Thanks to all those earth modellers, the 3D showcase has been awesome, fun to learn and play with, and get inspired by those with creative and fantasticly talented GE models. Whats next, will GE go trimble?
Latest posts made by alpmeadow
RE: GE Modelling is soon over
RE: Sketchup CNC
I do have a small CNC machine (Carvewright) however its software designer is proprietary. I will be pleased to follow this thread and comment. I have used sketchup designs imported to the software thru grayscale png images. Here are some samples of designs with and without sketchup.
Without SU
With SU
Irv -
RE: Stereoscopic 3D Walkthrough using Sketchup
Magnificent model of ancient Inca city, and cheers for dedicated effort to create it! Having hiked there in '83, your model exposes much more than what we could see at that time. The mountainous terrain is so much a part of Macchu Picchu that it really adds to the SU complexity and challenge.
RE: Have you had a model stolen?
An interesting dilemma concerning creating a SU model of the Bridge below, came from my SU model image posting celebrating the ten year anniversary event on the TFG forum at
The next posted reply was not expected.
"Hi Irv,I wonder if what you have posted above is a breach of copyright ?
We all of us here know the original designer of this bridge.
I am sure that no offence is intended (either way) and hence I simply raise this as a topic for thought, comment and discussion.
I have carved this wood model for myself and is not for sale(design by Reid Costley and Ed Levin) .
The question is how far do you need to go, when modelling public structures that already exist?
Cheers -
Rhino Model for Carving
I used a lovely sketchup model of a rhino to export to my CNC modelling program. The carved sign will go to my brother who works for USAID in Africa.
RE: CatchUp Newsletter Edition 2
Absolutely amazing and creative content, its like looking into the future, with ability to change what will happen. I wish I was younger and could ride the wave like our creative authors.
Irv -
RE: Google Earth Plus?
Gaieus, you are sure right about non-profit, plus sweat-equity on recovering about 30 km of trails in my younger days. I really appreciate what Google Earth free allows us to do, it is a great service. Now I have work on my 3D SU models to populate the local GE terrain.
Cheers -
RE: Google Earth Plus?
BTW, thanks Gaieus for your great work to finding and packaging the google earth forum discussions in this forum.
I used GE Plus to download GPS data from my garmin, print in higher resolution, and exchange trail data etc with other mapping software(Ozi-explorer). GE free is much better than it used to be, and when our region was poor resolution satellite images, I overlaid topo maps in GE to get better looking 3d perspective on terrain maps.
As an example the GE map image in the attached pdf, shows the biking trails, nordic trails, and ski trails that I entered from GPS and map interpretation. I was able to overlay a handwritten map of an old logging railway track that was lost in a large forest fire in 1926. We are trying to recognize heritage and enhance trails near Golden BC, Canada.
Google Earth Plus?
For those using google earth plus(me) I noticed that Google Earth Plus subscriptions will be ended and only GE free or GE Pro ($400/yr). It too bad see more at
I wonder if any other GE Plus subscribers, have any thoughts on this?
alpmeadow -
RE: Augmented Reality Plug-in for Google Sketch-Up released
Very Impressed with this presentation format. I am wondering out loud how to best use a google earth import in SU and view terrain and model with this plugin. In the future, is there interest in making this plugin works with Google Earth?
Thanks for this.
alpmeadowGraziano just noticed that the spelling for Sketchup on your site needs correcting.