Latest posts made by kespencer1
Plugin update error
Hi guys. I have a question for you. Have any of you experienced an error when checking for updates for plugins? I have mine set to check every 15 days. Now it's telling me it can't open the location to check. I have attached a file showing what the error message looks like.
Layout View ports
Hello again guys and gals. Let me just jump right in. Is there a way to rotate a viewport in Layout? Say the default angle of my drawing is 4 degrees off of true north. Is there a way to rotate the view 4 degrees?
Removing Paints
Hello again. I have yet another impossible question for us mortals, but childs play to ye Sketchup gods. Can you remove paints from an object? I have one that has several paints attached to it, but I only need one.
Hi guys. Long time, no see. How have you been? Have a question for you: Can you increase the resolution of the geolocation image that you place in a sketchup drawing? It doesn't seem to be as good as the view in Google Earth.
Hey guys and gals. It's me again with another super important question (to me anyway
is there a way to "flatten" things in sketchup like you can in autocad?