@thomthom said:
Please see the imagem called "selection"...
This is plugins tools to make selections in 3dsMax, and more...:
@thomthom said:
Please see the imagem called "selection"...
This is plugins tools to make selections in 3dsMax, and more...:
MODO from Luxology have good tools that make interesting selections. I remenber one very good. Is something like select polygon by yes/no/yes/no/yes/no, or by samples. Think about this, please.
@diego-rodriguez said:
hi. thanks for your plugins.
But the first two tools do not work.
could repair it?Error: #<NameError: uninitialized constant WindowTools::Jaluminio>
C:/Archivos de programa/Google/Google SketchUp 6/Plugins/WindowTools.rb:24
Error: #<NameError: uninitialized constant WindowTools::FOLHAALUMINIO>
C:/Archivos de programa/Google/Google SketchUp 6/Plugins/WindowTools.rb:31
C:/Archivos de programa/Google/**Google SketchUp 6/**Plugins/WindowTools.rb:24:in `call'
C:/Archivos de programa/Google/Google SketchUp 6/Plugins/WindowTools.rb:24
Is the very first two tools that I have made. Is strange this situation, because this is working fine for me, but I have Sketchup 7.1, and seems that you have the same version that me. Have you extract de zip file in the right place?
I don't understand nothing about RUBY, and yet, I make this improvements...
Your plugin is fantastic, really very useful.
I work with Sketchup the day complete, drawing projects of pieces of furniture and interiors.
Please, consider the possibility to create some tools that help in the development of pieces of furniture. Please, visit my site to see some of my work:
I think about something can create furniture like Chief Architect:
If it was possible to edit the generated blocks, something as the technology BIM, would be very cool. PLease consider the operation of REVIT:
Please, consider some alterations that I have been doing in a plugin:
Thanks anyway.
Thank you for the answer
If I have :
$larguraVIDRO = ($larguraJANELA - (( 2 * $larguraFORRA) + ( 2 * $afastaFOLHAS) + ( $larPERFIL * ( $numePORTAS - 1 )))) / $numePORTAS
UI.messagebox $larguraVIDRO
what means:
wglass = (200 - (( 2 * 4) + ( 2 * 0,5) + ( 3 * ( 3 - 1 )))) / 3
wglass = (200 - ((8) + ( 1) + (6)) / 3
wglass = 61,6666 >>>> this is result that I want, but the Script show me 24.75....
How can I correct this expression so that it presents me the correct result?
Thanks anyway...
I trying to do make myself what I want for this situation, and Sketchup has show me crazy behavior. When I write, for exemplo, 2 * 200, sketchup does not show me 400 as result, but 508. I think Sketchup thinks "2" is inches, not units. What is happening?
One more of the series "Alex and their crazy ideas.... "
Would it be possible to control the camera of Sketchup using something similar to the tool "Mover2?"
Apr 2014 * Renamed to MoveIt , and available in t SketchUcation Plugin Store Aug 16, 2009 * Released update fixing possible bugsplat...
Set camera offset for rotation and translation numericly:
I think something like move camera "up/down", "front/behind", "right/left" by typed numeric values.
Please, visit my blog: http://cg-alex.blogspot.com/
Is possible to do the inverse of this situation, like this:
Base Group (or components) Name from layer name? If yes, would be fantatisc to my workflow.
Hi Chris Fullmer
Great plugin, it is very usefull.
Would the plugin be possible to make components instead of groups??
I would like to mix the functionalities of a plugin with the ones of other, both make similar tasks. If possible, to increase some functions.
I like the window that plugin make: http://www.crai.archi.fr/RubyLibraryDepot/Ruby/windows.rb
I adapted him, and I made some alterations, me leaning that this makes a better window.
However I find a little boring to have to be measuring the wall for then to fill out in field with data of dimensions of the window that I want.
In that aspect, I find very interesting the possibility to supply the dimensions of the window for simply to click in three points, as that plugin: http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?f=180&t=14394
Could anybody alter plugin of the @ last to catch dimensions of the window for three clicks how the plugin of doing windows of TOMOT?
If it was possible to increase the possibility already to create the glasses and the number of the leaves of the window, this would be interesting.
Please notice the differences in the window that produces the plugin that I altered, and the original. Try!!!
Very Useful, I use this script all the time.
I think that each part of the object should be adjustable. From the lid, the doors, the drawers, the baseboard. Then everything should be parametric.
Inside the Vray Plugin have tool to apply materials to specific layers.
I want a plugin that deletes some materials of the scene, even if they are in use, in a similar way that as we deleted several emails in our email account. Maybe if it was possible to substitute several materials for one in one time, this would be also interesting. Another thing that I want would be the possibility of add a word or number in begin of all the materials of the object or scene.
"I'm organizing my library components from SketchUp, and because I use V-Ray to render my images, I put useful components names of the materials under the name of the component, to edit in V-Ray."
So, I wonder if it would be possible to create a script that renames the materials of these components according to some criteria. For example, suppose that I am editing a component called "table 045.skp" and it has the following materials: mapple wood, metal, white paint, etc.. After we run the script, the material would have the following names, such as:
wood mapple >> "wood table 045 01",
Metal >> "wood table 045 02",
white paint >> "wood table 045 03"
The reason for this is that it's confusing to locate in the scene the names of the materials of the componentes for editing in Vray.
Would it be possible a tool that draw rectangles with round corner?
I thank your efforts in any way.
@pixero said:
Ok. I added the Math::atan and now it works. Still the window is huge!
I really like the way it works in realtime but please make the window much more compact.
It would also be nice with a small reset button for each slider.Also would it be possible to have these as well:
Truck (left/right)
Pedestal (up/down)
Dolly (in/out)
I like the idea, and if is possible to store some values, is fantastic.
Thank you very much for the tool! I loved.
A thing that could be implemented would be the possibility to arise or to go down the camera, to change the zoom, or to alter the vision field, or Pan by slide.