more casualties than the use of the bomb. Unfortunately, the use of the bomb caused awful casualties, and all of them on the Japanese side.
I dislike armchair quarterbacking this decision because none of us were alive at the time to understand what was happening, and none of us were present or are privy to the analysis of the information that led to the decision to use the bomb. The bomb is a terrible weapon, but when it was believed that every man, woman and child on the Japanese homeland would be willing to sacrifice themselves to kill an Allied soldier - what was to be done? With the hatred of the atomic bomb and the knowledge of its terrible effects today, it might be easier to think an invasion might not be such a bad idea; but that's a decision made with the luxury of hindsight.
Atomic bombs during declared war between two nations does not equal suicide bombs or aircraft hijackings against an unsuspecting nation.
I certainly didn't expect to find a conversation about 9/11 and conspiracy here; I come here to become a better SU user and find the absolutely fantastic plugins that the community has come up with (thanks again to all those creators!). I think I have to throw my $.02 in.
I work for one of the airlines involved in 9/11, my wife works for the other; both of us are crew. I didn't know any of the crew involved, but my wife did. I looked down on NYC from 27,000 feet and saw the smoke coming off of Manhattan before the towers fell, and we were told in no uncertain terms that that we had best proceed directly to our destination, immediately, and absolutely do not deviate from that course. It was the quietest flight, and the most silent, empty airfield I have ever seen - or hope to see again. I got inside just in time to watch the towers fall on the news.
I personally find the comments that this was some kind of conspiracy to deliberately kill thousands of people, cause hundreds more to have chronic illnesses (the cleanup effort) and destroy the economy for years, by their own government's hand or wilful inaction, absolutely absurd and offensive. The conspiracy theorists thrive in a vacuum of information, or excel at creating arguments that are as impossible to disprove as UFOs or chemtrails. My personal opinion is that you may use another "C" word instead of Conspiracy - Complacency. Scores of threats coming in constantly - Which one to act on? Can't disrupt the American's fat, dumb and happy life with worry about terrorists now can we? Dad helped son get a great job in the White House; party on, dude! After all, the best they did before was a car bomb...
Want to know why I think we were complacent (other than living it myself)? Look at the footage of George Bush when he was told what was happening. Where he was in a grade school reading class. The look of shock when he came back and sat down on the chair, with the book upside down in his hands if I recall correctly, says it all. He didn't have a clue. Never saw it coming. That's pretty much all of us. That cushy job dad helped him get just got mighty uncomfortable. I have seen the footage and many photos of the wreckage surrounding the Pentagon and the Trade Center, and there absolutely pieces of aircraft there. Engines and landing gear components are plainly visible, these components are the most resistant to high temperatures and the most solid, respectively; and therefore are most likely to survive an impact/fire. If a demolition, do you not think that someone would have noticed people carrying hundreds of feet of det cord, scores of explosive charges, remote detonators or any of the number of components needed to effectively destroy the buildings and have them begin to collapse EXACTLY where the aircraft struck? You've been watching too many bad American action movies.
Please give Americans more credit than that - even if all you remember of us lately is the last 8 years of the worst administrations I can ever remember (IMO).
My apologies if this seemed pedantic or browbeating, that was not my intent, and for it being so long. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion. I'm not a "rah, rah, USA! USA!" type, so don't pin that on me either; half my family is off-the-boat Berliners, and my other half spent half her life in Germany as well - so I also know that there are countries outside of the US! (Oh, I'm not a CIA, G8, or WMF plant either. Unless you think I am
Fantastic plugin.
Thank you very much for your hard work!
How do you figure that?
What a terrible position to be placed in, sorry to hear about your pending layoff or "underemployment". Unfortunately, this "layoff but reapply for a job at half pay and half benefits" seems to be SOP for corporations this side of the Atlantic and I'm sorry to hear of it catching on over there. I'd take the job too, and light a fire under my chair so I don't get comfortable with it.
Wow! I'm impressed! I saw the movie on Sunday and liked it quite a bit. I look forward to seeing your finished product.