I tried a JPG. It even appeared nicely in the SU modelspace, moving with my cursor. No crash. Perhaps using a 64-bit OS (Win 7 Pro) has something to do with it.
I tried a JPG. It even appeared nicely in the SU modelspace, moving with my cursor. No crash. Perhaps using a 64-bit OS (Win 7 Pro) has something to do with it.
A lot of snow here, something like 60-70 cm . Picture taken on Monday morning - 20 cm more promised for tomorrow. Southern Finland has the most snow in the country, more than in many parts of Lapland. It's quite exceptional, usually at about 50% of Christmases we don't have any snow at all. This year winter came in early November.
It's rather cold too, below -20 degrees Celsius at nights
Thank you good people, both suggestions seem very promising - MP3gain seems to be what I immediately need, and Audacity seems to have a lot of bells and whistles to explore.
Happy holidays and a good New Year
This is a topic I have not the slightest idea about. What software (commercial or free) is the best for dealing with music files? For instance I have a bunch of MP3s with greatly varying sound levels so that when using my player I have to keep my hand constantly on the volume knob to hear something or to keep my eardrums from bursting. So what I need is something that can adjust that, maybe filter out unwanted noise, maybe cut out empty space from the start or end etc. What do you use?
Happy Noël to you too Pilou. Worked in IE but not in Chrome.
You saved my day today! Thanks a lot!
Is your display driver up to date?
Does this happen with all models? Is this one located far (more than a kilometer or two) from the SU model origin point?
The "use model extents" checkbox on the Print dialog seems to have glitches. With small models (that fit on a page at 1:1 scale) it doesn't work at all. The most reliable way to print is to uncheck it, and to zoom in close so that what you see on screen matches what you want to print.
@shura said:
In Berlin for more than two weeks now we have lots of snow falling nearly every day.
Not that it is piling up in meters, but we didn't have this much before Christmas in one or two decades.
Many people here are complaining about the weather, but I just love the snow!
My family just took a short trip to Berlin when the snow started, but they reported that there was no shortage on Glühwein. Snow somehow belongs together with that...
We have had snow for more than a month already, and here in Southern Finland it is about two feet thick already. Looks like a second very snowy winter in a row. No problem for Santa's sleigh this year either...
The image is from mid-November
Using a high degree of antialiasing and antialiased textures are both features that have an adverse effect on graphics performance. I have got used to the jaggies, so I usually keep antialiasing at 0x.
I remember reading from some old threads that the number of supported open windows using OpenGL is the main difference between "Professional" and "Consumer" -grade graphics cards (read: between GeForce and QuadroFX). Every SU session uses, I understand, a number of those windows, not solely the model view.
Hi Ivica!
LightUp, perhaps? I haven't tried it myself but I understand that it uses some kind of baking - don't know about the exporting, though.
This is something that interests me too. For instance, it could be a way to export lighting effects into 3D PDF.
When you export a 3D model, dimensions DO get exported to DWG as AutoCad dimensions if they are checked in the export options. However, for some weird reasons they are invisible when you open the DWG in Autocad. Doing something to them (you can select them by selecting all objects and then checking Rotated dimensions from the top of the Object Properties dialog), like changing their colour to Bylayer, suddenly makes them visible. Also if you open the Dimension styles dialog and open the Dimension style 1 as if to edit it, click OK and then exit the dialog without actually changing anything, or then import the file into another DWG file and explode it, the dimensions suddenly pop up.
I hadn't noticed this, as I usually do all annotation and dimensioning in AutoCad and export only 2D or 3D geometry-and at work we still have v7.
@dale said:
Must have been an interesting tram ride, but,sometimes the trend to add the modern to the old works, and sometimes it really doesn't (IMHO)
I think that "the more it's a ruin, the more modern you can be". The Neues Museum refurbishment in Berlin seems to be a good case in point (haven't been there yet myself, but seen photographs).
@glro said:
would it be possible to write a plugin that would produce automatically a text file, in the current folder, listing the components list, as it appears when you do
windows>model info>statistics>components (developp hierarchy)
You can select and copy the report from the statistics window to an empty text file or an Excel sheet. No need for a plugin
If the imported edges are coplanar, usually redrawing one of the edges makes SU fill the face. You can also use the old but good (and free) Make Faces plugin by Todd Burch to fill them automatically.
Just a stab in the dark: Are some of your default file paths pointing to somewhere inside the Program Files folder?
I alternate between RGB and HLS. Being a bit colour blind, I find it important to get the right hue using the RGB values, otherwise I often find myself adjusting the saturation and lightness values of things.
Some apps seem to use colour pickers with scales of 0 to 100% instead of 0 to 255.
There is always the Follow Me and Keep ruby script, but it has the disadvantage of distorting the cross section shape and creating double the amount of faces compared to the built-in command, so for round tubes I always use that, despite the twisting.
Might this be a model size/distance from origin glitch?
Now that I think about it, I seem to remember someone got a similar thing once exporting a PDF or EPS from SU.