nice design Kostas!
Latest posts made by cadward
RE: Does anyone have a split face CMU texture ?
hey dale
check out Acme Brick Masonry Designer program (free). It allows you to chose brick/cmu patterns and even create mixes of cmu/brick patterns. Hope that helps. -
RE: Which CAD program?
Hey Tf
You seem to like to twist words a little. I was and am not bashing Apple products...please read my posts carefully.
I have owned my own company since 1990. So I think comparing me to a "cash converter or pawn shop clerk " is a little off base.
I owned an Apple computer....used it for 6 months....sold it....simple. Did not love it...did not hate it. It simply was not for me. No bashing or twisting comments. I just said I liked their sense of design....never commented on any lack of functionality.
as far as PC vs Mac as the platform to go or talk to any architectural firm in your area and take a poll of what platform they use and what software they use. Your area may be different than here in the states. If I am wrong please accept my apology. But please research market share for an unbiased look. Also please check honoluludesktop's response...I think he states the facts accurately.
As far as asking the question about "do I really like using the command line?" It doesn't bother me. I rarely us it. Use shortcuts mostly....and getting used to the "ribbon". Do you use AutoCad....(please take no offense at my question....just wondering) If not ....what do you use for your architectural projects?
Your introduction of drawing standards BS 1192 has nothing to do with anything I said. Drawing Standards and .dwg is a standard drawing format in the architectural industry, are 2 different subjects.
Read the post carefully....where did I say that "software does the designing"?...please just discuss or argue with points made in the actual post....and as a matter of fact....I do shoot with a Nikon SLR (F3 & F4) and a Nikon DSLR (D200) and Sinar 4x5 ( F series and P series)...but thats a different discussion
I merely stated that AutoCad or any clone producing the .dwg format would be a good choice for the poster. Several other people here seem to agree. The poster even said that his clients used AutoCad.take a pill and chill out....but more importantly read the posts and be open to different points of view other than your own...
all opinions should be welcome....right? -
RE: Which CAD program?
Hey tfdesign
I have had experience with Mac platform....I found it interesting...but not as friendly as Mac supporters have claimed....I love their sense of product design....did not like their pricing structure....way to expensive... I took the approach of choosing the software that I needed to start my company. If you are into architectural design...PC is the platform to go with. That being said...I really do wish PC's were more concerned with product design....but when you come down to it...the look or shape of your computer really doesn't matter...Unless you have a designer office that you wish to show's the software you use that matters...I personally do not like AutoDesk's pricing structure....But they do offer a very good product that is one of the architectural industry standard...if you can find a good AutoCad clone...go for it...I personally have been using AutoCad since 1990....and my business has benefitted from my decision....but if you can find a software that offers more...go for it...Just remember to buy one that offers good product support.The bottom line is to choose the best software for your business,,,then buy the computer that supports it.
RE: Which CAD program?
I have to agree with Anssi...Go with AutoCad LT or 100% dwg compatable clone for use with PC. Vectorworks seems like a good choice for Mac...but I do not have that much experience with it., and it is also not cheap.
I have licenses for AutoCad 2010, AutoCad Architecture 2010, and Revit 2008 ...and almost all of the 2D projects could be done with AutoCad LT.....2 of the past architectural firms I've worked for used AutoCad LT, and produced projects varying from Residential, Multi Family Housing, Retail & Medical Office Bldgs, Warehouses and Adaptive Re-use. Great way to start a business for PC based CAD work. The Dwg format is by far the most requested format for information transfer with a client or contractor. Get a trial copy of LT and some of the clones available and check test for yourself. Its also easier to find AutoCad trained help when you need to hire help.
Good Luck -
RE: Adobe CS4 and Windows 7- does it work okay?
Hey Tom
I've been running CS4 on Dell 490 Workstation, 3.73ghx zeon, Win 7 Ultimate 64 bit, 10gigs memory & Quadro FX 3800. I have had no problems. However I am not a CS4 power user.I can not recall any crashes or slowdowns while using CS4 on Win 7....Switching to 64 bit OS did wonders for my working applications. What kind of work are you doing mainly? -
RE: Free e-book about rendering with Mental Ray for architecture
Thanks!......I just picked up a copy of 3DS Max Design 2010 ....trying to learn it on my own ......this should help greatly all I need are good resources for the modelling part ....
RE: DoubleCAD XT, free commercial use 2D detailing app.
no problem....looking forward to the tutorials
RE: DoubleCAD XT, free commercial use 2D detailing app.
ok....honesty...Do I like AutoDesk pricing policy?....No
Do I work for AutoDesk?....No
Do I use AutoDesk software?....yes
Do I hope DoubleCad is a success?....certainly, it look very interestingYour product is compatable with AutoCad LT 2009. It is not compatable with 2010 (2010 unfortunately has a new dwg format)
You were comparing your Pro selling price with AutoCad LT 2009 MSRP (list price). Please compare sale price with sale price.
Amazon clearly sells it today for $559 (just checked). I call your statement being a little deceptive, hey but thats a well accepted advertising strategy...and a lot of companies do it. (just being honest)I use AutoCad 2010 ,AutoCad Architecture 2010, and occasionally Revit Architecture 2008. I use them because the vast majority of the Architectural Industry uses them. I know I can share my files with all my consutants with very few problems.
Provide me with a viable, cheaper alternative and I will gladly use it! Until then I will continue to use what has kept me in business since 1990.I just like to know actual purchasing prices of the software I am looking at....Thats All...It helps me control what I buy...and where I buy it from.
I hope your company is successful....because in the long run... competition helps keep prices down and improves the quality of the software we use.
I meant no disrepect to you personally...Just want to know the facts.
Always looking for better alternatives...
G Ward
RE: DoubleCAD XT, free commercial use 2D detailing app.
I was just comparing what they had listed on their published comparison chart...full version DoubleCad for full version AutoCad LT. I am well aware that they have a free version.