Hello James,
There are two things to keep in mind when simulating with texture:
- Ensure to apply the texture directly to the faces within the group. It is typical for a user to apply texture to the outer group, which is incorrect.
- If intend to visual texture changes, while simulation is running, and not just after simulation stops, ensure Update Textures in Simulation tab of the UI is checked. You can also disable Draw with OpenGL API to actually visualize an actual flag group changing rather than a temporary geometry.
I attached a link to the flag model, I just created for ClothWorks. Upon downloading, you can press play to see texture changing in effect: flag_with_texture.skp
When you download the file, ensure that Update Textures is checked and Draw with Open GL API is unchecked. You can disable these options if you only care about seeing the texture changes after simulation ends (this improves simulation performance).
Also, when simualting a flag, ensure that Self-Collide is unchecked. Flag geometry overlaps can be mostly eliminated by adding the bending stiffness, as used by the model above. Self-collision is currently unstable (I have this on the to-do list, which I will focus upon after updating a few of my other extensions).