[Plugin Beta] Animator - v4.3d - 17 Mar 25
It was only when I tried opening Rich's in a new tab that it took 30 seconds to fail. When I clicked on the gif (without opening a new tab), it threw the error immediately - and still does with the smaller file.
Not to worry... pretty sure the problem is with my browser
Per latest Beta release:
Cameras: Still views, Scene views, Tracking camera, all with "fade-out"
Q: Is the "fade out" camera related or content related? (Please indulge me as I am not well versed)
That said......and to attempt to further clarify.....what would "fade out".......items/content camera is "on" or would camera "fade out" or "close" focus in some way.
Again, many thanks for this awesome plug-in.
Best regards,
Charlie -
What a strange machine (a microscope?). I guess you have plenty of movements to demonstrate!
A lemon curd tartlet machine!
It's a part of a sample handler for X-Ray analysis ( Copper industry, not lemon-cake...
Hi Fredo,
Hereby, some small items I noticed using Animator V1.6a.
( written in French)Pierre
Thanks for signaling these problems. I already fixed them and will re-publish soon.
Note that for time or duration setting, you should just enter the value, not keep the 's' for second .
Hello Fredo
Question: is it possible to insert a dummy sequence in time line that shifts all the following step ?
This could be usefull when some not shown process is working.Friendly
The animation made me understand the XRay Analyzer. And Pilou was wrong, not to do with pastry!
I'll do the dummy sequence. I was thinking of it anyway, at least for forcing an adjustable quiet period at the beginning or the end of the clip.
I was not too far away!
Hi Fredo,
Is there a way to resize the controls? Using a Macbook Pro Retina, the controls are tiny and hard to read. Probably something to do with the screen resolution...
New Release: Animator - v1.7a - 09 Jul 17
Requirement: LibFredo6 v7.7a
Major release
- bug fixing and cosmetic changes
- introduction of Visual Target, which is a visual effect forcing the camera to point to a given point in the model (possibly moving)
- Support of high-resolution screens
See main post for RBZ files
"Fog" doesn't change smoothly between cameras, like "shadows" and "field of view" does. It just jumps to next style's value.
"date" for shadows. If I have to cameras based on sceens with two different dates (june and october), it causes jumping creasy shadows. not often people would use that but that little thing to fix.
As well when adding camera based on sceen, using styles, layers visibility and shadows connected to camera could be by default turned on (seems good to me).
When using camera captured from current view, options for using shadows, layers and styles attached to camera are not greyed out.. Is it becuse you can attach them? When I clicked shadows on, than it stopped the animation at the end of duration of previous camera.. so seems like it lucked of informations.. OOKK that was becouse I didn't turn on shadows on when capturing the camera.. When I chose the camera and recaptured with new shadows it worked.. though would be good it there was something in memory even if I don't turned it on..
There is nice smoothing of the path between the possitions of ongoing cameras. So the path of camera is a nice curve. (with bezzier) But speed is stil interpolated only between two consecutive cameras so there is no smooth change of sppeed in the point of camera's placement.. this one could be "eased" too... I was hoping for that ..
To Fredo6 - Just very curious.. Are you a man or an institution.. Somehow can not fit it in my small head that someone having regular job, does all that work with plugins for free as a hobby in free time.. It seems not an easy thing to write it and you do a LOT..
Big thanks... for all..
@tomaszdrgas said:
To Fredo6 - Just very curious.. Are you a man or an institution.. Somehow can not fit it in my small head that someone having regular job, does all that work with plugins for free as a hobby in free time.. It seems not an easy thing to write it and you do a LOT..
Big thanks... for all..
I am alone, and does not even have lot of free time. So progress is slow!..., considering I wrote my plugins over 10 years now.
@tomaszdrgas said:
"Fog" doesn't change smoothly between cameras, like "shadows" and "field of view" does. It just jumps to next style's value.
Fog is not supported (yet) in Animator. So it does not do any interpolation
@tomaszdrgas said:
"date" for shadows. If I have to cameras based on sceens with two different dates (june and october), it causes jumping creasy shadows. not often people would use that but that little thing to fix.
Animator interpolates between the two dates. So, between June and October, you'll get many nights and days! What I think should be a nice add-on is to keep the day-time of the first day specified, and shows how the shadow becomes on the other days. I'll introduce this in a next version.
@tomaszdrgas said:
As well when adding camera based on sceen, using styles, layers visibility and shadows connected to camera could be by default turned on (seems good to me).
When using camera captured from current view, options for using shadows, layers and styles attached to camera are not greyed out.. Is it becuse you can attach them? When I clicked shadows on, than it stopped the animation at the end of duration of previous camera.. so seems like it lucked of informations.. OOKK that was becouse I didn't turn on shadows on when capturing the camera.. When I chose the camera and recaptured with new shadows it worked.. though would be good it there was something in memory even if I don't turned it on..Views (and Scene) sequencesare always captured with all style elements. However, the style can be enabled or disabled for the elementsin the timeline. I could not make my mind about the default (currrently style is Off). I guess some users would use views just for the camera positioning and treat styles independently, via visual effects.
@tomaszdrgas said:
There is nice smoothing of the path between the possitions of ongoing cameras. So the path of camera is a nice curve. (with bezzier) But speed is stil interpolated only between two consecutive cameras so there is no smooth change of sppeed in the point of camera's placement.. this one could be "eased" too... I was hoping for that ..
I plan to introduce a Travelling camera, where there is a control over the speed of camera (constant or eased or dependent on curvature of the path).
So I opened the same file today and animation again stopped on the end of duration of sceen camera before the "capture view" camera with attached shadow.. I thought maybe I haven't saved something yesterday. So I recaptured the view with changed shadow, saved inside animator and after going out of it.. Don't remember on which save I had notification " C file 5 exception ...bla bla bla" These are only worlds I remember. I didn't knew whats that about.. sKetchup was still working all looked fine..
I opened new file to again reopen my test animation and then I found test.skp is gone.. I saved twice so I could just use skb without problems but that was strange.. And happened second time this week just before I didn't connect it with another test file missing.. I'll show you the message if it happens again.. -
There is a small bug in the interpolation of shadows. Something weird, since apparently a shadow may not have a time defined (
is nil).
I fixed it and will republished.I doubt however that this can provoke a "C File5 exception", but it creates a problem in the animation of view.
Also, Animator just saves the animation data in the model, but cannot erase the skp file itself.
PS: I noticed that you also lost the spinning of the wheels. I re-established it in the attached skp.