Wish list for Sketchup 2018
Barry, where do you want the utility windows to be displayed?
@dave r said:
Barry, where do you want the utility windows to be displayed?
Short answer... anywhere I want, with infinite sizeability and a lot of flexibility.
I know you will say all doable with new trays, but they are a pain to organize.
I spent 10 years with the old system. Did they ask us if we wanted a new one? Certainly didn't ask me.
Ok, I give in, I have just spent half an hour making a tray for each dialogue which is as close as I can get to the old GUI. I will see how I get on...
..OK, I already hate it... -
Barry, I get it although I can't understand wanting the windows scattered all over the drawing space. Would you be constantly moving them out of your way so you can see the model? Ever since the stacking windows were released I've stacked them on the right side out side of the drawing space where they are neat and orderly and never covered any of the model. This is my SU2015.
For me, the trays are natural with the added bonus of more real estate for toolbar buttons at the top. I rarely need a window to be wider than the default but it's easy enough to drag the tray to make it wider when I do.
Oh well, guess I will have to learn to live with them, thanks Dave.
somthing i would call DEEP SELECTION AND MOVE
say one has a window, door or anything else whichs is composed of multiple groups and components .. if one was to change the size one hast to go into each individual "object" and move stuff around...
what deep select and move would do, it would allow for multiple objects including nested objects to be preselected and then make it possible to select lines/faces or vertices (i look at thom thom here
) of all objects and nested objects at once and move them...
this would make the process in su pretty damn nice
for the moment fredos stretch tool can do something like shit with stretch with reference point method but its a bit cumbersome...
if someone would find this as cool as i would - give me a +1
thanks for your readers attention
@bsfranza said:
somthing i would call DEEP SELECTION AND MOVE
say one has a window, door or anything else whichs is composed of multiple groups and components .. if one was to change the size one hast to go into each individual "object" and move stuff around...
what deep select and move would do, it would allow for multiple objects including nested objects to be preselected and then make it possible to select lines/faces or vertices (i look at thom thom here
) of all objects and nested objects at once and move them...
this would make the process in su pretty damn nice
for the moment fredos stretch tool can do something like shit with stretch with reference point method but its a bit cumbersome...
if someone would find this as cool as i would - give me a +1
thanks for your readers attention
Sorry, I can't give you a thumbs-up because I have no idea what you are talking about
But I would be pleased to give you a serious THUMBS-UP for your beautiful English interpolated from, (I assume), German.
@baz said:
Sorry, I can't give you a thumbs-up because I have no idea what you are talking about
I think he means to not have to click continuously to dig into groups/components.
If you ever used Fredos Animator you are able to select deep into a component from a dropdown list.
I think this is requesting similar behaviour to save the digging to get to the meat.
Isn't this a bit like what outliner does?
@rich o brien said:
@baz said:
Sorry, I can't give you a thumbs-up because I have no idea what you are talking about
I think he means to not have to click continuously to dig into groups/components.
If you ever used Fredos Animator you are able to select deep into a component from a dropdown list.
I think this is requesting similar behaviour to save the digging to get to the meat.
@rich o brien said:
@baz said:
Sorry, I can't give you a thumbs-up because I have no idea what you are talking about
I think he means to not have to click continuously to dig into groups/components.
If you ever used Fredos Animator you are able to select deep into a component from a dropdown list.
I think this is requesting similar behaviour to save the digging to get to the meat.
Aha, OK got it.
I would like to see a lockable inference for angles with the line tool
Introduce the option to switch OFF the new inferences, they are a pain and I for one would like them gone.
I have seen so much criticism of the tray system, introduced in SU 2015, that I must come to the defense of the trays. If you use two monitors as many of us do it's a great way of organizing windows for quick access. Even with one monitor the trays can be hidden with the auto-hide feature.
Also the biggest advantage of SU is it's basic simplicity -no new tools please. That's what plugins are for! And finally please don't change nomenclature - I still call it the VCB whatever SU has changed the name to.
i am voting for the use of dwg's with layout insertion of pdfs into layout and sketchup, also coming from a non developer or programming knowledge why do dimensions not import "if you have turbocad pro you can workaround that dimensions import"
@gmthompson said:
i am voting for the use of dwg's with layout insertion of pdfs into layout and sketchup, also coming from a non developer or programming knowledge why do dimensions not import "if you have turbocad pro you can workaround that dimensions import"
yep, I've requested the ability to insert DWG's in LO before, it's really a must-have if you're pitching the software to professionals. The DWG's imported into SU looses a lot of information that I would like to have when I'm coordinating information.
The main thing that Sketchup must have is true curves, not a series of line segments, true circles, true arcs and so on, like in Autocad. And the main is a real NURBS ! Why it is important ?! Because these features will give a powerful possibilities to do your modeling more efficient, faster and better looking ! And your model will looks like more realistic, and not like a low-poly sh&%, it will looks more professional, and not like a "kid drawings" !
Seriously, why this very important thing is not still in Sketchup, Sketchup will never be a real CAD (or nearby) without it !
P.S. sorry for my bad english, but I really want it for so long time, and new versions of SU have nothing REAL"new" since Google dropped it to the Trimble, so i decided to post right here -
So you do not consider 64 bit version and a new rendering engine anything new? I agree with the need for true curves though, not sure about nurbs...
I would also like to see something like real solids in that when you do a section cut you do not get the front and back face with a blank gap in between.
Hope that makes sense.
The Layer Manager organizes geometry for user convenience which it does well. However, SU is being used for a variety of different purposes by so many people/disciplines.I feel Layer Manager redesign needs to be a primary target of SU 2018. It could alleviate a lot of frustration for many users and facilitate modeling efficiency.
My contention is that it needs to be far more flexible/configurable, with hooks in the API that will allow developers to do their thing.
So, trash the UI.
Use the Spreadsheet paradigm. The current fields/columns would would remain the same (and perhaps unconfigurable ?) so that templates and models from previous versions would remain in tact.The UI would be user modifiable. New Columns could be added which could be assigned properties which could be sorted alphabetically, numerically, etc., for instance: a project phase assignment and I suspect many other useful category designations needed for different disciplines.
Column order would be changed by merely dragging column headings with the mouse. They could be assigned a background color. Perhaps styles could be assigned to columns which could be toggled on or off for specific layer(s).
Layers could have sublayers ( a sublayer "level" would be assigned as a "child" column with the ability to control the indentation of each child column by allowing the user to drag the sublayer column borders sideways).
Layers could be put into groups (for 4-d construction phasing, progressive disclosures, project phasing, assigning the background color of layers in the Layer Manager. Layer Groups could be used to override certain properties of the layers contained within them. Layer Groups (and layers) could be manually reordered by dragging the layer vertically
Layers could be locked.
There would be a SOLO MODE for layers. When toggled on to Solo Mode, all other layers would be temporarily hidden. This would facilitate editing of complex models and quickly verifying that geometry has been assigned to the proper layer.
I guess you could consider this suggestion to be a Data and Geometry Management system with a Layer Manager contained within in it.
MULTIPLE VIEWPORTS -(extra window that can be turned on and off)...I wished this in every release despite many people not convinced about it. But there is no reason every professional 3d software keep it without its good use! Its always good to see your meshes in different angle while you edit...
I'd like LO tools to behave like SU tools and to have drafting tools in LO that are missing like fillet, trim and extend.
I'd also simply LOVE to be able to control SU's linestyles.
Finally I'd like to have flawless DWG in/out from Sketchup and Layout:
1 - Layers:
- SU would import each layer into a group with all objects in Layer0 and the layer applied to groups;
- A material would be created for each layer with the corresponding color of the layer and applied to the group;
- LO would export every SU line in it's corresponding layer besides exporting the LO layers.
- SU layers would go to model space, LO layers would go to paperspace.
- Section cut profiles would export in it's own layer from LO as they do in SU.
2 - Texts:
- Would import into Sketchup flawlessly;
- It would be cool if the point of insertion would be kept and we could pick it (I'm thinking on topo drawings which have texts to mark heights)
- Import into LO.
3 - Dimensions:
- Would import into SU;
- Into LO too.
4 - Hatches:
- Would be imported into SU and converted into grouped faces with hidden lines and each hatch would have a corresponding material with or without texture, named after the name of the hatch pattern.
- Into LO the same thing could happen.
- Export
5 - Leaders:
- Would be converted to SU or LO leaders;