In reference to your latest illustrations, the intersect process will create either solid lines or hidden lines. In MY observation/experience, Sketchup/OpenGL seems to be trying to create logical faces. That is why you see all of those hidden triangles.
If you have ever noticed, OpenGL shading(called either gooch or Gouraud shading, not sure which) will exhibit slight shade variations on faces with more than 3 edges, especially on smoothed models. The shade variations are "virtual" edges that will not display as lines, but tend to align with where a logical edge would occur between vertices. Your introduction of the cylindrical extrusion and intersect created virtual triangular faces.
[I am not sure at what scale you are working, but it is important to remember that Sketchup does have difficulty with tiny faces, even though this does not appear to be your problem. I only mention it in case scaling also influences the conditions you are experiencing. As recommended by others, scale the model up as much as 100x for the modeling procedure and then by .01x when finished]
Again, the above is MY observation/interpretation sprinkled with stuff I have read here and searches on the internet.