Actually all you have to do is go into 3D warehouse and you will see the plugin for products.
CLick on it and it will show you all the different manufactures that are part of this plugin. Also, most are DC....
thanks for your input....
Actually all you have to do is go into 3D warehouse and you will see the plugin for products.
CLick on it and it will show you all the different manufactures that are part of this plugin. Also, most are DC....
thanks for your input....
One question...are there any free rendering plugins for SU, that truly render a good quality??
I'm looking for a low cost plugin, what are your thoughts about maxwell???
Where can I get a free trial for thea....
yes it is its the product plugin..its telling me thats its there a trick to accessing it or what.....
Can someone tell me how to use this plugin, it always tells me that its active, but I
just can't get it to work.
thank you for your help.....i'll try it
Can someone telling me or show me how to rotate a componant to match a wall angle.
I know in cad you can match an angle. Also, I'm working in pro7, but with all the componants in 3d warehouse that are pro8, is there a way that I can still download them.
Can someone tell me the best way to import and use cloudy, i.e. scenery in SU, considering
it's not an actual rendering program do you have any ideas.
I would like to see samples of styles that you have used or developed.
I haven't used styles that often, but I'm becoming more interested. all your
help would be appreciated....
Can some one tell where I can find a tutorial to attach circular lights to the side of the building using the 3d
cylinder 3d cutout. For what ever reason I just can't figure it out. I have v5 but the book that I have is v4.
I've looked in utube but its for a house rendering.
I trioed downloading the software, but the plugin doesn't show on my tool bar.
Presently, I'm working in Pro7, does that make a difference? Help!!!!!!
I tried downloading SUBim, but when I was done the plugin wasn't in my SU toolbar,
I'm working in pro7, does this plugin only work with Pro8.
I figured it out.....if I make a scene in SU...I can render it using my plug-in and renderings look great..
I need help, when I cut a section through a building and render it the front of the building still shows.
I'm using a plug-in. When I render the exterior it's ok when I use the plug-in. BUT when I render it doesn't always
show the rendering that I what. It's becoming frustrating using the plug-in ans Sketchup. With your reply
PLEASE right down the correct steps. It ONLY happens when I use the plug-in.
Thanks everyone for your help, Vicspa I couldn't open up your file. Would it be possible for
you to send it in another format, suck as a jpg or pdf.
I typically work in SU and Pirenesi to finish my rendering.
I either SU or Pirenesi, what is the best way to show ceiling texture.
I want to usually show white tiles and of course texture that will show up.
But if you have a better way, please tell me.
Question if I download this new version, does it update my pro 7.1 or does it create it's own new icon and
do I have to pay a cost for it.
I would do your model in SU, after your plan is done, gi into the 3D warehouse, type in casework and all your different types of casework will be there, but you will have to insert a kitchen sink and the fittings, works really well. And they are all components.