jeff. you rotated your line in the video and then they were duplicated yrount the circle. how you did that (shortcut)
RE: Quadrulate
RE: Quadrulate
hmm view hidden does not show them on every face. only on some in my case.
RE: Quadrulate
how did you activated the dottet lines. so that you see where a line would be?
i wonder if there is a possibility to quadrualate (make faces with quads, its like triangulate only for quads) faces.
i added an attachment that shows why this is important for me. at the moment the only way i know is to make it by hand with every geometry.thank you
RE: [Plugin] Selection Toys
i do not know how to do the following. i have a cylinder and it is seperated in the middle by a loop of edges around. its like cut in the middle. how can i only select thes edges. its an edge ring. thank you
RE: Edge Loop
@unknownuser said:
If it's a ring that's parallel with the top/bottom copy the top's edges - select+move+ctrl-key, constrain copying in axis using shift-key... a new edges ring will be made.
thank you, this is nice
Edge Loop
i have a cylinder and wanted to add some divisions to it. the only way i found to do it, is to take the pen tool and paint a "ring" around. isnt there a better way? In Maya for example there is a function called "insert edge loop".
Turntable animation
i am trying to do a simple turntable animation in 72 Frames. (Webexporter does that automatically but has a poor image resolution).
i tried a plugin "Proper Animation" but this only rotated my objekt in sketchup. Export animation did not work and i can not set the Frames and then it would be too fast in movement.thank you
RE: Web Exporter Resolution/zoom
i like the way it generates the 360 degree pictures automatically. is there another way to do that automated?
Web Exporter Resolution/zoom
anyone ever testet Google Webexporter?
its nice, but it has one problem. the resolution is limited to 600x600. Anyone has an idea how to raise it. I tried editing the code but changings had no effectfileswivelButton.rb
# initialize the image size @@imageWidth = Sketchup.read_default @@title, "defaultImageSize" if(!@@imageWidth || @@imageWidth < 50 || @@imageWidth > 600) @@imageWidth=10000 # i changed 400 to 1000 end @@imageHeight = @@imageWidth
complete code
# Copyright 2008 Google Inc. # All Rights Reserved. ## # @fileoverview swivelButton.rb creates a SketchUp plugin button # that makes the camera orbit a model and produce a series of pictures. # These pictures can then be used with the generated HTML/javascript to # view the object in a web page. # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for # any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above # copyright notice appear in all copies. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ## require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/bin/RubyZip" ## # Treat the swivelButton as a singleton ## class SwivelButton @@pluginDirectory = File.dirname(__FILE__) @@title = "SketchUp Web Exporter" @@swivelDlg = 0 ## # Main entry point ## def SwivelButton;;init() # Somehow we do not have a current directory. Alert the user and end. if ! alert(@@title + " plugin has encountered an error;\n" + "Could not find the plugin directory. " + "Please re-install the plugin.") return end # make sure the plugin was installed correctly tempImgDirectory = @@pluginDirectory + "/images" if ! || !File.writable?(tempImgDirectory) alert(@@title + " plugin has encountered an error;\n" + "Could not find or could not write temporary images to;\n" + "[" + tempImgDirectory + "]\n" + "Please re-install the plugin.") return end cmd = UI;; {handleToolbarButtonPress()} cmd.small_icon = tempImgDirectory + "/swivelButtontb.png" cmd.large_icon = tempImgDirectory + "/swivelButtontb.png" cmd.status_bar_text = cmd.tooltip = "Create a set of images orbiting a model" cmd.menu_text = @@title swivelToolbar = UI;; swivelToolbar.add_item(cmd) UI;;menu('Tools').add_item(cmd); end ## # When the user presses the swivel button in the toolbar, this function # sets up the camera, takes the pictures and displays a progress dialog box. ## def SwivelButton;;handleToolbarButtonPress() # initialize the image size @@imageWidth = Sketchup.read_default @@title, "defaultImageSize" if(!@@imageWidth || @@imageWidth < 50 || @@imageWidth > 600) @@imageWidth=400 end @@imageHeight = @@imageWidth @@modelName = createModelName() # create an image to use for the first shot tempImgDirectory = @@pluginDirectory + "/images" tempImage = tempImgDirectory + "/swivelButtonTempImage.jpg" # make sure the directory exists if ! || !File.writable?(tempImgDirectory) || (File.exist?(tempImage) && !File.writable?(tempImage)) alert(@@title + " plugin has encountered an error;\n" + "Could not find or could not write the temporary image to;\n" + "[" + tempImage + "]\n" + "Please re-install the plugin.") return end # zoom extents zoomInitial() # save the image # saveModelImage(tempImage, false, false) @@swivelDlg = UI;; @@title, false, @@title, 490, 700, 10, 10, false @@swivelDlg.set_file @@pluginDirectory + "/html/swivelButton.html" # @@swivelDlg.set_size 490, 670 resizeWindow(490, 670, @@imageWidth, @@imageHeight, @@swivelDlg) addGenerateImagesButtonCallback() addCancelButtonCallback() addCloseCallback() addOpenPage() addGetDirectoryCallback() addCreateDirectoryCallback() addCaptureNextImageCallback() addSaveDialogSettingsCallback() addResizeWindowCallback() addOpenFolderCallback() # Now show the dialog @@swivelDlg.show_modal { @@imageDirectory = Sketchup.read_default @@title, "defaultDirectory" # make sure the variable was set if !@@imageDirectory @@imageDirectory = @@pluginDirectory + "/results/" end #if it does not exist, make it if !File.exist?(@@imageDirectory) begin Dir.mkdir(@@imageDirectory) rescue @@imageDirectory = @@pluginDirectory + "/results/" end else # see if we can write to it if ! || !File.writable?(@@imageDirectory) @@imageDirectory = @@pluginDirectory + "/results/" end end #make sure it is a writable directory. Since we default to the #plugin directory, if this fails, then they need to re-install. if ! || !File.writable?(@@imageDirectory) alert(@@title + " plugin has encountered an error;\n" + "Could not access the model directory;\n" + "[" + @@imageDirectory + "]\n" + "Please re-install the plugin.") return end # read in the image count and convert the string to an integer @@imageCount = Sketchup.read_default @@title, "defaultImageCount" @@imageCount = @@imageCount.to_i if !@@imageCount || @@imageCount < 3 @@imageCount = 36 end # make sure we have a model name @@modelName = createModelName() script = "init('" + @@imageDirectory + "', " + "'" + @@modelName + "', " + @@imageCount.to_s + ", " + modelImageWidth().to_s + ");" @@swivelDlg.execute_script(script) } end # end of handleToolbarButtonPress() ## # Create the HTML file by appending _index.html to the end of the # model name ## def SwivelButton;;getIndexFile() return @@modelName + "_index.html" end ## # Return the full path to the HTML file ## def SwivelButton;;getIndexFilePath() return @@modelDirectory + "/" + getIndexFile(); end ## # Add a callback to generate the images. ## def SwivelButton;;addGenerateImagesButtonCallback() @@swivelDlg.add_action_callback("handleGenerateImagesButtonPress") do |d, p| handleGenerateImagesButtonPress(d,p) end end ## # Add a callback to cancel the dialog. ## def SwivelButton;;addCancelButtonCallback() @@swivelDlg.add_action_callback("cancel") do |dlg, p| @@swivelDlg.close() end end ## # Add a callback to close the dialog. ## def SwivelButton;;addCloseCallback() @@swivelDlg.add_action_callback("close") do |dlg, p| @@swivelDlg.close() end end ## # Add a callback to open a web page ## def SwivelButton;;addOpenPage() @@swivelDlg.add_action_callback("openPage") do |dlg, p| UI;;openURL File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/html/" + p end end ## # Add a callback to get the sub-directories of a given directory. # This will return a comma separated list of all the directories # that live directly below the given path. ## def SwivelButton;;addGetDirectoryCallback() @@swivelDlg.add_action_callback("getDirectory") { |dlg, path| begin d =; rescue return "" end children = d.each do |f| if( + '/' + f) && f != '.' && f != '..') begin tmp = + '/' + f) children.push(f) rescue end end end dirs = ""; 0.upto(children.length-1) do |i| dirs = dirs + "," if(i != 0); dirs = dirs + children[i] end script = "GetDirectoryDialog.rubyUpdateToDirectory('" + path + "', '" + dirs + "');" dlg.execute_script(script) } end ## # Add a callback to create a directory. # The parameter is a comma-separated pair; the directory # name and the user-supplied directory name. # Status is 1 if good and 0 if bad ## def SwivelButton;;addCreateDirectoryCallback() @@swivelDlg.add_action_callback("makeDir") { |dlg, pathAndName| path,name = pathAndName.split(',') #status is good status = 1; begin Dir.mkdir path + "/" + name rescue status = 0; end pathName = path + "/" + name script = "GetDirectoryDialog.rubyCreateDirectory('" + pathName + "', " + status.to_s + ");" @@swivelDlg.execute_script(script) } end ## # Add a callback to handle image capture requests from javascript ## def SwivelButton;;addCaptureNextImageCallback() @@swivelDlg.add_action_callback("captureNextImage") { |d, p| handleCaptureNextImage() } end ## # Save the model as a set of images. This uses the current camera # position to generate the image. ## def SwivelButton;;saveModelImage(jpgFile, zoomExtentsPreview, includeGELayers) Sketchup.active_model.start_operation "saveModelImage" if includeGELayers == false # if it's on right now, turn off visibility of the Google Earth layer. allLayers = Sketchup.active_model.layers allLayers.each {|x| if == "Google Earth Snapshot" || == "Google Earth Terrain" x.visible = false end } end # saves a preview image having the proper dimensions to the file specified model = Sketchup.active_model myview = model.active_view # make sure we're getting the whole picture if zoomExtentsPreview == true myview.zoom_extents end # force a redraw myview.invalidate # go ahead and write out the file now wNow = myview.vpwidth hNow = myview.vpheight # determine the height to preserve the aspect ratio height = modelImageWidth*hNow/wNow jpgFile.gsub!(/\\/,"/") oldvalue = Sketchup.active_model.rendering_options["DrawSilhouettes"] Sketchup.active_model.rendering_options["DrawSilhouettes"] = false # actually draw the thing viewresult = myview.write_image(jpgFile,modelImageWidth, modelImageHeight,true) Sketchup.active_model.rendering_options["DrawSilhouettes"] = oldvalue Sketchup.active_model.abort_operation return viewresult end # end of saveModelImage() ## # return preview image width (in pixels) ## def SwivelButton;;modelImageWidth return @@imageWidth; end ## # Return the image height ## def SwivelButton;;modelImageHeight return @@imageHeight; end ## # Create the model directory name based on the title of the model. ## def SwivelButton;;createModelName() modelName = Sketchup.active_model.title # make sure it is a valid filename by stripping everything but chars, nums modelName = modelName.gsub(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]*/, "") # if the name is empty, call it "model" if (modelName.length < 1) modelName = "model"; end return modelName end ## # This gets called when the user presses on the button in the toolbar ## def SwivelButton;;handleGenerateImagesButtonPress(d,p) @@imageDirectory, @@imageCount = p.split(',') @@imageCount = @@imageCount.to_i @@imageIndex = 0 @@modelDirectory = @@imageDirectory fileGlob = @@modelDirectory + "/" + @@modelName + "_i*"; # # Make the new directory # if File.exist?(@@modelDirectory) == false begin Dir.mkdir(@@modelDirectory) rescue alert("Cannot create " + @@modelDirectory + " Please provide a different name.") return end elsif(Dir[fileGlob].length > 0) overwriteStatus = UI;;messagebox(@@modelDirectory + " contains files that will be overwritten. Do you want to continue?", MB_OKCANCEL) ok = 1 if overwriteStatus != ok return end end createHTMLForImages() # save the state to disk saveDialogSettings() setupBeforeMakingScenes() # get the first image handleCaptureNextImage() end # end of handleGenerateImagesButtonPress() ## # Allow the javascript to save the dialog state ## def SwivelButton;;addSaveDialogSettingsCallback() @@swivelDlg.add_action_callback("saveDialogSettings") do |d, p| @@imageDirectory,@@imageCount = p.split(',') saveDialogSettings() end end ## # When the user clicks on a folder, we fire a callback event. # This adds that callback. ## def SwivelButton;;addOpenFolderCallback() @@swivelDlg.add_action_callback("openFolder") do |d, p| UI;;openURL p end end ## # Resize the dialog window ## def SwivelButton;;resizeWindow(w, h, imageW, imageH, d) @@imageWidth = imageW.to_i @@imageHeight = imageH.to_i tempImage = @@pluginDirectory + "/images/swivelButtonTempImage.jpg" saveModelImage(tempImage, false, false) w = w.to_i h = h.to_i d.set_size w,h end ## # Add a callback to the resizing of the window. ## def SwivelButton;;addResizeWindowCallback() @@swivelDlg.add_action_callback("resizeWindow") do |d, p| w, h, imageW, imageH = p.split(',') resizeWindow(w, h, imageW, imageH, d) end end ## # Save the dialog settings ## def SwivelButton;;saveDialogSettings() Sketchup.write_default @@title, "defaultDirectory", @@imageDirectory Sketchup.write_default @@title, "defaultImageCount", @@imageCount Sketchup.write_default @@title, "defaultImageSize", modelImageWidth end ## # Callback from javascript to generate the next image ## def SwivelButton;;handleCaptureNextImage() if @@imageIndex >= @@imageCount @@imageIndex = 0 end @@imageFilename = @@modelDirectory + "/" + @@modelName + "_image" + (@@imageCount - @@imageIndex - 1).to_s + ".jpg" orbitSceneAndSavePicture() @@imageIndex = @@imageIndex + 1 # call the javascript code so it can update the progress bar. # if we are done then restore the state if (@@imageIndex < @@imageCount) imgCount = @@imageIndex - 1 script = "getNextImage('" + @@imageFilename + "', " + imgCount.to_s + ")" @@swivelDlg.execute_script(script) else @@swivelDlg.execute_script("showLastImage('" + @@imageFilename + "')") restoreState() # now store everything in a zip file arrayString = "" count = (@@imageCount-1) for i in 0..count arrayString += " '" + @@modelDirectory + "/" + @@modelName + "_image" + i.to_s + ".jpg',\n" end arrayString = arrayString[0..arrayString.rindex(',')-1] # no comma # build up the command filename = "'" + @@modelDirectory + "/" + getIndexFile() + "'" zipfile= "'" + @@modelDirectory + @@modelName + ".zip'" cmd = " " + zipfile + ", " + filename + ", " + arrayString; eval(cmd); end end ## # Set up the layers and isometric viewpoints ## def SwivelButton;;setupBeforeMakingScenes() preserveState() # if it's on right now, turn off visibility of the Google Earth layer. allLayers = Sketchup.active_model.layers allLayers.each {|x| if == "Google Earth Snapshot" || == "Google Earth Terrain" x.visible = false end } # zoom extents Sketchup.active_model.active_view.zoom_extents # invalidate the current view Sketchup.active_model.active_view.invalidate # get camera positions @@endpoints = getCameraPositions(@@imageCount) # get camera targets @@camtargs = getCameraTargets() end ## # Draw a segmented circle around the model and return the edges. # We will use these edges to guide the camera around the model. ## def SwivelButton;;makeCirclePath(numseg) eyeNow = targetNow = # draw the circle at our elevation (z coord) bb = Sketchup.active_model.bounds; bbcenter =; centerpoint = targetNow; zvec = Geom;;,0,1) viewvec = eyeNow - targetNow unitviewvec = viewvec.normalize; # add a boundary by backing up a bit more, standoff_distance = getStandoffDistance() * 1.1; # the eye will lie along the current view line so it is # standoff_distance away from the target standoff_vec = unitviewvec; standoff_vec.length = standoff_distance; standoff_eyepoint = bbcenter + standoff_vec; new_radius = Math.sqrt(standoff_vec.x*standoff_vec.x + standoff_vec.y*standoff_vec.y); centerpoint.z = standoff_eyepoint.z; z = centerpoint.z; # This is a circle in a plane parallel to the x-y plane with # center = centerpoint # radius = new_radius edges = Sketchup.active_model.active_entities.add_circle(centerpoint,zvec,new_radius,numseg); return [edges, standoff_eyepoint] end ## # Draw a segmented (numseg) circle around the model, then store the # vertices as positions for the camera and remove the edges. ## def SwivelButton;;getCameraPositions(numseg) # Start a transaction so that we can remove it from the UNDO list Sketchup.active_model.start_operation "CreateTempCircle" # make a circle's worth of edges edges, pointoncircle = makeCirclePath(numseg) # go through these edges and build an array of endpoints endpoints = [] edges.each {|thisedge| vtxs = thisedge.vertices p1 = vtxs[0].position endpoints.push(p1) } Sketchup.active_model.abort_operation # now sort based on the pointoncircle dist = 10e16 # a big number bestIndex = -1 curIndex = 0 endpoints.each { |p| d = p.distance pointoncircle if(d < dist) dist = d bestIndex = curIndex end curIndex = curIndex + 1 } pnts = [] 0.upto(endpoints.length-1) { |i| pnts.push(endpoints[(i+bestIndex)%endpoints.length]) } # ok, now pass back the endpoints that we pulled out return pnts end ## # Get the locations for where to place the camera. ## def SwivelButton;;getCameraTargets() # return the target and the up-target for the current view upNow = eyeNow = targetNow = zVec = Geom;;,0.0,1.0) - Geom;;,0.0,0.0) upTarget = Geom.intersect_line_line([eyeNow,upNow],[targetNow,zVec]) if upTarget == nil upTarget = targetNow + Geom;;,0.0,10000000.0) end # need to make targetNow be the center, and upTarget should be directly above # the center by an appropriate amount (twice the bounding box height, say) bb=Sketchup.active_model.bounds pmax = bb.max pmin = bb.min zdiff = bb.max[2]-bb.min[2] pcenter = targetNow = pcenter up = Geom;;,0.0,1.3*zdiff) upTarget = pcenter + up return [targetNow, upTarget] end ## # Compute the diameter that circumscribes the bounding box ## def SwivelButton;;getBBoxDiam() bb = Sketchup.active_model.bounds; len = (bb.max-bb.min).length; return len; end ## # Compute how far away the camera should be to see the entire model. ## def SwivelButton;;getStandoffDistance() bboxdiam = getBBoxDiam(); bboxradius = bboxdiam/2; foveff = * 3.14159265/180.0 standoff = bboxradius/Math.sin(foveff/2); return standoff; end ## # Save the state before we start moving the camera ## def SwivelButton;;preserveState() @@camera =; @@eyeOrig = @@camera.eye; @@upOrig = @@camera.up; @@targetOrig =; @@lengthOrig = @@camera.focal_length; @@fovOrig = @@camera.fov; @@imageWidOrig = @@camera.image_width; end ## # Once done with the process, restore the state. ## def SwivelButton;;restoreState() = @@camera; Sketchup.active_model.active_view.invalidate c2 = Sketchup;;; c2.fov = @@fovOrig; c2.focal_length = @@lengthOrig; c2.image_width = @@imageWidOrig; c2.set(@@eyeOrig,@@targetOrig,@@upOrig); = c2; allLayers = Sketchup.active_model.layers allLayers.each {|x| if == "Google Earth Snapshot" || == "Google Earth Terrain" x.visible = true; end } end ## # Orbit around the model and save each camera shot as an image ## def SwivelButton;;orbitSceneAndSavePicture() cTarg = @@camtargs[0] upTarg = @@camtargs[1] ep = @@endpoints[@@imageIndex] c = Sketchup;; upvec = upTarg-ep c.set(ep,cTarg,upvec) # now stick this camera on our view = c # now take a picture and put it there zoomExtentsPreview = false includeGELayers = false saveModelImage(@@imageFilename, zoomExtentsPreview, includeGELayers) end ## # Create the HTML that uses the images as an example for the user. # This method uses a template that the user can modify. ## def SwivelButton;;createHTMLForImages() filename = @@pluginDirectory + "/html/jsTemplate.html" fileString = '' # This will also close the file, "r") { |f| fileString = } arrayString = "var imageFileNameArray = new Array(\n" count = (@@imageCount-1) for i in 0..count arrayString += " '" + @@modelName + "_image" + i.to_s + ".jpg',\n" end arrayString += " '" + @@modelName + "_image" + count.to_s + ".jpg');\n\n" # string replace <$IMAGE_ARRAY /> fileString = fileString.gsub(/\$IMAGE_ARRAY/, arrayString) fileString = fileString.gsub(/\$WIDTH/, modelImageWidth().to_s) fileString = fileString.gsub(/\$HEIGHT/, modelImageHeight().to_s) # write it out filename = @@modelDirectory + "/" + getIndexFile() file =, "w") file.puts fileString file.close end ## # Utility function for diplaying a message ## def SwivelButton;;alert(msg) UI;;messagebox(msg) end ## # The first time, we set up the camera position. ## def SwivelButton;;zoomInitial() Sketchup.active_model.active_view.zoom_extents eyeNow = targetNow = upvec = # draw the circle at our elevation (z coord) bb = Sketchup.active_model.bounds; bbcenter =; centerpoint = targetNow; viewvec = eyeNow - targetNow unitviewvec = viewvec.normalize; # add a boundary by backing up a bit more, standoff_distance = getStandoffDistance() * 1.1; # the eye will lie along the current view line so it is # standoff_distance away from the target standoff_vec = unitviewvec; standoff_vec.length = standoff_distance; standoff_eyepoint = bbcenter + standoff_vec; c = Sketchup;; c.set(standoff_eyepoint,bbcenter,upvec) # now stick this camera on our view = c end end # end of module SwivelButton
RE: Texture Position
I use
Sketchup 7.0.8657
Windows Vista Ultimate 64 bitIs it only working if i select all faces (without edges) ?
i chose all faces and klciked FRONTFACE TO BACKFACE and nothing changed
Where did you get the output ?@unknownuser said:
The material was transferred to the backside fine - No problems or error. (SU7 - PC)
RE: Texturing Plane Alpha bug?
@unknownuser said:
Try to adjust the Transparency quality in the Styles window.
yea thats it. thank you
Texturing Plane Alpha bug?
i textured a plane with a texture map that has an alpha. Frome one side of the plane it looks ok but drom the other side i can kind of XRAY through my model. (see image)
The image shows the plane from both sides. I marked the area where i can see through the plane and through the roof ... i see the wireframe of the entrance through the geometry....this is..never seen such kind of behavior in any 3d app.
Any ideas?Thank you
Can not remember plugin name
i think there was a plugin that was capable of scaling a uv texture on a percent basis. The texture position tool of sketchup itself provides an ugly scaling feature, it is not accurate.
And another thing. If i build a model and use a 512px texture and then decide to switch it to kills the uv positions. i donĀ“t know if i should lough or cry.thank you
RE: Texture Position
transfers front side to backside sounds nice. ill take a look. thank you
installed your uv tools. selected a face and tried to transfer...nothing happened.
i think somehow sketchup is not able to import a 3ds correctly with uv coordinates.
what i was trying to to fixes the wrong "pseudo non existing double faces".if i understood right you use that method to transfer the uvs. hmm so what i want to do will not work, because the transfer does not work.
your plugin is working if i first do a "fit texture to quad faces". problem is mine is triangulated and already textured correctly from the outside
Texture Position
i imported a 3ds file into Sketchup. The result was the textured model, but the texture was kind of twosided. from the outside it was for example a wall and from the inside the same face had a texture of the roof. (model is 100% ok, passed STL check and has no double sided faces).
The solution to fix this is to select every triangle go to texture-> position , do nothing and klick done. So my idea was to make a script that does this to every face. What i did is the following, i put every information in an array. Now iam searching for the functions to do this. ( something like face[1].setPosition(getcurrentPosition(face[1])) ).
Maybe you can help me with some snippets.Thank you
model = Sketchup.active_model
entities = model.active_entities
selection = model.selectionfaces = []
entities.each do |e|
faces.push e if e.is_a? Sketchup::Faceend
puts "Total Faces : " + faces.length.to_s