Plugin menu missing in Make 2016
@nickallen said:
Thanks Guys.
My mistake Rich, Extensions not Plugins. Not used to 2016 I'm afraid.
Rich wasn't involved. did you mean Dave?
@nickallen said:
However, JuJu if I go to 'view>toolbars and check/uncheck extensions/plugins' there is no option for either Extensions or Plugins.
You misunderstood JuJu. He was telling you to select the extensions whose toolbars you want to show. That assumes you've actually installed extensions that have toolbars.
@nickallen said:
So, still no way of accessing Extensions. Incidently I have colleagues who have an 'Extensions' menu in Make16.
What extensions have you installed and exactly how did you install them?
@nickallen said:
Complete mystery. Might need to stick with Pro 14.
I suppose you could but it is possible to get the Extensions menu to show up IF you've installed any that should show in that menu. You also need to make sure the extensions are enabled under Preferences>Extensions.
Good morning.
Right. Sorry Dave for calling you Rich. Don't know why. Friday wind down maybe.
Everything is checked and Extensions should be on the menu bar. It isnt. The extension I am trying to load is our own. Quarter1. I'm loading it via extensions in preferences in the usual way to load an .rbz. This extension works fine in every version of Sketchup from 13 onward. Only problems seems to be in Make. Extension is definitely there but cannot be accessed.
I guess its possible that there is something in our code which is conflicting with Make. You might be right that the extensions menu is not appearing because there is no Extension that requires it (apart from ours that is). I have soap bubble loaded and a few other things but they have there own tool bars so don't need the extensions pull down. Can you suggest an extension that works through the menu bar and I will load it and test the theory?
There are quite a number of extensions that you could load that should make the Extensions menu appear. One off the top of my head is TIG's PurgeAll from the SCF Plugin store. Besides, it's a useful one to have.
You should look at your loader .rb file and make sure it specifies that it should show in 'Extensions' instead of 'Plugins'.
Out of curiosity, what does your extension do?
@dave r said:
Out of curiosity, what does your extension do?
Not much at the moment, by the sound of it!
That helps. The Extensions menu now appears with Purge All installed..
Quarter1 still appears in the Plugins Manager so I'm guessing it is either loading in the wrong place or there is some reference to Plugins menu in the code which is messing things up.
Thanks. Q1. is a space planning viability tool for BIM. Its in Beta at the moment.
I expect the loader rb file needs
require 'extensions.rb'
It probably needs other code, too. One of the ruby gurus should have a look. You should post in the developers forum.
Thank you Dave. The plugin is actually in the right folder in roaming. Next to PurgeAll in fact. As you suggest, I will speak to our developer and post on that forum.
I can send you an .rbz of Q1 if your interested in looking at it.
Although SketchUp is installing it in the correct folder, without the right code in the top .rb file, it won't show in the menu.
You could send me the RBZ by private message if you like.
If you PM me the RBZ I'll also scrutinize it...
Incidentally, do you have your Preferences > Extensions Loading Policy set to 'Unrestricted'...