Latest posts made by avraz
Convertin textures to skm files
uploaded few texture folders to sketchup 8 using the upload material plugin
used those textures and they worked
but than,,,,,
from the ''in model '' saved as a new collection of skm files
placed those folder with the original sketchup texture folders
restarted sketchup and opened those folders that now joined the material list
tried to use those textures and every single time sketchup crushes -
RE: [Plugin] Shape Bender Beta
@tig said:
Have you installed
on both PCs ?yes i did
on the same computer i got v7 that works but got very few plugs in its library and v8 with alot of plugs that doesnt work correctly -
RE: [Plugin] Shape Bender Beta
first of all thanks alot for your work -i just bought your repeat copy plug for landscaping and im very happy with it
i also got the shape bender which i really enjoy playing with .
the problem is-it works on 2 computers in version 7 but on my version 8 which i got alot of plugins installed in it , as soon as i pick the component and the 2 lines it starting to process and get stuck on 1-7% and writes that it is looking for components to explode
i tried with a component and with a group i tried reenstalling it ,the shapes i used r as simple as they come and my computer is very strong
my best guess is that is is clashing with another plugin
i got about 100 plugins so if you know of such plug that might be causing such a problem it will help alot -
Layer analyzer
a plugin to analyze the layers to determine which ones are containing more complex geometry or whatever can cause the model to not render or just the model to be slugish in oreder for easier fixing the problem or just knowing wich layers to turn off in case that we can do without them or just for faster rendring tests
Sun always behind
im no programmer so i can only hope someone will write a plugin for that or maybe one will be built into sketchup
i do a lot of rendering and because of the size limitation i'm using a lot of 2d components that always face the camera but because of that i also have to play with the sun position from every angle so the shadow will come out correctly and not a line
what would solve the problem would be a plug that overrides the sketchup sun by date and hour and simply locate the sun behind the camera at a 45 degrees angle by default however it moves with the option to adjust it left or right or up and down (up or down will also change the strength of the sun like morning or noon)