@bjornkn said:
I always thought (and have been told) that DWG does not store the unit type in the file.
None of the DWG/DXF viewers/converters I've been using have been able to read the units from the files. It is just numbers.
I don't remember when this was introduced, but newer DWG/DXF files have information about the model unit embedded in the file header. It is in the form of variables:
MEASUREMENT 0 for Imperial, 1 for Decimal. This has existed since time immemorial
INSUNITS 0 unspecified 1 inches 2 feet 3 miles 4 Millimeters .... 20 Parsecs
The SketchUp exporter does not record this information, so when you insert a SU-exported DWG into another in AutoCad, it uses another variable, INSUNITSDEFSOURCE to determine how to scale it - this defaults to Inches and is stored in the Registry whereas the two prementioned are within the drawing file.