Wrap-R for SketchUp
@cuttingedge said:
Thanks Derei for taking time to do this tutorial. I got the idea! Im sure this will be useful!
Sorry Derei, I thought it was Rich that made the tut. It's excellent!
Rich, I'm trying to understand.. Do you confirm there's a bug with Wrap-R not obeying 'switch primary and secondary buttons' mouse mode? If yes, is it fixable?
Quick question.. Will there be support for UDIM in WrapR ??
@jonorman said:
Quick question.. Will there be support for UDIM in WrapR ??
It is a good idea. Thank you. It will not be in the first release but in future releases we might implement it.
@rv1974 said:
Rich, I'm trying to understand.. Do you confirm there's a bug with Wrap-R not obeying 'switch primary and secondary buttons' mouse mode? If yes, is it fixable?
Thank you for spotting this glitch. Beta 1.0.5 has a fix for it. Please download and try it and let us know about the result.
This really looks like a game changer for many
I'm probably going to try and get the substance indie pack when it's next on sale so this would be a huge help.
Only problem is I'm very much a mac user - hopefully once the pc version has been released work can start on the mac version?
Great plugin... I am just wondering if you could possibly give me some advice as to a couple of things...
What is the best workflow for using Photoshop for texturing
(Convert .SVG to to .PNG, then export model as .obj and texture from there?)
And also, after "triangulating" my mesh I assume this is what I should be doing, since the standard Sketchup models give the error of containing ngons if I try to send straight to wrap-r), my models get sort of distorted looking, and so do the UV's. Here is an image showing my problem.
Many thanks if you can point me in the right directional at all.
@synchronicity said:
What is the best workflow for using Photoshop for texturing
If you use the latest PS then make a new document 1:1 ratio, say 2048 x 2048 px, and then save the UVs to SCG in WrapR.
In PS use File > Place Embedded... to place the SVG into the document. Scale it to fit the boundaries. We export the SVG at 1024px x 1024px so you need to scale x2.
Now you can paint however you wish.
@synchronicity said:
And also, after "triangulating" my mesh I assume this is what I should be doing, since the standard Sketchup models give the error of containing ngons if I try to send straight to wrap-r), my models get sort of distorted looking, and so do the UV's.
Try changing the mapping method in WrapR from the Mapping menu. If that still produces irregular results make more cuts to better resolve the UVs.
Long triangles are hard to unwrap. Sometimes manual triangulation is needed in areas to control the mesh distribution.
That help?
Thanks very much for your tips Rich! I'll give them a shot later.
Would there be any advantage (for more complex models) to putting the model through a program that can decimate/reduce polycount (and at the same time making it quad based) before running through Wrap-R, or would that sort of thing be best done after using Wrap-R while the sketchup model is close to it's native format?
Thanks again for your help! Definitely a game changing plugin. I've been using Sketchup intemittently/not as much as I'd like since 2011 and this is the first time I've ever made a UV for a sketchup model haha.
@synchronicity said:
Would there be any advantage (for more complex models) to putting the model through a program that can decimate/reduce polycount (and at the same time making it quad based) before running through Wrap-R, or would that sort of thing be best done after using Wrap-R while the sketchup model is close to it's native format?
If you change the mesh you lose the UV information. So it is best to UV map the final mesh.
@synchronicity said:
I've been using Sketchup intermittently/not as much as I'd like since 2011 and this is the first time I've ever made a UV for a sketchup model haha.
You're not alone. This is relatively new to SketchUp so I imagine the concept of UV mapping is new to a large portion of users.
Definitely an improvement after segmenting more "cut" areas, and checking both options under the mapping menu, but still some slanted UV maps, would these cause issues when texture painting images with text/logos and the like (cause them to appear wonky.distorted)? Haven't tried manually triangulating further as of yet.
Use the arrow keys to align edges.
We have a new build coming that allows you to turn off live unwrapping. That means aligning edges is much easier.
An email will be sent tomorrow with new download links and license keys to extend the beta for another 30 days,
@rich o brien said:
Use the arrow keys to align edges.
We have a new build coming that allows you to turn off live unwrapping. That means aligning edges is much easier.
An email will be sent tomorrow with new download links and license keys to extend the beta for another 30 days,
Ah I see! Sorry for being such a noob haha... new build sounds brilliant though, the more noob friendly the more sucesfull the plugin will be in the long run for sure, many Sketchup users are the sorts of peoples whos brains are good at intuitive creativity but not so engineeringly minded (of course there are equally as many of the opposite, but I'd say not compared to conventional 3D modelling software).
Have you thought of a price point for the main release yet? Thanks again for your time and help!
I got my email for beta license extension and I would like to ask what are the changes on this new version? I would like to focus on exploring what was fixed/added/changed, so I can give a solid feedback.
Thank you very much. -
@derei said:
I would like to focus on exploring what was fixed/added/changed, so I can give a solid feedback.
Thank you very much for beta testing Wrap-R. The following major changes and fixes are in this new version:
- The main new functionality is the ability of switching off/on live unwrapping. It makes manual UV editing easier in many cases (e.g. straightening seams, etc.).
- Now we have informative new cursors for some UV editing functions (moving, rotating, scaling, selecting).
- Some SketchUp texture images were displayed skewed in previous versions, it is fixed now.
- Some problems with license activation were fixed both on client side and server-side.
- Some cases of crashing were also fixed (E.g. Wrap-R sometimes crashed after opening a new .skp immediately after opening an other one, etc.).
- Problem with changed mouse primary button was fixed.
- Fixed installation problems with missing .dll files.
- Improved version of Ruby plugin installer.
- Added some new error and warning messages (e.g. for incompatible texture images)
- And many small fixes as reaction to individual cases of errors what were effecting only 1-2 users.
These are the main changes/fixes what came to my mind. Maybe Rich will have some additions to this list later...
@gábor said:
@derei said:
I would like to focus on exploring what was fixed/added/changed, so I can give a solid feedback.
Thank you very much for beta testing Wrap-R. The following major changes and fixes are in this new version:
- The main new functionality is the ability of switching off/on live unwrapping. It makes manual UV editing easier in many cases (e.g. straightening seams, etc.).
- Now we have informative new cursors for some UV editing functions (moving, rotating, scaling, selecting).
- Some SketchUp texture images were displayed skewed in previous versions, it is fixed now.
- Some problems with license activation were fixed both on client side and server-side.
- Some cases of crashing were also fixed (E.g. Wrap-R sometimes crashed after opening a new .skp immediately after opening an other one, etc.).
- Problem with changed mouse primary button was fixed.
- Fixed installation problems with missing .dll files.
- Improved version of Ruby plugin installer.
- Added some new error and warning messages (e.g. for incompatible texture images)
- And many small fixes as reaction to individual cases of errors what were effecting only 1-2 users.
These are the main changes/fixes what came to my mind. Maybe Rich will have some additions to this list later...
Hi there
Great work by you and Rich on this plugin, just wondering if it's possible to get a license extension? As I didn't receive another by email. My email address is gnralex@hotmail.com
Many thanks
@synchronicity said:
@gábor said:
@derei said:
I would like to focus on exploring what was fixed/added/changed, so I can give a solid feedback.
Thank you very much for beta testing Wrap-R. The following major changes and fixes are in this new version:
- The main new functionality is the ability of switching off/on live unwrapping. It makes manual UV editing easier in many cases (e.g. straightening seams, etc.).
- Now we have informative new cursors for some UV editing functions (moving, rotating, scaling, selecting).
- Some SketchUp texture images were displayed skewed in previous versions, it is fixed now.
- Some problems with license activation were fixed both on client side and server-side.
- Some cases of crashing were also fixed (E.g. Wrap-R sometimes crashed after opening a new .skp immediately after opening an other one, etc.).
- Problem with changed mouse primary button was fixed.
- Fixed installation problems with missing .dll files.
- Improved version of Ruby plugin installer.
- Added some new error and warning messages (e.g. for incompatible texture images)
- And many small fixes as reaction to individual cases of errors what were effecting only 1-2 users.
These are the main changes/fixes what came to my mind. Maybe Rich will have some additions to this list later...
Hi there
Great work by you and Rich on this plugin, just... *EDIT; no worries I just managed to get a new license extension by signing up through the site again, cheers!
Many thanks
@sourceskyboxer said:
Hello I always have problem with WrapR - I don't understand - If I mark green lines as Wrap Seam makerthan I save skp file:
I can not see the attached images so I don't know what kind of error messages you get. Could you please upload the images as attachments to the forum? These linked images are not opening for me.
Hello I always have problem with WrapR - I don't understand - If I mark green lines as Wrap Seam maker
than I save skp file:Than I open WrapR and shows error message?
I already marked green lines if I want. Why does it always not work for me? Any have lucky? Stop and don't miss understand me!
I'm really frustrated. I really want create whole uv mapping with SketchUp because I am Unity developer. I really want know how do I understand with WrapR. PS: I know since Substance Painter 2.5. It looks like paint face of clown in real.
That is why I really love to get explanation like key shortcuts or How do I understand that?
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