OMG! I posted those on the WRONG think. God...getting old sucks.
Oh well...I haven't got a clue now. Ok, well MERRY CHRISTMAS
OMG! I posted those on the WRONG think. God...getting old sucks.
Oh well...I haven't got a clue now. Ok, well MERRY CHRISTMAS
oops, forgot to post the pic! I can only link a .jpg from my OTHER computer...which is registered under "fitZ".'s a few pics.
Now you can see why I can't see the text in the window I am typing this. I guess I better see an Optomitrist.
BTW, every thing in this picture is modeled in Sketchup before I built it. And no, it's not finished. The acoustics are this.
And btw, I'm a long term PRO fabricater. Even with years of Detailing behind me, I couldn't fabricate some of the stuff that ISN"T shown in the pics, without Sketchup. Here is a few .jpgs of some Sketchup models within the studio. My last project was TOTALLY modeled in Sketchup prior to fabricating two computers, my computer enclosure, and console interconnects. I'm even modeling the entire cable/schematic(equipment connections) using the "good ole" LINE TO TUBE plugin VERY COOL! Anyway guys..I APPRECIATE all the help. The older I get...the faster I have to work in Sketchup cause I STILL have a lot of things to do and build. In fact, I have my entire home/property modeled in Sketchup. Just now getting around to Rendering. But that's another story.
Here is a sampleing so you understand where I'm coming from. Oh...did I mention..
I'll be back!
Hi Guys. Say, is there a folder or something that contains the list of recently opened files. When you click on FILES, the list is at the bottom left of the screen. I want to extend this list over a period of say a week or so. Any way to do this? Thanks for any information.
Hello. I'm using SketchupPro 8 and I have a problem precisely moving Toolbars from one location to another. When I select a Toolbar to move, an "outline" of the Toolbar appears on the horizontal bar above and to the left of the tool bar I've chosen. It moves with the tool bar when I drag the toolbar, but somehow, this "outline" determines where the toolbar ultimately comes to rest, which is never where I want to put it. Very frustrating. Does anyone know how to fix this bug? Thanks
@unknownuser said:
Immediately useWeld with the highlighted segments and it welds into one curve again...
Could someone explain where to find this "WELD" tool and how it differs from the common "Make a Group" command? Is it a Plugin? Thanks.
Hello Gaieus and thanks. I was under the impression that Skype was for mobile devices. So, you can use it on desktops too huh? Ok, well I'll check it out. Thanks again.
Hello everyone. I would like to tutor my daughter in the use of Sketchup. But I have a problem.
Here is my problem.
My daughter lives 500 miles from me. I would like to tutor my daughter in the use of Sketchup, using some kind of special software/hardware for
Remote viewing of each others Sketchup sessions in real time over the internet, while communicating via Yahoo Messager with live video cameras and audio in a separate window.
Also, my setup uses TWO desktop computers, The main Sketchup session computer has two monitors, while my secondary computer uses only one monitor.
Both are connected to the net. I would like to use my secondary computer as the Yahoo Messager video cam and audio computer and the main Sketchup computer as MY Sketchup session computer with the actual Sketchup file viewed on one monitor, and the other monitor as a Window of my daughters Sketchup sesson.
My daughter uses a Mac Laptop
What I'm looking for is some kind of App that will allow my daughter to view MY Sketchup session in a separate Window on her Mac Laptop while viewing another window with video from my camera while running her session of Sketchp in another window. Is this possible? If so, got any ideas on what to use? I initially started looking at Remote PC Access type programs, but I don't need to control her computer from mine, or vice versa. I just need remote viewing of each others Sketchup sessions in real time, while having Yahoo Messager and a Sketchup session running simultaneously. Any ideas appreciated.
Hi everyone. Got a problem when I go to the Warehouse. As soon as I try to look at a model in the warehouse I get a "Internet Explorer Script error" message. If I click either Yes or No to the "Do you want to keep running scripts on this page" question, it still comes back and I can't download the model. In reality, I'm using Firefox 6.3..not Internet Explorer. Got any ideas on how to stop this error message? Thanks for any info.
Hi guys. Thanks for the links Jim. I checked them out. Very cool. Gotta try some of this stuff as soon as someone links to a physics Ruby for MORE TIME
@unknownuser said:
What is the source of that animation that you show above?
Hey mitcorb. Sorry it took a while to get back here. Too many irons in the fire.But here ya go....
I did some more research though, and I'm curious about NURBS now. I recently purchased a new i7/975 computer and am in the process of researching GPU's for SLI as my motherboard is an EVGA 3xSLI Classified. I want to get into Rendering stuff, but lack of $$$$$ keeps getting in the way. In the meantime I'm researching which way to go for Sketchup/Rendering vs $$$$$ vs 2x or 3x GPU's vs overkill vs budget.
I'm actually holding off on downloading anymore plugs for Sketchup untill I get my new computer GPU upgraded and my apps loaded. Which may be a while. So, for now I just have to keep modeling simple stuff on my old P4. Well, enough babbling. Time to get to work. Thanks guys.
@unknownuser said:
These bevels may show to be Softened, Hidden and Smoothed.
Hi again. Sorry for the delay getting back to you. Thanks a mill for some more insight. I was wondering though. What's the difference between "softened" and "Smoothed"? Another thing, when I edit these groups, I can window the opening with a bevel, and a blue "highlight" DOTTED line appears as the outline of the bevel/opening. But I can't make it do But I'll experiment with these. Always good to know what to expect when doing these kind of things as far as workflow goes. I HATE having to do things two or three different ways to make something work.
Also, today I did some research on the difference between "surface" modeling and "solid" modeling. I came across this site that had an animated video, showing a surface that is being modified in a way that I've never seen. Take a look. I hope the animation works here.
Ok, if you can see the animation work, do you know what kind of program allows you to "stretch" a surface in the way this animation is doing, or even the name of an application that does this. I'm quite impressed with this tool. Kind of like when I found the Sketchup "Push/Pull" tool. That convinced me to use Sketchup. But this "tool" in the animation is a total mindblower. Is there any tool in Sketchup or maybe a plugin that does something similar? Thanks a mill.