Most used scripts.
extrude along path, drop, mirror, filter extensions, projections...
a picture
I use many of the ones already mentioned...especially Make Faces. One I don't think anyone has mentioned so far is Menu...based on Didier's menu loader. There may be something better by now, but I find it invaluable for keeping everything neat and tidy.
Make Faces, every time I start a new model with an ACad drawing.......SU2KT, most times I finish a SU model and something I find absolutly indispensible.....Nudge rb.....for moving any group or component in x,y or z direction, for a distance I specify, independent of any snapping or inference.
Could you tell us more about the Menu script that you mentioned. I am a "power user" with many scripts in my plugins menu and would like to be able to organize them as you have.
I have looked on Didiers ruby library and sMustard, but have not been able to located it. Could you point me in the right direction?
Go to "Geometry-Drawing" section. Scripts are sorted alphabetically (by name)
@didier bur said:
Go to "Geometry-Drawing" section. Scripts are sorted alphabetically (by name)
I cannot seem to find the Geometry-Drawing section. Maybe I am looking on the wrong site.
EDIT: Sorry, found it but I do not see Menu Loader there. What is the proper name of this srcipt?Also, what is the difference between "extrude along path" and "Follow Me"?
Sorry, I thought you were searching for makefaces.rb
Menu loader is not available t my site, I forget to put it in a page.
I'll retrieve it asap but maybe you could ask Alan for it...And extrudealongpath is quicker than follow me, and more convenient for as you have to select path first instead of interactively pointing each edge to follow, which is sometimes difficult.
I use these the most:
Nudge (hotkey N)
Left Click Reverse Face Tool (hotkey K)
Set Center Point
Add Hidden Layer (hot key L)I'm going to try Jim's Mover script as well. I suspect that I'll want to use Make Face when I really start moving files from Maya to SU. But for now I don't use it, I probably should.
The version I showed was downloaded from the Ruby forum....MENUS.rb I've put a copy in the Depository. -
@didier bur said:
And extrudealongpath is quicker than follow me, and more convenient for as you have to select path first instead of interactively pointing each edge to follow, which is sometimes difficult.
This is how I use Follow Me. I select the path, select the follow me tool then click. Hmmm.
@unknownuser said:
The version I showed was downloaded from the Ruby forum....MENUS.rb I've put a copy in the Depository.
Thanks a bunch Alan.
I did some learning on Alan's Menu2.rb. I spent about 30 hours learning how to manipulate it to my tastes (I dont mean to step on any toes by doing it), I just wanted more rubies than it offered initially. It is quite flexable and easy to add to. It took alot of trial and error on my part but I learned a lot also. I left all the credits in place and didnt add my name to the list either.
All that said, Menu2 is a great tool to organize your plugins somewhat neatly. You did good work Alan
For me as an landscape architect the
soap skin bubble,
random push pull,
randomize tin,
TBD's Randor and of course the
drop.rb, are very needful for creating and editing plants and areas.And always use the purge script for a fast cleanup of your model.
Often useful is the selection memory tool, especially when u made a more complex selection...and sometimes some of all the other scripts, like flightpaath2 or so.
Greetings marne
The one I use most appart from Housebuilder is "left click add construction point" shortcut N.
I use PushPullAlongAVector and PutOnLayer quite a lot. Second tier scripts for me are 3D Text (I use SU5 more than 6), 2D Grid and Stair.
I possess 10 times more scripts than I use. Boys and their toys, huh?
My use of SU rather specialised and not representative, but I have greatly benefited from
- pipe along path & extrude along path
- points cloud
- put on layer
My thanks to the respective authors.
I have also used curve stitcher and angular dimension to good effect.
And I love the go 2 school training videos!