thanks box!
i actually solved it yesterday night as well by copying it to another file and exploding and regrouping.
RE: Geometry problem importing 3D DWG file to Skp
RE: Geometry problem importing 3D DWG file to Skp
@dave r said:
It looks something like this?
[attachment=0:24fxfyjb]<!-- ia0 -->2014-11-12_13-02-42.png<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:24fxfyjb]You're seeing Z-fighting due to surfaces being too close together for the OpenGL and your graphics card to resolve.
You are wrong it has nothing to do with the GPU.
ive had models imported from 3dmax that were even closer.
and ive built models with details smaller then a mm.
so its not the GPU.
i belive the problem is due to Autocad having a different system for understanding endpoints. and non of the skp plug-in importers can resolve it. -
Geometry problem importing 3D DWG file to Skp
Im importing a not so big 3D DWG file into sketchup.
the imported model starts to "flicker" when i zoom in
and the worst part of it is sketchup cant lock on to end points of the using sketchup 14 on windows 7 pro
my computer is I7 3770k running at 4550, 16gb ram and Gforce gt760 gpu.its not a GPU problem since all other even larger models work fine.
i tried using 3dmax as a mid way for the dwg file.
but 3ds and obj resulted in same geometry including the dwg file.
any help or advice would be highly appreciated.
RE: Saving and loading irradiance map effects quality of render?
Thanks a lot man! This will help in the stressful deadlines.
Know I can save the ir-map half size and no effect to render is great! -
Saving and loading irradiance map effects quality of render?
Hello i got this concern and no matter how many tests i ran i cant get a conclusion to put my concerns in peace... hopefully there's a pro here who can answer this questions with 100% certainty.
1)if i save the irradiance map in lower res. render and then load it when im doing my final high res render so vray wont have to prepass again, will that lower the quality of the final render in anyway vs. doing the prepass in the full final high res. render?
2)if i load the irradiance map from scene1 and use it to render scene2 (different angle for same space) is that ok? or does it messes up the render?
3)if i saved the irradiance map and then apply changes to the model (not the light) add something change reflection stuff like that, does that makes my irradiance map irrelevant and needed to be rendered again or not? same question regarding changing the light a bit?
this 3 questions driving me mad i cant seem to see differences.
thanks for the help in advance ":]
RE: Vray render 7 out 8 core freezing
@dkendig said:
Have you tried rendering to a vrimg with the VFB mode set to No Memory? It might use less memory than rendering to an exr. I can't remember off the top of my head, but I'd give that a shot if you haven't tried already. We bundle a tool to convert from vrimg to exr.
Yea I tried it long time ago I also use the distributed rendering 64bit so no memory problem.
and the exr I convert via photoshop, just adjust the exposure\gamma(forgot which one) 0.4545
but thanks anyways -
RE: Moving skp model with all materials at once
@valerostudio said:
In VR 2.0 there is a pack scene feature. This copies all the files (HDRI, maps, IES, etc) into a ZIP file. Its located in the V-Ray menu.
Yep found it! its under Plugins- Vray - Pack Scene...
Great - makes life much easier. -
RE: Moving skp model with all materials at once
its true that most of the materials will move when I copy the skp file,
but the hdri, bump, displacement maps and some of the defuse of the materials is lost since its looking for the bmp files that does not exist in the other using vray for the render. are you saying there should be a way to pack via the vray all the items that are in my project? (and i mean at once not each one individually that i know how to do).
like i pointed out in autocad you can etransmit your project and it will pack all the fonts,ctb and xrefs.
and in adobe indesign when you pack you project it also sends all the pictures, fonts and so on.
but in skp i don't see a way to "pack" your project with all the needed files (bmp maps and so on...)
RE: Vray render 7 out 8 core freezing
well... no go
its still freezes, I turned off all the displacments, moved all trees to proxy and still gets stuck on the light going to format the comp and reinstall all from scratch, it might be some runtime problem maybe...
RE: Vray render 7 out 8 core freezing
Ok I got it thank you man for the advise! ill try it out tonight and see how it goes.
still can figure out why it works fine on the laptop and crashes on the desktop.
since its the same skp and vray and the specs are almost the same for both... -
Moving skp model with all materials at once
I was wondering, If I want to move my complete skp model with all the materials and settings from my comp to another comp that does not have all my libraries of materials and bmps, is there a way to do it?
for example in AutoCAD I can ETtransmit my project with all the fonts and xrefs or in Adobe InDesign I can also package my projects(all the fonts and photos) and move them around pc's.
what happened to me is when I moved my model from my PC to my Laptop it looses many materials and settings since I don't have the files there and arranging them in the same folder like on my PC will take me to much time.
thanks in advance for the help
RE: Vray render 7 out 8 core freezing
sorry it took me so long to replay, I didn't got the notifications for some reason.
anyways thanks for the ideas.
im already using the 64bit distributed rendering so I can use my the full ram capability, and also using EXR and render to vrimage.but still It freezes on the mid and high resolutions. such as 2048x1017.
what drives me nuts on my laptop that has almost the same specs as my desktop
it work fine doesn't freeze at going bloody kuku with this problem.
same specs ( except the GPU --> laptop GPU=SLI GFORCE 750 DESKTOP GPU=gforce 760)
but as we all know it has no effect on the render.any other ideas or suggestion?
@andybot tell me if I do the whole map saving on the lower resolution doesn't it mess-up the quality of the higher resolution render?
I usualy render around the 3200-4200. what resolution should I try rendering the maps on?
once again thanks for helping me out. im working on my final project for school and its driving me crazy.
Vray render 7 out 8 core freezing
hello people I need your help, since I cant find this problem mentioned anywhere.
im using sketchup 13 with vray 2 beta. my computer specs: i7 3770k running at 4.1
16gb 1600 ram
evga gforce gt760 2gbafter reading a lot about vray settings and using the best interior settings in options plus some more tweeks of my own, ive been trying to run a render.
now you know how each square while you render represents a core of your cpu
well during the one of the prepass 7 out of the 8 cores stop moving and only one keeps on render and then it will freeze on 95% completed.
now when I lower the quality or resolution it will render fine but when I set high resolution like 2800 pixels by 1400 pixels and heigher it will work until the squares(cores) will freeze. not the comp is working fine its not like the whole pc freezes only during the render.anyone have any idea why ?
do I have a bottle neck?
is the hardware or software?please I need help asap any ideas???
thanks and sorry for the long story