Awesome Stinkie! Thanks for sharing!

RE: Pavilion and garden
Looks great Stu! What .xml settings are you using for your exteriors?
RE: Tudor Village
Yes, it would be nice to see this render in an uncompressed format. Awesome model...the render is a tad bit dark though. Is there a way to achieve softer shadows in Vue?
RE: [IDEA] Particle cloud
What ruby are your using for quad modeling viewports?
RE: Sketchup to Modo?
Well, I've had mild luck by using Deep Exploration to convert the .skp to .lwo and then importing into modo. It still requires a bomb and regroup by texture first, and even then only a percentage of the texture maps are preserved. I hope the importer is out sometime in the next week or two. I'm looking forward to rendering SU models in modo!
RE: Sketchup to Modo?
The plugin is not out yet, as far as I know. They've pulled the beta version from the download section as well. Hopefully it's out soon!!
Someone suggested this Lightwave exporter ruby - as a good way to get SU models into Modo, however when I use it, the file extension choices on the resulting export window is blank and Modo can't read the file it produces. Would you mind giving the exporter a try and see if it works on your end? -
Sketchup to Modo?
I recently bought Modo 302 and I've just fallen in love with their rendering engine. (and everything else about it!) However, it will never replace SU for quick and accurate architectural modeling. I've been trying to create a decent workflow between the two programs, using sketchup for base modeling and modo for detail work and rendering. So far, I've tried just about every export option out of SU Pro, but the resulting mesh upon importing into Modo is quite a mess and none of the texture maps are maintained. .OBJ export seems to be the most accurate, but like I said the resulting mesh is hard to work with. Over on the Modo forums, someone mentioned a .LWO exporter for SU that supposedly works well with Modo, but for some reason it is not working correctly for me.
Does anyone have any advice or experience with a SU to Modo workflow?
On the flip side, I've had great luck importing Modo models into SU, as long as the poly count isn't too high.
RE: Usind HDRIs In Vray
Most likely you are getting a black screen because you are using the physical camera along with the HDRI. You must either turn off camera, or turn up the multiplier on the HDRI. If you you are using the original release, the multiplier should be set to around 10000 if physical camera is on. If you are using SR1 or later, the multiplier should be between 5-10. HDRI can go in environment, background or reflection, or in all three depending on what you are going for. Don't forget when you use an HDRI in Vray, you must change the texture setting to environment and changing the horizontal rotation number will spin your HDR image until the sun in is in the right place.
RE: Gropius House
Awesome render Pete! I would be interested in your Vue materials for sure!
Thanks Cadfather....these are awesome. I did notice that the Gabled and Hipped icons are reversed for the roof builder. Is there an easy way to fix this on my end?
{REQ} Grow selection
Is it possible to create a ruby that will grow a selection. In Modo, if you select two edges or polygons and then hit the up key, you can grow the selection in the direction of your 2nd selection. I was wondering if this were possible in sketchup.
Another example would be if you select an edge on an arc that is made of many segments. It would be nice to be be able to select two edges and then just press up, until you've selected all the connecting edges along the path, instead of fumbling with the select tool.
Selection in general is rather frustrating in SU, once you're used to other apps. I hope SU7 will address this.
RE: Coming Soon:Profile Builder
Funny, I was just watching this tutorial for a Modo plugin called profile sweep ( and was going to ask if someone could duplicate that in a ruby script. Whaat, you've surpassed it and then some!!!
RE: House n Garden
Awesome Stu. Looks like a photo to me! The new Podium is amazingly fast!
RE: New Version of Hypercosm Teleporter for SketchUp
That's a neat little program. Is there anywhere to freely host a hypercosm model to be viewed by the public? I would love to be able to rotate through some of the great models that people on here have made. Hell, I think there is a whole city being modeled right now by someone in the gallery, and screen grabs just don't do it justice.
RE: "Video Photomatch" in Sketchup
That's really interesting stuff. Can you describe a little more about what you did exactly? How did DE come into play?
RE: [Plugin] Remove group materials, leave geometry material
I want to extend my thanks as well. This will be an invaluable ruby to help speed up processing/parsing times for Vray!
RE: Softimage bought by Autodesk
That clip is awesome! Autodesk is taking over the world!
Backyard space
I'm getting close to where I want my exterior renders to be. Still not happy with the look of the clipmapped plants and I defitely need to spend more time modeling my own patio furniture. Other than that, I'm starting to get a little more comfortable with vray and I'm especially loving the new release. Any help or comments would be welcomed.
SU + Vray
RE: Strip mall
Awesome work Solo! I love the Starbucks in the shape of a cup of coffee. It's amazing to me how you always manage to achieve a very similar style of render, regardless of the application. Do you generally use Global illumination or ambient occlusion in Vue?