I have this atrium with several floors, where each floor hole is different. The ballustrade will have curved glasses made specially for each position.
I need to place on each curved glass pane the supports/screws (gee, I don't know the english word) that hold the glass pane to the structure.
Because each glass pane is different, I can´t make a component and be done with it. I have to place the supports/screws in the proper approximate position in each glass pane.
But there comes the problem that I need to align them to the part of the curved glass pane where I will place them.
Here is an image of what I have done.
Notice the method I used for THIS floor was placing the two sets of 4 "screws" straight and connected by a line. Then I SLOWLY AND PAINFULLY would grab the group by the line, place the line in the botton left corner of a glass panel and use that same corner as pin axis of rotation, thus making the other end of the line (with the other 4 "screws" component) pass over the other corner...
Not only this was SLOW (and I have SEVERAL FLOORS TO MAKE THAT!) as each set is not properly aligned. The two sets only have an average rotation in relation to the entirety of each glass panel.
THUS, after this long and badly written explanation of my problem, I think maybe I was able to show what is the issue here so you can help me find the correct plugin to use for what I want:
I want a plugin to easily (because I will need to place a few hundred of these) place components/groups on a face and that they stay aligned (the alignment can be relative to the plugin axis). If the plugin is more visual (like Fredo plugins usually are), great. But if I need to place the component by just clicking over the face without seeing the proper placement, that will still be better than what I am doing.
Btw, as I said, I need to place hundreds of these, so if the plugin let me select the component once, then each click will place a new instance of the component over a new face, awesome.
ps: I am not asking anyone to make this plugin. I suppose such plugin already exists, I mean, I doubt nobody needed such important feature before. I just don´t remember any such plugin nor was I able to find something like I want in a search
Thank you!