I think my approach would be to wrap a torus round a sphere, intersecting stuff as required to give me the necessary arc lengths, then to cheat a little (or a lot) and use the free training edition of this plugin ( http://www.tgi3d.com/index.php?Page=Download ) to thicken/thin the tube as required to make knuckles. I have not tried to give them any particular shape here - just illustrating the resizing possibilities of the plugin.
Other approaches might use Fredo's Tools on Surface to draw the lines for the talons directly on the ball, without cutting up a torus and then use pipe along path or tube along path to create the claws.
Again, one could employ a method like the one below where I made a radial array of circles (no need for a full circular array of course, then used the MOVE tool on the cardinal points to resize a couple of the circles then used Fredo's Curviloft to skin them.