[Plugin Beta] Animator - v4.2a - 28 Feb 25
Just to be clear, do you have the errors and freeze when you just generate the video without rendering?
Or does it happen only when you render with Thea?
@fredo6 said:
Just to be clear, do you have the errors and freeze when you just generate the video without rendering?
Or does it happen only when you render with Thea?
Sorry, should have been more clear. The Script Error popup that shows up for the first and last 10-ish frames happens both with and without Thea. Randomly freezing or repeatedly doing the same frame happens with Thea rendering turned on.
My Thea render settings are all the default settings, except with Min Time Limit set to 1 minute instead of 2.
Currently i have to start rendering through Animator's interface (I believe Animator then calls Thea). I have tried starting the animation through Thea instead, which doesnt cause any freezing nor has any issues with the first/last frames (at least, it hasnt happened to me yet), but the animation is entirely unpredictable. For example, in the animation for Trinity (posted in the Gallery thread), clearly no objects intersect another (it's been 3D printed as an actual figure), but if I start rendering through Thea, Trinity's legs end up stuck halfway in its own body. The animation should start with a part being detached moving away from the rest of the model; that doesnt happen if I start rendering from Thea. I cant say for sure what does happen, because its slightly different each time i run it from Thea.
Edit: Frames of Trinity attached. One is straight from Animator, frame 24. The other two are render with Thea, when the animation was started from Thea, for Frames 0 and 24. Frame 0 looks correct, Frame 24 doesn't match Animator's output, nor does it correspond to any part of the animation at all.
Difficult to tell what is going on. It may be related to the fact that you run a trial version of Thea.
But anyway, if it freezes with no rendering, there must be a problem somewhere.The best is to send me the model so that I have a look.
@fredo6 said:
Difficult to tell what is going on. It may be related to the fact that you run a trial version of Thea.
But anyway, if it freezes with no rendering, there must be a problem somewhere.The best is to send me the model so that I have a look.
Hmm, I've run the animation again, and so far I haven't been able to recreate the issue of parts moving incorrectly. In the meantime, I did change from 1.3b to 1.4c, so I'm not sure if that had anything to do with it.
That said, the freezing and Script Popup issues are reliably happening with many models, not just Trinity, so I'm confident it's not isolated to Trinity's animator file nor model file.
*Note: Video is unlisted, and not linked to from pages related to Trinity. Thea's trial version is used solely to beta test Animator.
I managed to get a computer to process part of Trinity's animation with Thea Rendering (392 out of 1000 frames), with freezing occurring roughly once every 40 frames or so. At Frame 392, it finished the frame, then Sketchup became "Not Responding". I left it in Not Responding state for 30 min, but then force closed Sketchup. The video above is the result of those 392 frames hastily thrown into Movie Maker. To be clear, these frames were made using Animator to call Thea.
So far, all I can conclude is that, on my end at least:
Animator calling Thea -> Renders animation correctly, but Script Error popup and freezing abound.
Thea calling Animator -> Renders animation weirdly (but sometimes correctly), no Script Error popup nor freezing.Thea's trial version doesn't seem to be a problem as far as I can see; it generated the images just fine whenever Animator called it. It seems to me that whenever it freezes and Animator shows "Rendering Frame 390..." without showing a time in seconds, that Thea just hasn't been told it needs to render anything. Equivalently when it repeatedly generates the same frame, Animator shows "Rendering Frame 390...62.0s", then shows "Rendering Frame 390..." (at which point it does nothing until I click Interrupt then Cancel), then shows "Rendering Frame 390...0.0s". My guess is that Animator has not iterated to the next frame, so after I click Cancel, it calls Thea to render the frame it's on, completely unaware it's rendering a frame it already did.**
**Obviously I have no idea how Animator is coded behind the scenes, this is just my guess based on the behaviour so far. Out of curiosity, does Animator operate at all similarly to [Calculate Movement(s) For Frame -> Call Thea ----Thea responds Frame is complete---> Iterate to Next Frame -> Calculate Movement(s) for Frame ->...], in terms of a very abstract flowchart? Because its behaviour seems to indicate that when Thea responds, it sometimes fails to iterate to the next frame, or fails to call Thea afterwards. /If i'm completely off then just ignore my random guessing/Tested on [Windows 8, SU8Free] along with [Windows 10, SU8Free]. Video above generated with [Windows 10, SU8Free].
Actually, Animator waits for Thea to finish to go to the next frame. So the freezing is likely to be related to Thea not answering it is finished (or not finishing).
By the way, you can also follow the process by opening the Thea rendering window, because the status of rendering is also displayed (time, frame and completion).
Also, it may depend on the rendering mode you choose. In any case make sure that the Interactivecheckbox is off (for instance with IR Presto). Low samples/px (like 15-30) is also advised.I also suggest you keep the Ruby Console opened to see if there is any error.
What was puzzling me is whether you get freezing when you generate a video WITHOUT rendering.So thanks to confirm.
Finally be aware that with Thea trial version, there may be a small problem. Because the resolution is limited, Thea may have to redimension the images and, bad luck, end up with odd resolution in X or Y. Unfortunately, there is a bug in FFmpeg, which prevents it to generate MP4 from images with odd dimensions. So I strongly advise that you do a "Preview video" at the beginning of the generation to see if everything is fine (otherwise, you would wait for long and for nothing and get frustrated).
@fredo6 said:
Actually, Animator waits for Thea to finish to go to the next frame. So the freezing is likely to be related to Thea not answering it is finished (or not finishing).
By the way, you can also follow the process by opening the Thea rendering window, because the status of rendering is also displayed (time, frame and completion).
Also, it may depend on the rendering mode you choose. In any case make sure that the Interactivecheckbox is off (for instance with IR Presto). Low samples/px (like 15-30) is also advised.I also suggest you keep the Ruby Console opened to see if there is any error.
What was puzzling me is whether you get freezing when you generate a video WITHOUT rendering.So thanks to confirm.
Finally be aware that with Thea trial version, there may be a small problem. Because the resolution is limited, Thea may have to redimension the images and, bad luck, end up with odd resolution in X or Y. Unfortunately, there is a bug in FFmpeg, which prevents it to generate MP4 from images with odd dimensions. So I strongly advise that you do a "Preview video" at the beginning of the generation to see if everything is fine (otherwise, you would wait for long and for nothing and get frustrated).
Thanks for the tips Fredo, I hadn't remembered to pull up Ruby Console so that's definitely very useful.
As we suspected, Animator is not currently receiving responses from Thea correctly. Above screenshot is the result of Animator freezing after Frame 2 ("Rendering Frame 2...62.0s", then "Rendering Frame 2..."), at which point I clicked Interrupt then Cancel. Can confirm Thea started on Frame 2 again, but Animator believes it's on Frame 3. I am receiving a Duration value in Ruby, but I have no idea if that duration is calculated by Thea or by Animator.
Note: The reason Sketchup and Animator are 0.5s out of sync in the image is because of Snipping Tool freezing the screen output, so I think that's just event handling and the scheduler updating different programs at different times.
/as always...my guess could be wrong/
EDIT: I've hit Interrupt and Cancel again, it's done the same thing: Rendering Frame 2 in Thea, Animator shows Frame 3. Thrice in a row this has happened, so it's reliable at least.
EDIT: Oh, completely forgot to mention, I didnt' realise Thea's default was 512 samples/px in earlier testing; the above test was set with 15 samples/px, so far I have not gotten Script Error popups. That said, it's stuck on very early frames, so I'm not celebrating just yet. Also, I'm generating Image Sequence (FFmpeg isn't installed on the test computer), so I don't think resolution limits should be affecting it.
Can you at least confirm whether you get freezing situations when you do not use Thea.
For Thea, I'll have a look, but it may depend on the rendering mode you use. In past tests, I have noticed that 'unbiased' and 'adaptive' always had problem with the API of Thea (on top of being slow), maybe because the calculation is progressive. So the Thea API may miss the signal for termination.
In general, for an animation, IR Presto is good enough.
@fredo6 said:
Can you at least confirm whether you get freezing situations when you do not use Thea.
For Thea, I'll have a look, but it may depend on the rendering mode you use. In past tests, I have noticed that 'unbiased' and 'adaptive' always had problem with the API of Thea (on top of being slow), maybe because the calculation is progressive. So the Thea API may miss the signal for termination.
In general, for an animation, IR Presto is good enough.
Confirm: No Freezing with Natural Rendering.
Restarted Trinity's animation with Natural Rendering on two machines again to confirm; both animations were successful with no freezing, no frames repeated. Script Errors happened on both machines for Frames 1-10 on both; one machine also had Script Errors for the last 3 Frames, the other had them for the last 10 Frames.
You're right on the rendering mode, I had left it Unbiased which definitely added to the rendering time, IR Presto - AO with Interactive unchecked works fine. Tested Thea rendering with IR Presto, using a different model to make sure Trinity wasn't the issue, appears to me Thea has finished a render, Animator and Sketchup move the the next frame, the Thea doesn't start. This is after I get a Script Error.
Anyway, I'll keep testing on my end. Sorry to keep pointing out problems, hope it'll all work soon.
@treadshot a1 said:
Restarted Trinity's animation with Natural Rendering on two machines again to confirm; both animations were successful with no freezing, no frames repeated. Script Errors happened on both machines for Frames 1-10 on both; one machine also had Script Errors for the last 3 Frames, the other had them for the last 10 Frames.
Could you tell me which Script Errors you get in Natural rendering.
@fredo6 said:
@treadshot a1 said:
Restarted Trinity's animation with Natural Rendering on two machines again to confirm; both animations were successful with no freezing, no frames repeated. Script Errors happened on both machines for Frames 1-10 on both; one machine also had Script Errors for the last 3 Frames, the other had them for the last 10 Frames.
Could you tell me which Script Errors you get in Natural rendering.
Consistently get "Invalid Argument" Script Errors. Not sure what that means though.
Which version of Windows do you have?
@fredo6 said:
Which version of Windows do you have?
Happens on both Windows 8 and Windows 10. Internet Explorer is up to date, Ive unchecked the 'Display a notification about every script error' box in settings, and checked both 'Disable Script Debugging (Internet Explorer)' and 'Disable Script Debugging (Others)'.
Hello sorry with my English, I will try to make a question regarding this post. I have also freezing screen, when I launch "Generate video for the film".
I have Windows 10 and sketchup 2015 and 2016 and that is the same problem.
I have 2 computers laptop, and with same project and same configuration one works( Samsung ) and not the other ( Asus ).
I made the film on the Asus, and copy to the Samsung , the generate panel open immediately.
I tried to delete the Lib and the animator plugins and reinstall, and nothing happend.That is a problem, with the processor ? with the video program missing or something else ?
Thank you for your help.
Michel ( France )
Could you open the Ruby console and check if there are errors.
Also can you be more precise on the 'freezing'
- is this with Natural rendering (i.e. no rendering) ?
- do you see some frames process before the freeze ?
Thank you for your quick answer.
I don't see any frame. I don't see the panel to manage the type of video or output to chose.
I have an error in the Ruby console. You are right !! I have SU Podium render on the computer where the problem is. And not on the other computer where all is working.
I didn't know that your Animator could be in accordance with a rendering program.
I thought it was only a simple rendering like the basic Sketchup rendering.What can I do to generate basic rendering ? And is it possible to have a SU Podium rendering ?
Here the Ruby console's error message :
ambient init nil nil
ambient init nil nil
Twilight declare nil
Error: #<NameError: undefined methodrendering_podium_frame' for class
c:/users/michel/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2016/sketchup/plugins/fredo6_!libfredo6/body_lib6videomanager.rbe:414:inmethod' c:/users/michel/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2016/sketchup/plugins/fredo6_!libfredo6/body_lib6videomanager.rbe:414:in
block in rendering_init'
c:/users/michel/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2016/sketchup/plugins/fredo6_!libfredo6/body_lib6videomanager.rbe:413:ineach' c:/users/michel/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2016/sketchup/plugins/fredo6_!libfredo6/body_lib6videomanager.rbe:413:in
c:/users/michel/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2016/sketchup/plugins/fredo6_animator/animatordialogvideogeneration.rbe:334:indialog_invoke' c:/users/michel/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2016/sketchup/plugins/fredo6_animator/animatortool.rbe:1820:in
c:/users/michel/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2016/sketchup/plugins/fredo6_animator/animatortool.rbe:1790:inmovie_clip_generation' c:/users/michel/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2016/sketchup/plugins/fredo6_animator/animatorpalette.rbe:771:in
block in palette_clip_name_duration_video'
c:/users/michel/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2016/sketchup/plugins/fredo6_!libfredo6/body_lib6palette.rbe:3407:incall' c:/users/michel/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2016/sketchup/plugins/fredo6_!libfredo6/body_lib6palette.rbe:3407:in
c:/users/michel/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2016/sketchup/plugins/fredo6_!libfredo6/body_lib6palette.rbe:3212:inonLButtonUp' c:/users/michel/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2016/sketchup/plugins/fredo6_!libfredo6/lib6palette.rbe:93:in
c:/users/michel/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2016/sketchup/plugins/fredo6_animator/animatortool.rbe:1159:in `onLButtonUp' -
@mike_fr60 said:
You are right !! I have SU Podium render on the computer where the problem is. And not on the other computer where all is working.
My fault! Animator detects Podium, but does not check whether animated rendering is supported.
I'll fix that in a next version.Fredo
New Release: Animator - v1.5a - 12 Dec 17
Requirement: LibFredo6 v7.5a
**Maintenance release
- bug fixing and cosmetic changes
- introduction of Trajectory Visual effect (see video)**
See main post for RBZ files
OK - Fredo, there is now another product for you to connect with. I do not know if you have seen the thread about Enscape but the product looks amazing and would really be awesome combined with Animator.
Well, I finally updated to Animator's newest version (thanks to the old version reminding me it was expired). I had a working animation before, but I can't access it now because v1.5a doesn't open. The Video Player and Clip Editor don't seem to load(?); at least, it never gets to showing the UI. Animator 1.5a is running with LibFredo 7.5b, SU8Free.
Ruby console output is attached; first section is what happens when I open a model, and try to open clip editor without doing anything else. The model_name.skp and model_name.animator files were functional in v1.4. Second section is trying to open clip editor again, since the first time didn't result in anything showing up on screen. The "(eval):249" line at the end seems to be consistently where it stops when clip editor is opened, except for not reaching that line the first time it's opened after opening the model.
*I have no idea what the TrajectoryManager it asks for is; is it something I need to install separately?
New Release: Animator - v1.5b - 15 Mar 17
Requirement: LibFredo6 v7.5a
Maintenance release
- bug fixing for SU8 and SU2013, as reported by Treadshot A1
See main post for RBZ files