Belly Tank Racer
Maybe electric? -
I'll give the link a nul point score, repeated ads to the point of nausea. The concepts is good tho' as is some of the tech used in the switch to electric power. Very little weight in that hotrod.
A little more progress. Have the body pretty well squared away..... I think .... Frame starting to come together. Figured I'd work from front to back. Front suspension worked out.for the most part. Going to leave cutting clearance holes in the body until all the drivetrain is in place.
Slow but steady , piece by piece I might get there.... Changed how the front canopy works. Hinging the whole thing at the front. Inspired to change based on vintage pics I've dug up. A lot of the front end stuff in place. Sort of scratching my head over just how much detail to do. Darn I'm ready to drive this thing... Susan better get the heck out of the way , I'll darn sure run her over
Oh my. Looking damn good!
Thanks Bryan.
Brilliant mate cool as.
Awsome looking speedster.
Mike , nlipavoc , thanks for the support.
A few more bits done. Worked out the hand brake. Good start on the instrument panel and gauges. Went back and tweaked on a few other existing parts.
That detail is fantastic!
This is some phenomenal modeling Tuna! I'm loving all the little details. I have a car lighting rig I'm working on if you feel like sharing the model
Id love to test it out on this. Again, great work!!!
Bryan , Avi , thanks for the complements.
Tremendous modelling! Really like the tube work.
Thanks shawb ,
Here's a few more pics... things are coming together piece by piece. Before you all pat me on the back about the engine... be warned it's a model from TurboSquid. Hours of online searching turned up nothing in the way of good dimension drawings for a motor and transmission..... so went looking for a engine model. It's a pretty fair model, got a little messed up on import I think ( it was an .obj file. ). Don't get to close or you might see some problems here and there but worked well for final fitting out of the frame. Plenty more bits and bobs to do....
Simply magnificent
Thanks Bryan , Avi , Heres a tease of more to come ( I hope ) . Did a quickie test render just to check some of my material set ups. Darn how many more parts left to do... I think this is getting a little out of hand.
But looking really good.
Looking sweeeeeet! Can't wait to see the tires get beefed up
Texas Dave , avis , thanks for the interest. No chance for fat tires on this one. Even today skinny bias ply tires are real common on these type of "flats"cars.
Another update more bits inside worked out and got the hinges for the canopy in place.