Thank you Fredo!!!
I only have a problem when set the dimension in the dialog box by pressing TAB. It dosenĀ“t accept what I put.. just make a beep
I attach a video example of this.
Daniel S
Thank you Fredo!!!
I only have a problem when set the dimension in the dialog box by pressing TAB. It dosenĀ“t accept what I put.. just make a beep
I attach a video example of this.
Daniel S
"you need to activate the script via the menu Windows->Preferences->Extension."
Daniel S
Amazing game!!!
Great work!!
Thank you,
Daniel S
"you need to activate the script via the menu Windows->Preferences->Extension."
Daniel S
Great Icons!
A crazy ask: It is possible to make the plugin work in a future version with a variable radius along the edge?
Daniel S
Jim has a plugin called Randomize tin:
This plugn adds some (user specified) randomness to a Sandbox-created TIN. It adds a Randomize TIN option under the Plugins menu. Instal...
That perhaps is useful for what are you looking for.
Daniel S
I think that you donĀ“t install it well
Put the three files in your plugin folder
Perhaps this fix your problem.
Daniel S
try with the ruby console open like in the video i attach here:
And if it gives error send the error to wikii.
For me is working now.
Daniel S
Now works..
thank you Wikii!!
install the latest version, and under Plugins you will see "FollowAndRotate". Select first a curve and a face.
Daniel S
I attach a video showing what iĀ“m doing...
still I get a error in the ruby console.
Daniel S
I get a error on the ruby console
I attach a image.
Daniel S
Look at this video with Internet Explorer:
Daniel S
PS: Great we have SketchyPhysics forum again.
And here is other video showing SketchyPhysics with the Wiimote Whiteboard option:
It is display on a TV.
Daniel S
I just upload this video:
Is SketchyPhysics controlled with aWiimote
ItĀ“s very difficult to make it work as joystick, but itĀ“s really great.
For more information and video about the Wiimote and Sketchup:
Daniel S.
I had the same problem of watkins. I think that the problem is because the contruction lines is working only for curved faces. If you want the construction lines of the tools on a planar face it dosenĀ“t work.
I attach a image to try to explain these. In the two faces I try to put tools with construction lines.
Daniel S
Here I use the Wiimote to control SketchUp:
You can zoom, orbit, pan, walk... you can make whatever you want because you can assign shortcuts to the Wiimote Buttons.
In the video I show that you can change the scenes with the wiimote for making presenations too.
For making this, I use the script from: and I make some changes.
Daniel S