This plugin does not show up on my mac version. No load error, no selection in the menu.
I have tried it in both plugin folders
Any suggestions?
This plugin does not show up on my mac version. No load error, no selection in the menu.
I have tried it in both plugin folders
Any suggestions?
This has happened in our computer lab as well. The new version of photoshop has hijacked kmz files and they open there instead of in google earth when you select the "sent to google earth" command.(or hit the orange arrow globe) We have not figured out a solution to this other than to save the kmz to the desktop and drop it on GE. Even using the get info menu to select "use this application to open all applications of this type" does not work. There may be something in PS preferences but I have not dug around there yet.
It is quite a pain.
If you right click on the installer and choose "show contents" you can open the installer from there. In the resources folder you will find 2 items, camera.rb and a folder named "Previs" if you drop those into your plugins folder you will have the camera package in your camera menu.
It is a bad sign that your other plugins are not working. Make sure you have them installed in Library/Application support/Google Sketchup 7/Sketchup/Plugins. If you have that set up correctly you plugins should load the next time you start the application. (You can also use the path User/Library/Application Support/etc.)
Good luck
The plugin works fine but the nice little toolset is no where to be found.
Reinstalled twice and restarted.
Did this happen to anyone else?
I have not seen this elsewhere on the forum but it may be old news. When I use the polygon tool in v.7 I cannot edit it after creation, either the number of sides or the radius. Entering changes in the measurements box and hitting enter has no effect. You can still modify it in entity info., but not in measurements. Still works in 6, what happened in 7?
this is the case on every mac in our computer lab, so it is not my machine.
Mac os 10.5.6
Sketchup Version 7.0.10248
You can find it here:
It was written for V.5 and is pretty long in the tooth, but still works in 7.
You need to place both the Camera.rb file and the folder called Previs in your plugins folder
You will then find the options in the Camera Menu to "select camera type" and "create camera" along with a few other options.
when I download my own style I posted it is in the format of the others, but in my system the file structure looks like this.
This is the format of default styles in the styles library on a mac.
The sample file I downloaded is from the pro user forum, I don't see a way to upload a folder rather than just a file, but it is a folder with the style name, and inside are 4 files and a folder, files are document.xml, document properties.xml, references.xml, doc thumbnail .png and a ref. folder full of stroke pngs. Are those the way styles are saved on the windows side? I am surprised they are not cross platform.
its a mystery.
I didn't mention it but I did try adding the .styles suffix. Of course it is not that easy. All the pre loaded styles are in a exec. (?) format, which I think is some unix deal. (?) Nothing like the folders that are posted exist in the mac libraries.
Thanks for the quick response. Let me know if you have any further ideas.
I have downloaded some of the styles posted but can't seem to get them to work. I know where styles go, Library/application support/google sketchup 6/ sketchup/styles. the download consists of a folder with some xml files which do not appear as a style when I launch sketchup.
I'm on a mac.