I use BB FlashBack 2 recorder. It was less expensive than CamStudio but does less.
I have made some french vidéos on SU for the french community.
They are hosted on Viddler.com
I use BB FlashBack 2 recorder. It was less expensive than CamStudio but does less.
I have made some french vidéos on SU for the french community.
They are hosted on Viddler.com
Did you unlock the layer "On Every inside pages" in the layer panel?
If so you should be able to change the title block
I also noted that loading Scenes from Layout is much much faster
Well arklandesign I loaded your model inti SU pro v7
and none of the above problems occurred
Merci beaucoup JIM (Tank you very much JIM)
It works fine
IT is unbelievable, I Posted my message at 10:45 am and I get an answer at 10:38
Bonjour tous
Il m'arrive assez souvent de vouloir retourner (Flip) un composant et si ce dernier a subit des rotations il n'est pas toujours Ă©vident d'en connaitre la position des axes, alors est-ce que vous connaissez l'existence d'un raccourcit ou "plugin" pour montrer ou masquer les axes de composants?
Bizarre, J'ai vérifié et je n'ai pas ce problème avec mon portable HP
Je présume que cela fonctione bien pour d'autres applications?
Bonjour Michel
Vraiment impressionnant ce que tu obtiens avec Layout. J'en conclus que tu maitrise parfaitement bien tous les outils de Layout et de SU.
Je suis un peu dans la mĂŞme situation que Jean-Franco, Ce que je fais est surtout du bricolage pour les proches, mais j'aime bien concevoir mes projets avec SU et LO, cela m'Ă©vite bien des erreurs de fabrication
Tanks to Gaieus and others. You have shown me a very usefull usage for the end points
Hi Guidon
Dave has a very good method, but there is one more method that I have used a couple times and it works quite well
What I do is:
In Sketchup
In Layout bring in the part, position it for the first view you want, only the dimensions for that view shoud appear
copy that part for the next view, rotate the part to suit your need and again
you shoud have only the dimensions that are visible for that view
Hope that is clear because I am not too good qith English
-flèche droite pour déplacement selon l'axe rouge
-flèche gauche pour déplacement selon l'axe vert
Sélectionne l'élément à déplacer,
active l'outil "Move"
clique sur un point de référence de l'élément à déplacer
presse momentanément la flèche désirée
et effectue le déplacement
Bonjour Ste.bd
Oui, il est possible de sélectionner toutes les cotes en une seule opération.
Dans la version anglaise, cela se passe comme suit:
Ouvre la fenĂŞtre " Model Info"
Ensuite "Dimension"
Ensuite "Select all dimensions"
Et voilĂ
Bonne fin de journée
Hi Dave, what is the best method for changing the components axes you mentionned above?
Tank you
Il est effectivement possible de modifier le rayon d'un polygone mais pas la longueur d'une arrĂŞte directement
Cela est possible en le sélectionnant et puis afficher la fenêtre "Entity Info" et ensuite en modifiant le rayon.
Bonjour Sergio
Il semble que tu doive effacer certains cookies,
Si tu peux lire l'anglais, consulte ce fil http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?f=51&t=19797
J'avais ce problème et après avoir effacé ces cookies, cela a bien fonctionner
Yes, I highly agree with August. This is a very very useful dynamic component.
Doing woodworking as a hobby (almost full time) It is true that we spent much time drawing doors and this DC will save me quite a bit of time
Tank you Eric
I very well agree with you Pilou, But I have assumed that Charly2008 did not have the "Weld" plugin.
Also may be I have not made it clear. What I did is
Activate the follow-me tool then
clic on the rectangle and
follow the upper curve with the mouse up to the point where it stops following and
then zoomed in quite a bit and continue following the curve
Hi Charlie2008
I have used your model and I succeeded the follow-me operation.
What I have done is that I started the operation and run close to were you had problem,then zoom very close and I was able to continue the operation going one segment at a time. Pay attention because there are some very small line segments