Can not remember plugin name
i think there was a plugin that was capable of scaling a uv texture on a percent basis. The texture position tool of sketchup itself provides an ugly scaling feature, it is not accurate.
And another thing. If i build a model and use a 512px texture and then decide to switch it to kills the uv positions. i don´t know if i should lough or cry.thank you
I don't know of a plugin. but you can scale your texture simply by changing the lengh or width in the material editor window.
and if you used a 512px texture and then want to replace it with a higher resolution one. that souldn't be a problem. in the edit-tab of the material editor simply browse for the location of the new texture. the uv-coordinates should be preserved.
(please correct me, if I am wrong) -
I do the reverse often: modelling with original (high res) images (for GE) then making the applied images unique then editing them and resizing (decreasing) the image resolution considerably. UV mapping is kept. Maybe try to position the texture first?